Dictionary English German: Berg Ulme

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NOUN   die Berg-Ulme | die Berg-Ulmen
SEE ALSO  bergulme
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Partial Matches
hist. Grand Duchy of BergGroßherzogtum {n} Berg
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berg [S.Afr.]Berg {m}
geogr. hist. Province of Jülich-Cleves-BergProvinz Jülich-Kleve-Berg {f}
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Ulme {f}
constr. furn. elm [elmwood]Ulme {f} [Holz]
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mountainBerg {m}
geogr. Berg BayBerg Bay {f}
mountain {adj} [attr.]Berg-
geogr. mount <Mt.>Berg {m}
mineral. berg crystalBergkristall {m}
mineral. berg-crystalBergkristall {m}
berg [iceberg]Eisberg {m}
geogr. naut. upstream {adv}zu Berg
hill(kleiner) Berg {m}
heapBerg {m} [große Menge]
pileBerg {m} [große Menge]
Mount OlympusBerg {m} Olymp
ben [Scot.]hoher Berg {m}
high mountainhoher Berg {m}
bare mountainkahler Berg {m}
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