Dictionary English German: Bach Windröschen

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NOUN   das Bach-Windröschen | die Bach-Windröschen
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Partial Matches
mus. This is quintessentially Bach.Das ist Bach reinsten Wassers. [fig.]
audio mus. recording of Bach's complete organ worksGesamteinspielung {f} der bachschen / Bach'schen Orgelwerke
mus. Bach motetBach-Motette {f} [auch: Bachmotette]
mus. piece by BachStück {n} von Bach
audio mus. recording of the complete organ works of BachGesamteinspielung {f} der bachschen / Bach'schen Orgelwerke
mus. Bach choraleBach-Choral {m}
mus. Bach SocietyBach-Gesellschaft {f}
mus. [catalogue of J.S. Bach's works]Bach-Compendium {n} <BC>
pharm. rescue drops according to Dr. BachNotfalltropfen {pl} nach Dr. Bach
lit. math. F Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid [Douglas Hofstadter]Gödel, Escher, Bachein Endloses Geflochtenes Band
mus. BACH motif [succession of notes in German musical nomenclature forming Johann Sebastian Bach's family name](Motiv) B-A-C-H {n} [Tonfolge, die den Familiennamen Johann Sebastian Bachs umsetzt]
hist. mus. Bach-Abel ConcertsBach-Abel-Konzerte {pl}
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geogr. hydro. brookBach {m}
hydro. ditchBach {m}
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hydro. beck [N. Engl.]Bach {m}
hydro. rivulet [literary]Bach {m}
geogr. hydro. runnel [brook]Bach {m}
med. Bach flowersBachblüten {pl}
mus. Bach festivalBachfest {n}
archi. bach [NZ]Ferienhaus {n}
bach [bachelor]Junggeselle {m}
archi. bach [NZ]Wochenendhaus {n}
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