Dictionary English German: BK

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SYNO   Bk | atomic number 97 | berkelium
chem. berkelium <Bk>Berkelium {n} <Bk>
econ. ind. operating expense {sg} <Opex, OPEX>Betriebskosten {pl} <BK>
econ. ind. operational expenditure {sg} <Opex, OPEX>Betriebskosten {pl} <BK>
econ. ind. operational expense {sg} <Opex, OPEX>Betriebskosten {pl} <BK>
aviat. mil. weapons aircraft cannonBordkanone {f} <BK> [Flugzeug]
mil. weapons main gunBordkanone {f} <BK> [Panzer]
pol. Federal Chancellery <FCh> [Switzerland]Bundeskanzlei {f} <BK> [Schweiz]
pol. Federal ChancellorBundeskanzler {m} <BK>
pol. Federal Chancellor [female]Bundeskanzlerin {f} <BK>
med. below-knee amputation <BKA, BK amputation>Unterschenkelamputation {f} <USA, US-Amputation>
med. MedTech. below-knee prosthesis <BK prosthesis>Unterschenkelprothese {f} <US-Prothese>
2 Words
med. bacterial keratitis <BK>bakterielle Keratitis {f}
art educ. fine arts {pl} <FA>bildende Kunst {f} <BK> [auch Studiengangsbzeichnung]
med. bullous keratopathy <BK>bullöse Keratopathie {f} <BK>
chem. FoodInd. litholrubine BK [C18H12CaN2O6S] [E-180]Litholrubin BK {n}
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