Dictionary English German: Börse

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NOUN   die Börse | die Börsen
SYNO   Börse | Handelsplatz ... 
stocks exchange
Börse {f}
stocks bourse [stock market in non-English-speaking countries, esp. France]
Börse {f}
purse [small pouch for carrying money]
Börse {f} [Geldbeutel]
stocks change
Börse {f}
stocks securities exchangeBörse {f}
fin. stocks stock exchangeBörse {f}
fin. stocks stock marketBörse {f}
comm. stocks trading floorBörse {f} [Raum, Parkett]
stocks share marketBörse {f} [ugs.]
2 Words: Nouns
stocks most significant stock exchangebedeutendste Börse {f}
fin. stocks Budapest Stock ExchangeBudapester Börse {f}
comm. mus. CD fairCD-Börse {f} [Markt, Messe]
fin. stocks strong marketfeste Börse {f}
stocks London Stock Exchange <LSE>Londoner Börse {f}
stocks Oslo Stock Exchange <OSE>Osloer Börse {f}
fin. stocks Prague Stock ExchangePrager Börse {f}
3 Words: Others
stocks at the stock exchange {adv}an der Börse
stocks on the stock exchange {adv}an der Börse
stocks outside the stock exchangeaußerhalb der Börse
stocks via the stock exchange {adv}über die Börse
3 Words: Verbs
stocks to notify the stock exchangeder Börse anzeigen
to snatch the pursedie Börse wegschnappen
3 Words: Nouns
stocks bourseBörse {f} in Europa
stocks management of the stock exchangeGeschäftsleitung {f} der Börse
travel International Tourism Fair [in Berlin]Internationale Tourismus Börse {f} <ITB>
stocks insider [Am.]Mitglied {n} der Börse
stocks member of the stock exchangeMitglied {n} der Börse
stocks New York Stock Exchange <NYSE>New Yorker Börse {f}
stocks stock exchange reactionReaktion {f} der Börse
fin. stocks Vienna Stock ExchangeWiener Börse {f} (AG)
stocks admission to the stock exchangeZulassung {f} zur Börse
4 Words: Others
stocks quoted {adj} {past-p}an der Börse geführt
stocks traded on the stock exchange {adj} {past-p} [postpos.]an der Börse gehandelt
stocks quotable {adj}an der Börse notierbar
stocks noted {adj}an der Börse notiert
stocks listed on the stock exchange {adj} {past-p} [postpos.]an der Börse notiert
stocks quoted on the stock exchange {adj} [postpos.]an der Börse notiert
stocks listed {adj} {past-p}an der Börse zugelassen
stocks admitted to dealings {adj}für die Börse zugelassen
stocks admitted to the list {adj} [postpos.]für die Börse zugelassen
fin. stocks interbourse {adj}von Börse zu Börse
4 Words: Verbs
stocks to deal on the Stock Exchangean der Börse handeln
comm. stocks to trade on the stock marketan der Börse handeln
fin. stocks to play the stock marketan der Börse spekulieren
stocks to operate on the stock exchangean der Börse spekulieren
stocks to speculate on the stock marketan der Börse spekulieren
stocks to listan der Börse zulassen
fin. stocks to go public [stock market]an die Börse gehen
stocks to float sth. on the stock market [company]etw.Akk. an die Börse bringen [Unternehmen]
econ. fin. to go private [company]von der Börse nehmen
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