Dictionary English German: Auto

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NOUN   an auto | autos
SYNO   auto | automobile | car | machine ... 
NOUN   das Auto | die Autos
SYNO   auto... | selbst... | [altes] Auto ... 
psych. auto-aggressive {adj}autoaggressiv
auto-centered {adj} {past-p} [Am.]autozentriert
auto-centred {adj} {past-p} [Br.]autozentriert
comp. auto-discriminative {adj}selbsterkennend
automot. car
Auto {n}
automot. automobile [esp. Am.]
Auto {n}
automot. auto [Am.] [coll.] [automobile]
Auto {n}
automot. motor [Br.] [coll.] [car]
Auto {n}
automot. auto [Am.] [coll.] [automobile]
Personenwagen {m}
automot. motorcar [Br.]
Auto {n}
automot. auto [Am.] [coll.] [automobile]
Personenkraftwagen {m} <PKW, Pkw>
auto-answer modeAnrufbeantwortungsmodus {m}
automot. auto exhaust {sg}Auspuffgase {pl}
ecol. auto fumes [Am.]Auspuffgase {pl}
psych. auto aggressionAutoaggression {f}
automot. auto detailingAutoaufbereitung {f}
auto-biographyAutobiografie {f}
econ. ind. auto industryAutobranche {f}
hist. relig. auto-da-féAutodafé {n}
auto theft [Am.]Autodiebstahl {m}
auto-eroticismAutoerotik {f}
naut. auto ferry [Am.]Autofähre {f}
comm. jobs auto dealerAutohändler {m}
automot. comm. jobs auto dealer [female]Autohändlerin {f}
automot. ind. auto makerAutohersteller {m}
automot. ind. auto makersAutohersteller {pl}
med. auto-immune diseaseAutoimmunerkrankung {f}
med. auto-immune diseaseAutoimmunkrankheit {f}
automot. comm. auto importsAutoimporte {pl}
comm. auto importer [Am.]Autoimporteur {m}
automot. ind. auto industryAutoindustrie {f}
med. MedTech. auto-injectorAutoinjektor {m}
photo. auto iris [also: autoiris]Autoiris {f} [automatische Blendeneinstellung / Blendensteuerung]
comp. auto clickerAutoklicker {m}
comp. auto-correctionAutokorrektur {f}
fin. auto lending [Am.]Autokredit {m}
auto paintAutolack {m}
jobs auto painter [Am.]Autolackierer {m}
automot. auto body shop [paint works]Autolackiererei {f}
jobs auto painter [Am.] [female]Autolackiererin {f}
automot. auto braAutomaske {f} [Steinschlagschutzmaske]
automot. jobs auto mechanicAutomechaniker {m}
automot. jobs auto mechanic [female]Automechanikerin {f}
automot. ind. jobs auto workerAutomobilarbeiter {m}
automot. ind. jobs auto worker [female]Automobilarbeiterin {f}
automot. ind. auto manufacturer [Am.]Automobilhersteller {m}
automot. ind. auto industry [esp. Am.] [coll.]Automobilindustrie {f}
automot. auto clubAutomobilklub {m}
sports auto racingAutomobilsport {m}
automot. tech. auto repair shop [esp. Am.]Automobilwerkstatt {f}
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