Dictionary English German: Arab

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NOUN   an Arab | Arabs
SYNO   Arab | Arabian
Arabic {adj}
arabisch <arab.>
Arab {adj}
Arabian {adj}
arabisch <arab.>
ethn. Arab
Araber {m}
ethn. Arab [female]Araberin {f}
2 Words: Others
pol. sociol. anti-Arab {adj}antiarabisch
Arab-populated {adj}arabisch bevölkert
Indo-Arab {adj}indo-arabisch
non-Arab {adj}nichtarabisch
pol. pan-Arab {adj}panarabisch
2 Words: Nouns
equest. Arab (horse)Araber {m} [Pferderasse]
ethn. Arab childarabisches Kind {n}
pol. Arab countriesarabische Staaten {pl}
geogr. Arab countryarabisches Land {n}
gastr. Arab cuisinearabische Küche {f}
pol. Arab LeagueArabische Liga {f}
pol. Arab nationalismarabischer Nationalismus {m}
hist. pol. sociol. Arab SpringArabischer Frühling {m}
equest. Arab stallionAraberhengst {m}
pol. Arab Summitarabisches Gipfeltreffen {n}
geogr. pol. Arab worldarabische Welt {f}
ethn. Arab-AmericansAmerikaner {pl} arabischer Herkunft
street arab [Br.] [archaic]Gassenjunge {m}
street arab [Br.] [archaic]Gassenkind {n}
street arab [Br.] [archaic]Straßenkind {n}
street arab [female] [Br.] [archaic]Gassenmädchen {n}
3 Words: Others
of Arab origin {adj} [postpos.]arabischstämmig
3 Words: Nouns
mil. pol. Arab-Israeli conflictarabisch-israelischer Konflikt {m}
mil. pol. Arab-Israeli disputearabisch-israelischer Konflikt {m}
hist. pol. Libyan Arab Jamahiriya <.ly> [1977-2011]Libysch-Arabische Dschamahirija {f}
hist. Philip the Arab [Roman emperor]Philippus Arabs {m}
geogr. Shatt al-ArabSchatt al-Arab {m}
mil. pol. Syrian Arab Army <SAA>Syrisch-Arabische Armee {f} <SAA>
pol. Syrian Arab Republic <.sy>Syrische Arabische Republik {f}
geogr. pol. United Arab Emirates <UAE> <.ae>Vereinigte Arabische Emirate {pl} <VAE>
hist. United Arab Republic <UAR>Vereinigte Arabische Republik {f} <VAR>
4 Words: Others
geogr. in the Arab region {adv}im arabischen Raum
geogr. in the Arab world {adv}in der arabischen Welt
4 Words: Nouns
geogr. hist. Arab Kingdom of Syria [1920]Arabisches Königreich {n} Syrien
pol. Arab Republic of EgyptArabische Republik {f} Ägypten
hist. pol. Arab revolt in Palestine [1936-39]Arabischer Aufstand {m} [Palästina]
geogr. Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic <SADR>Arabische Saharauische Demokratische Republik {f} [Rsv. von DARS]
geogr. Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic <SADR>Demokratische Arabische Republik {f} Sahara <DARS>
hist. Third Arab-Israeli War [also: 1967 Arab-Israeli War] [Six-Day War]Sechstagekrieg {m}
5+ Words: Others
of the United Arab Emirates {adj}emiratisch
5+ Words: Nouns
pol. Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf [Gulf Cooperation Council] <CCASG>Kooperationsrat {m} der Arabischen Staaten des Golfes [Golf-Kooperationsrat]
pol. Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf <CCASG>Golfkooperationsrat {m}
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
equest. zool. T
entom. T
bot. T
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