Dictionary English German: Adonis

Translation 1 - 62 of 62


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NOUN1   Adonis [god] | -
NOUN2   an adonis [fig.] | adonises
SYNO   Adonis | genus Adonis
NOUN1   der Adonis [fig.] | die Adonisse
NOUN2   (der) Adonis [Gestalt der griech. Mythologie] | -
SYNO   Adonis | Beau | Dandy ... 
hunk [coll.]
Adonis1 {m} [fig.] [schöner und athletischer junger Mann]
myth. Adonis
Adonis2 {m}
adonis2 [fig. handsome young man]Adonis1 {m} [fig.] [schöner junger Mann]
bot. T
apollo [fig.] [young man of great physical beauty]Adonis1 {m} [fig.] [schöner junger Mann]
2 Words: Nouns
psych. Adonis complex [muscle dysmorphia]Adonis-Komplex {m}
3 Words: Nouns
Adonis-like bodyAdoniskörper {m} [fig.] [eines schönen jungen Mannes]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F Venus and Adonis [William Shakespeare]Venus und Adonis
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
entom. T
entom. T
entom. T
entom. T
fish T
fish T
fish T
bot. T
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