Dictionary English German: Achilles

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NOUN   Achilles | -
NOUN   (der) Achilles | -
myth. Achilles
Achill {m}
myth. AchillesAchilles {m}
myth. AchillesAchilleus {m}
myth. AchilleusAchilles {m}
2 Words
Achilles notch [V-shaped cutout]Achilles-Aussparung {f} [z. B. bei Joggingschuhen]
math. Achilles numberAchilles-Zahl {f}
anat. med. zool. Achilles tendon [Tendo calcaneus, Tendo calcanei, Tendo musculi tricipitis surae, Tendo Achillis]Achillessehne {f}
Achilles' heelAchillesferse {f}
Achilles' heelwunder Punkt {m} [fig.]
anat. Achilles' tendon [Tendo Achillis]Achillessehne {f}
3 Words
idiom sb./sth. is sb.'s Achilles' heeljd./etw. ist jds. Achillesferse
med. Achilles tendon avulsionEntenschnabelbruch {m}
med. Achilles tendon injuryAchillessehnenverletzung {f}
med. Achilles tendon reflexAchillessehnenreflex {m}
med. Achilles tendon ruptureAchillessehnenriss {m}
med. Achilles tendon rupture <ATR>Riss {m} der Achillessehne [Ruptur]
med. Achilles tendon rupture <ATR>Ruptur {f} der Achillessehne
med. Achilles' tendon ruptureAchillessehnenruptur {f}
med. Achilles' tendon tearAchillessehnenriss {m}
lit. myth. quote swift-footed Achilles [Homer]schnellfüßiger Achill {m}
lit. myth. quote swift-footed Achilles [Homer]schnellfüßiger Achilles {m}
lit. myth. quote swift-footed Achilles [Homer]schnellfüßiger Achilleus {m}
5+ Words
philos. paradox of Achilles and the tortoiseParadoxon {n} von Achilles und der Schildkröte
med. surgical shortening of the Achilles tendonoperative Achillessehnenverkürzung {f}
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
fish T
fish T
fish T
fish T
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