Dictionary English German: α

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SYNO   Alpha | α
hist. (the) Suda [Σοῦδα](die) Suda {f}
chem. acetolactone [also: α-acetolactone] [C2H2O2]Acetolacton {n} [auch: α-Acetolacton]
hist. spec. sports agonothete [ὰγωνοθέτης]Agonothet {m}
alpha <Α, α> [Greek letter]Alpha {n} <Α, α> [griechischer Buchstabe]
myth. Charon [Greek mythology: Χάρων]Charon {m}
ling. digamma [δίγαμμα] <Ϝ, ϝ> [archaic Greek letter]Digamma {n}
myth. Echidna [Ἔχιδνα]Echidna {f}
pharm. finasteride [C23H36N2O2] [5α-reductase inhibitor]Finasterid {n} [selektiver Inhibitor der Steroid-5α-Reduktase]
mineral. kamacite [α-(Fe,Ni)]Balkeneisen {n}
mineral. kamacite [α-(Fe,Ni)]Kamacit {n}
biochem. noscapine [also: narcotine] [C22H23NO7]Noscapin {n} [auch: Narcotin, α-Gnoscopin, Methoxyhydrastin]
relig. spec. parasynagogue [παρασυναγωγή]Parasynagoge {f} [selten]
biochem. truxilline [alpha-truxilline, beta-truxilline]Truxillin {n} [α-Truxillin, β-Truxillin]
2 Words: Others
quote Everything flows. [Πάντα ῥεῖ. (Panta rhei.)] [Simplicius; attributed to Heraclitus]Alles fließt. [Simplikios; Heraklit zugeschrieben]
quote Nothing overmuch. [μηδὲν ἄγαν] [reportedly inscribed on the temple at Delphi]Nichts im Übermaß. [überlieferte Inschrift am Tempel von Delphi]
comp. α-decidable {adj}α-entscheidbar
2 Words: Nouns
chem. 1-bromonaphthalene [also: α-bromonaphthalene] [C10H7Br]1-Bromnaphthalin {n} [auch: α-Bromnaphthalin]
biol. alpha cells [also: alpha-cells] <α-cells> [endocrine cells in the islets of Langerhans]A-Zellen {pl} [Zelltyp der Langerhans-Inseln]
astron. Alpha Centauri <α Centauri, α Cen>Alpha Centauri {m} <α Centauri, α Cen>
comp. alpha channelAlphakanal {m} <α-Kanal>
comp. alpha compositing <α-compositing, AC>Alpha-Compositing {n}
comp. math. alpha conversion <α-conversion>Alpha-Konversion {f} <α-Konversion>
phys. alpha decay <α decay>Alphazerfall {m} <α-Zerfall>
chem. alpha effect <α-effect>Alpha-Effekt {m} <α-Effekt>
anat. med. alpha efferents <α-efferents>Alpha-Efferenzen {pl} <α-Efferenzen>
comp. alpha equivalence <α-equivalence>Alpha-Äquivalenz {f} <α-Äquivalenz>
comp. alpha equivalence <α-equivalence>Alpha-Kongruenz {f} <α-Kongruenz>
stat. alpha error <α error> [type I error]Alpha-Fehler {m} <α-Fehler> [Fehler erster Art]
biochem. alpha helix <α-helix>Alpha-Helix {f} <α-Helix>
biol. alpha motoneuron <α-motor neuron>Alpha-Motoneuron {n} <α-Motoneuron>
phys. alpha particle <α particle>Alphateilchen {n} <α-Teilchen>
phys. alpha particle <α particle>Alpha-Teilchen {n} <α-Teilchen>
phys. alpha radiation <α radiation>Alphastrahlung {f} <α-Strahlung>
phys. alpha radiation <α radiation>Alpha-Strahlung {f} <α-Strahlung>
phys. alpha ray <α ray>Alphastrahl {m} <α-Strahl>
phys. alpha rays <α rays>Alphastrahlen {pl} <α-Strahlen>
phys. alpha rays <α rays>Alpha-Strahlen {pl} <α-Strahlen>
phys. alpha spectrum <α spectrum>Alphaspektrum {n} <α-Spektrum>
biochem. alpha turn <α-turn>Alpha-Schleife {f} <α-Schleife>
biochem. alpha-actinin <α-actinin>Alpha-Actinin {n} <α-Actinin>
biochem. alpha-actinin <α-actinin>Alpha-Aktinin {n} <α-Aktinin>
biochem. alpha-amylase <α-amylase>Alpha-Amylase {f} <α-Amylase>
biochem. alpha-dystrobrevin <α-dystrobrevin>Alpha-Dystrobrevin {n} <α-Dystrobrevin>
biochem. alpha-fetoprotein <α-fetoprotein / AFP>Alphafetoprotein {n} <α-Fetoprotein / AFP>
biochem. alpha-fetoprotein <α-fetoprotein / AFP>Alpha-Fetoprotein {n} <α-Fetoprotein / AFP>
biochem. alpha-oxidation <α-oxidation>Alpha-Oxidation {f} <α-Oxidation>
med. alpha-synucleinopathies <α-synucleinopathies>Alpha-Synucleinopathien {pl} <α-Synucleinopathien>
biochem. alpha-tubulin <α-tubulin>Alpha-Tubulin {n} <α-Tubulin>
stat. Cronbach's alpha <Cronbach's α>Cronbachs Alpha {n} <Cronbachs α>
acad. hist. name Pedanius Dioscorides [Πεδάνιος Διοσκουρίδης Pedánios Dioskurídēs]Pedanios Dioskurides {m} [Pedanius Dioscurides]
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