Dictionary English German: [works]

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English German
complete {adj} [complete works of ...]
sämtlich [sämtliche Werke von ...]
engine {adj} [attr.] [e.g. manufacturer, technology, works]Motoren- [z. B. Hersteller, Technologie, Werk]
mus. violin {adj} [attr.] [e.g. concerto, étude, method, sonata, works]Violin- [z. B. Konzert, Etüde, Schule, Sonate, Werke]
ind. smelter [smelting works]
Schmelzhütte {f}
mercenary [person who works solely for gain] [pej.]
Gewinnsüchtiger {m} [pej.]
econ. jobs contractor [of works, services]
Werkvertragsnehmer {m}
lit. mus. allusion [on historical events, literary texts or musical works]
Allusion {f} [geh.] [Anspielung]
lit. publ. publications [written works]
Schriften {pl}
film lit. schlockmeister [esp. Am.] [sl.] [author, film director, etc. who produces inferior works.]
Schundproduzent {m} [ugs.] [Autor, Regisseur usw.]
mus. [a standard reference to determine the chronology of J. S. Bach's vocal works composed in Leipzig produced by the musicologist Alfred Dürr (1976)]Chronologie {f} der Leipziger Vokalwerke
hist. jobs [a workman who works in clay or loam]Lehmer {m}
mus. [catalogue of J.S. Bach's works]Bach-Compendium {n} <BC>
[distancing oneself from one's own previous ideas, statements, works]Kindesweglegung {f} [fig.] [österr.] [Rückzug von früheren Idealen, Überzeugungen, Aussagen etc.]
mus. [thematic-systematic listing of the works of D. Buxtehude]Buxtehude-Werke-Verzeichnis {n} <BuxWV>
mus. [thematic-systematic listing of the works of J.S. Bach]Bach-Werke-Verzeichnis {n} <BWV>
lit. adespota [anonymous works]Adespota {pl} [herrenlose Werke]
lit. anonyma [anonymous works]Anonyma {pl}
bushman [person who lives, works, or travels in the bush, esp. in Australia]Buschmann {m} [bes. Australien]
collectible [e.g. antiques or art works]Sammlerobjekt {n}
constr. material mix [material mixture esp. in construction, road works]Mischgut {n} [Bau, Straßenbau]
libr. lit. philos. Nachlass [works unpublished at an author's death](literarischer) Nachlass {m}
art libr. mus. Nachlass [works unpublished or unexhibited at an artist's death](künstlerischer) Nachlass {m}
2 Words: Verbs
to carry sth. off [e.g. works of art in a war]etw. verschleppen [in räuberischer Absicht, im Krieg]
2 Words: Nouns
ind. aluminium smelter [Br.] [smelting works]Aluminiumhütte {f}
archaeo. art ancient bronzes [works of art]antike Bronzen {pl} [Gegenstände]
comp. bridge router [brouter; network device that works as a bridge and as a router]BRouter / Brouter {m} [Netzwerkgerät, das die Funktionen eines Routers und einer Bridge vereint]
climate gluer [climate protester who glues themselves to road surfaces, works of art, etc.]Klimakleber {m}
climate gluer [female] [climate protester who glues herself to road surfaces, works of art, etc.]Klimakleberin {f}
libr. collective title [of multivolume works]Gesamttitel {m} [mehrbändiger Werke]
libr. common title [of multivolume works]Gesamttitel {m} [mehrbändiger Werke]
constr. mining driving operations [tunnel, shaft works]Vortriebsarbeiten {pl} [Tunnel-, Schachtarbeiten]
constr. mining driving works [tunnel, shaft works]Vortriebsarbeiten {pl} [Tunnel-, Schachtarbeiten]
econ. jobs pol. election committee [of a union, works council, etc.]Wahlvorstand {m} [einer Gewerkschaft, eines Betriebsrates usw.]
mus. Hoboken Index [catalogue of J. Haydn's works]Hoboken-Verzeichnis {n} <Hob>
ind. mining lead smelter [works]Bleihütte {f}
ind. lime plant [lime works]Kalkwerk {n}
constr. mobile roadworks [Br.] [also: mobile road works]Wanderbaustelle {f}
journ. pet writer [author of works on pets and their care]Haustier-Autor {m}
plastering works [stucco works]Putzarbeiten {pl} [Stuck]
lit. poetry reading [by a poet from his/her own works]Dichterlesung {f}
ind. salt works [treated as a sg.] [also: salt-works]Salzsiederei {f}
self-canonisation [Br.] [by fixing a representative selection of one's most important works]Selbstkanonisierung {f}
self-canonization [by fixing a representative selection of one's most important works]Selbstkanonisierung {f}
standard presentation [of literary works, a problem, etc.]Standarddarstellung {f} [von Literatur, Problemen etc.]
work area [place where one's work is done as well as subjects one works on]Arbeitsfeld {n} [bezeichnet den Gegenstandsbereich der Arbeit, nicht den konkreten Arbeitsplatz]
work number [esp. for works of art]Werknummer {f} <WNr> [bes. bei Kunstwerken]
3 Words: Others
on the anvil {adv} [in the works] [Ind.]in Arbeit
3 Words: Nouns
automot. auto body shop [paint works]Autolackiererei {f}
public utility company {sg} [municipal works]Stadtwerke {pl}
4 Words: Others
in the works of sb. {adv} [e.g. in the works of Shakespeare]bei jdm. [z. B. bei Shakespeare (d. h. in den Werken Shakespeares)]
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