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| for {prep} [e.g. to work for a company] | 3150 bei [z. B. bei einem Unternehmen arbeiten] | |
| domestic {adj} [work, violence, duties, etc.; also: person (fond of family life and running a home)] | 2858 häuslich [Arbeit, Gewalt, Pflichten etc.; auch: Person] | |
| jobs redundant {adj} [esp. Br.] [out of work] | 2038 arbeitslos | |
| demanding {adj} [journey, work, personality] | 1195 anstrengend | |
| facile {adj} [mind, work of art] | 755 oberflächlich | |
| domestic {adj} [e.g. pig, waste, work] | 551 Haus- [z. B. Schwein, Müll, Arbeit] | |
| ragged {adj} [imperfect and faulty, e.g. piece of work] | 468 stümperhaft [pej.] [z. B. Arbeit] | |
| undone {adj} [task, work] | 449 unerledigt | |
| grief {adj} [attr.] [e.g. counselling, work] | 388 Trauer- [z. B. Begleitung, Arbeit] | |
| done {past-p} {adj} [e.g. work] | 345 erledigt [z. B. Arbeit] | |
| clerical {adj} [relating to office work] | 169 Büro- | |
| sb. commuted [travelled between home and work] | 147 jd. pendelte | |
| commuted {past-p} [travelled between home and work] | 125 gependelt | |
| busy {adj} [with work] | 67 arbeitsreich | |
| busy {adj} [with a lot of work] | 58 eingespannt [arbeitsmäßig] | |
| unstintingly {adv} [work] | 49 unermüdlich | |
| sb. commutes [travels between home and work] | 44 jd. pendelt | |
| flawlessly {adv} [of machine etc.: to work] | 42 einwandfrei [funktionieren] | |
| art sb. executed [work of art] | 42 jd. schuf | |
| unwieldy {adj} [of a text, a musical work etc.] | 42 spröde [Text, Musikstück etc.] | |
| rude {adj} [manners, work, plans etc.] | 36 roh [Manieren, Handwerk, Entwurf etc.] | |
| undone {adj} [task, work] | 22 ungetan | |
| infallibly {adv} [work etc.] | 14 fehlerfrei [funktionieren, arbeiten etc.] | |
| consultancy {adj} [attr.] [e.g. agreement, bill, work] | 11 Berater- [z. B. Vertrag, Kosten, Tätigkeit] | |
| incompetent {adj} [piece of work] | 11 stümperhaft | |
| sb. restores [building, work of art] | 10 jd. restauriert | |
| smoothly {adv} [function, work, etc.] | 10 reibungsfrei [fig.] [funktionieren, arbeiten etc.] | |
| theatre directorial {adj} [belonging to the directors work] | 9 inszenatorisch | |
| film film {adj} [attr.] [work, influence etc.] | 9 filmisch [Arbeiten, Einflüsse etc.] | |
| incompetent {adj} [piece of work] | 9 unzulänglich [geh.] | |
| unrewarding {adj} [work, subject] | 8 unergiebig [fig.] [nicht lohnend] | |
| sb. restored [building, work of art] | 6 jd. restaurierte | |
| stupefying {adj} [tedious] [e.g. work] | 6 stumpfsinnig [öde] [z. B. Arbeit] | |
| proverb [No one masters anything without hard work.] | Es ist noch kein Meister vom Himmel gefallen. | |
| damascened {adj} {past-p} [ornamented (as iron or steel) with inlaid work of precious metals] | tauschiert | |
| fair {adj} [work, sum] | mehr als ordentlich [ugs.] | |
| intensely {adv} [search, work, investigate, etc.] | mit Hochdruck [suchen, arbeiten, erforschen etc.] | |
| unbusy {adj} [not busy with work] | nicht arbeitsreich | |
Verbs |
| to commute [to travel between home and work] | 4698 pendeln | |
| to slog [fig.] [work doggedly] | 730 schuften [ugs.] | |
| to overwhelm sb./sth. [with work, with a task] | 514 jdn./etw. überfordern | |
| to restore sth. [building, work of art] | 463 etw. restaurieren | |
| to act [work] | 362 arbeiten | |
| to act [work, have the function] | 234 wirken [Wirkung auf etw. haben] | |
| to plod [fig.] [work] | 153 schuften [sich abmühen] | |
| to pimp [work as a pimp] | 140 kuppeln | |
| art to execute sth. [a work of art] | 137 etw.Akk. schaffen | |
| mus. to gig [coll.] [to play a gig, work as a musician] | 133 mucken [ugs.] [als Musiker außerhalb fester Stellung auftreten] | |
| to create sth. [the world, a great work of art etc.] | 132 etw. schöpfen [geh.] [veraltend] [erschaffen, schaffen] | |
| to skimp [work slovenly] | 113 hudeln [österr.] [südd.] [ugs. für: unsauber, nachlässig arbeiten] | |