| English  | German |  |
 | wanton {adj} [without motive, justification] | 996 mutwillig |  |
 | crude {adj} [without taste] | 720 geschmacklos |  |
 | secure {adj} [free from care, without anxiety] | 689 geborgen |  |
 | gratuitous {adj} [without cause] | 639 willkürlich [grundlos, beliebig] |  |
 | sincere {adj} [without reserve] | 466 offen [aufrichtig] |  |
 | plain {adj} [without pattern] | 465 glatt [ungemustert, unliniert etc.] |  |
 | bare {adj} [without adornments] | 437 schmucklos [Fassade etc.] |  |
 | poor {adj} [without means] | 337 mittellos |  |
 | dead {adj} [barren (planet, land, etc.); pej.: without vitality or spirit (city, party, etc.)] | 335 öde [ohne Leben (Planet, Gegend etc.); pej.: langweilig (Stadt, Party etc.)] |  |
 | blatant {adj} [without respect] | 307 unverfroren |  |
 | naff {adj} [Br.] [coll.] [without style, taste or quality] | 307 billig [pej.] [geschmacklos] |  |
 | dead {adj} [without emotion, insensate] | 306 gefühllos |  |
 | religious {adj} [without belonging to a church etc.] | 302 gottgläubig [veraltet] [bes. Nazi-Ausdruck] |  |
 | blatantly {adv} [without respect] | 278 unverfroren |  |
 | rash {adj} [without proper consideration] | 217 leichtsinnig |  |
 | austere {adj} [without comfort] | 151 karg |  |
 | sans {prep} [literary, hum.] [without] | 143 ohne [+Akk.] |  |
 | likely {adj} [Am. adv.] [coll. without intensifier] | 136 wahrscheinlich |  |
 | random {adj} [without pattern] | 123 ungeordnet |  |
 | insipid {adj} [without taste] | 109 lasch [Speisen] |  |
 | educ. titular {adj} [without real authority] | 104 Ehren- |  |
 | spontaneous {adj} [without hesitation] | 91 kurzentschlossen [Rsv.] |  |
 | still {adj} [without movement] | 82 unbewegt |  |
 | enlightened {adj} [without prejudice] | 76 vorurteilsfrei |  |
 | common {adj} [normal, usual, without distinction] [also bot., zool.] | 75 gemein [veraltend] [allgemein, gewöhnlich] [auch bot., zool.] |  |
 | gracefully {adv} [without a fuss] | 71 anstandslos |  |
 | offhandedly {adv} [without preparation] | 64 spontan |  |
 | easygoing {adj} [without hurry] | 61 gemächlich |  |
 | random {adj} [without pattern or method] | 60 regellos |  |
 | bland {adj} [without showing emotion] | 48 emotionslos |  |
 | unexceptional {adj} [without exception] | 45 ausnahmslos |  |
 | unadorned {adj} [simple, without frills] | 41 schnörkellos |  |
 | bareback {adj} {adv} [without a condom] | 29 Bareback- [ohne Kondom] |  |
 | mus. concertante {adj} [opera, musical etc. performance without acting] | 28 konzertant |  |
 | first {adj} <1st> [German word used with {m} nouns without definite article, e.g. "erster Eindruck"] | 24 erster |  |
 | standard {adj} [without extras] | 23 serienmäßig |  |
 | obscure {adj} [of a person without pedigree] | 22 dahergelaufen [ugs.] [pej.] [von zweifelhafter Herkunft, unbedeutend] |  |
 | silently {adv} [without speaking] | 20 stumm |  |
 | tech. ductless {adj} [without a duct / tube / pipe] | 10 rohrlos |  |
 | titular {adj} [without real authority] | 10 nominell |  |
 | extemporary {adj} [spoken, performed, etc, without planning or preparation] | 9 improvisiert [aus dem Stegreif] |  |
 | first {adj} <1st> [German word used with {n} nouns without definite article, e.g. "erstes Gebot"] | 8 erstes |  |
 | pocketing sth. {pres-p} [obs.] [fig.] [receive (an insult, an affront, etc.) without open resentment] | 8 etw.Akk. hinnehmend [eine Kränkung etc.] |  |
 | archi. constr. [the street side eaved and without gables] {adj} | 7 traufständig |  |
 | biol. acellular {adj} [being without cells] | 7 zelllos |  |
 | artless {adj} [without skill or finesse] | 6 kunstlos |  |
 | passive {adj} [without opposition] | 6 widerstandslos |  |
 | direct {adj} [without changing] | 5 umsteigefrei |  |
 | unformed {adj} [without a definite form or shape] | 5 ungeformt |  |
 | proverb [No one masters anything without hard work.] | Es ist noch kein Meister vom Himmel gefallen. |  |