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| busy {adj} [with a lot to do] | 7189 beschäftigt | |
| likely {adj} [Br. adv.] [only with intensifier] | 6589 wahrscheinlich | |
| popular {adj} [with sb.] | 3368 beliebt [bei jdm.] | |
| decisive {adj} [able to decide something quickly and with confidence] | 3122 entscheidungsfreudig | |
| concomitant {adj} [formal] [naturally accompanying or associated with] | 1491 begleitend [attr.] [damit einhergehend] | |
| conscious {adj} [with intention] | 1337 absichtlich | |
| snowy {adj} [covered with snow: field, landscape, etc.] | 1301 verschneit [schneebedeckt] | |
| thatched {adj} [with straw] | 1022 strohgedeckt | |
| inflated {adj} {past-p} [filled with air] | 829 aufgeblasen | |
| congested {adj} [with traffic] | 748 verkehrsreich | |
| first {adj} <1st> [German word used with {f} nouns (w or w/o definite article) or {m} / {n} nouns with definite article, e.g. "der erste Eindruck", "(die) erste Hälfte", "das erste Gebot"] | 695 erste | |
| law legally {adv} [in accordance with law, lawfully] | 679 legal | |
| dainty {adj} [esp. with food: fastidious] | 632 etepetete [ugs.] [bes. beim Essen] | |
| precipitate {adj} [proceeding with too great haste] | 627 überstürzt [fig.] | |
| sb. drew [with a pencil etc.] | 537 jd. zeichnete | |
| literally {adv} [coll.] [with some exaggeration] | 454 geradezu | |
| understandably {adv} [for reasons that are easy to understand or sympathise with] | 431 verständlicherweise | |
| cloth. beaded {adj} [decorated with beads] [e.g. dress] | 410 perlenbesetzt | |
| bolted {adj} {past-p} [locked with a bolt] | 400 verriegelt | |
| scrupulously {adv} [with undue attention to detail] | 376 penibel | |
| agreeing {prep} [corresponding to, in accord with] | 330 entsprechend [im Einklang mit] | |
| doubtfully {adv} [with doubt] | 326 skeptisch | |
| snowy {adj} [covered with snow] | 310 schneebedeckt | |
| dead {adj} [voice, with no emotion] | 306 kalt [emotionslos, bes. Stimme] | |
| trained {adj} {past-p} [with previous training in the field] | 304 vorgebildet | |
| sb. punched [with the fist] | 299 jd. schlug [mit der Faust] | |
| med. engorged {adj} {past-p} [with blood] | 279 angeschwollen | |
| laced {adj} {past-p} [with sarcasm, humor] | 241 gewürzt [mit Sarkasmus, Humor] | |
| Precisely. [agreeing with someone's opinion] | 226 Eben. | |
| mounted {adj} {past-p} [fitted with metal; e.g. a door] | 224 beschlagen [mit einem Beschlag versehen; z. B. eine Tür] | |
| beleaguered {adj} [beset with problems] | 207 überlastet [fig.] | |
| giddy {adj} [with excitement] | 204 aufgedreht [ugs.] [aufgeregt im positiven Sinne] | |
| open {adj} [with an open mind] | 188 aufgeschlossen [empfänglich] | |
| overcome {adj} [with emotions etc.] | 183 übermannt [geh.] [fig.] [überwältigt] | |
| wood {adj} [attr.] [wooden; also: for working with wood, e.g. wood saw] | 173 Holz- | |
| bugged {adj} {past-p} [with concealed microphones] | 132 verwanzt [ugs.] [mit Abhörgeräten] | |
| drugs stoked {adj} [sl.] [with drugs] | 127 high | |
| sth. scented [with the nose] | 121 etw. witterte | |
| once {conj} [with past tense] | 114 als | |
| accessible {adj} [for people with impairments / disabilities] | 113 barrierefrei [behindertengerecht] | |
| sb. stuck [with glue] | 112 jd. klebte | |
| somewhen {adv} [some time] [rare, perceived as archaic or non-standard unless used as a stylistic device, esp. in combination with "somewhere" etc.] | 109 irgendwann | |
| tackling {adj} {pres-p} [successfully dealing with, e.g. a problem] | 109 lösend [bewältigend, z. B. ein Problem] | |
| Quite. [agreeing with someone's opinion] | 106 Eben. | |
| covered {adj} {past-p} [with material] | 103 überzogen [mit Stoff etc.] | |
| bitterly {adv} [with embitterment] | 96 verbittert | |
| sth. scents [with the nose] | 91 etw. wittert | |
| sb. draws [with a pencil etc.] | 81 jd. zeichnet | |
| shitfaced {adj} [vulg.] [loaded with drugs or alcohol] | 80 zugedröhnt [ugs.] | |
| endowed {adj} {past-p} [provided with permanent funding] | 71 gestiftet | |