Dictionary English German: [whole]

Translation 1 - 26 of 26

English German
heal {adj} [obs.] [entire, whole]
ganz [komplett]
to mechanize [systems, whole industries]
hist. pol. [to not tell the whole truth without directly telling a lie]wulffen [ugs.] [hum.] [veraltet] [nicht die ganze Wahrheit sagen, ohne ausdrücklich zu lügen]
archi. relig. pagoda [a whole complex; e.g. in Vietnam, Cambodia]
Pagode {f} [Tempelanlage; z. B. in Vietnam, Kambodscha]
[attractive peculiarity, as a single trait, or of the whole character]Apartheit {f} [selten] [Apartsein, apartes Wesen, reizvolle Eigenart]
[groats; whole grains without germs]Backschrot {m} {n} [ohne Keimling]
[problem that affects society as a whole]gesamtgesellschaftliches Problem {n}
military [usually: the military] [the whole armed forces of a nation]Militär {n} [allg.: das Militär] [Gesamtheit der Streitkräfte eines Staates]
FoodInd. muscovado [type of whole cane sugar]Muscovado {m} [Vollrohrzuckerart]
thirds [three equal parts that together make a whole]Dritt-Teile {pl} [auch: Drittteile] [veraltet]
totality [a whole]Ganzheit {f}
2 Words
at large {adv} [as a whole]insgesamt
at large {adv} [as a whole]in der Gesamtheit
to be complementary [all together form a whole]sich ergänzen
gastr. allspice berries [whole allspice berries]Pimentkörner {pl} [ugs.] [ganze Pimentbeeren]
armed forces [the whole armed forces of a nation]Armee {f} [ugs.] [ostdeutsch] [Gesamtheit der Streitkräfte eines Staates]
agr. hist. jobs full farmer [farmer with enough land, typically a hide, to support his whole family]Vollbauer {m}
German average [short for: average figure for Germany as a whole]Bundesdurchschnitt {m}
mus. open shake [archaic] [semitone or whole note shake]Triller {m} [Halb- oder Ganzton]
gastr. wholegrain biscuit [Br.] [also: whole-grain biscuit]Vollkornplätzchen {n}
gastr. wholegrain biscuits [Br.] [also whole-grain biscuits]Vollkornplätzchen {pl}
3 Words
Totum pro parte. [the whole for a part]Totum pro parte. [Das Ganze (steht) für einen Teil.]
to be complementary to sb./sth. [together form a whole]jdn./etw. ergänzen
art ling. pars pro toto [a part (taken) for the whole]Pars pro Toto {n} [ein Teil (steht) für das Ganze]
the ganze megillah [Yiddish] [coll.] [the whole story] [idiom]der ganze Rattenschwanz {m} [ugs.] [Redewendung]
gastr. whole wheat toast [also: whole-wheat toast]Vollkorntoast {m}
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