Dictionary English German: [weight]

Translation 1 - 62 of 62

English German
lightweight {adj} [light in weight]
leicht [aus leichtem Material]
dead {adj} [e.g. birth, point, ice, weight]Tot- [z. B. Geburt, Punkt, Eis, Last]
lightish {adj} [in weight]ziemlich leicht
to gain [esp. weight]
to support sth. [carry the weight, also finance]
etw. tragen [stützen, auch unterstützen, Kosten tragen]
to overbear sb./sth. [with weight or force]
jdn./etw. überwältigen [physisch]
to sustain sth. [carry the weight]
etw. tragen [stützen]
tech. to reset [weight on training equipment, etc.]
umstecken [Gewicht auf Trainingsmaschinen, usw.]
sports to bench [coll.] [weight](auf der Bank) drücken [ugs.] [Gewicht]
to gain sth. [weight]um etw. zunehmen
to weigh sth. [to have a weight of sth., e.g. in pounds]etw.Akk. haben [wiegen]
ton [fig.] [a very heavy weight]
Tonne {f} [fig.]
heft [Am.] [weight]
Gewicht {n}
tare [tare weight]
Leergewicht {n}
[excess weight gained from emotional overeating]
Kummerspeck {m} [ugs.]
tare [tare weight]
Verpackungsgewicht {n}
curr. unit talent [coin, weight]
Talent {n}
[weight gain during the COVID-19 pandemic]Lockdownspeck {m} [ugs.] [Gewichtszunahme während der Corona-Pandemie]
unit kantar [unit of weight] [mostly archaic]Kantar {m} {n} [Gewichtsmaß] [vornehmlich veraltet]
unit kip [Am.] <kip, klb> [unit of weight equal to 1,000 lb, kilopound][Gewichtseinheit von 1000 Pounds (453,6 kg)]
curr. hist. unit livre [old French coin before 1795 or old French weight about 1lb avoirdupois]Livre {m} {n} [alte französ. Münze vor 1795 oder alte französ. Gewichtseinheit, etwa 500g]
hist. unit lot [unit of weight]Lot {n} [Gewichtseinheit]
hist. unit mina [ancient monetary unit or unit of weight]Mine {f}
print onionskin [translucent paper of very light weight ]Florpost {f} [dünnes, scharf satiniertes Papier]
unit qantar [unit of weight] [mostly archaic]Qantar {m} [Gewichtsmaß im Mittelmeerraum] [vornehmlich veraltet]
pharm. unit scruple [a unit of weight used by apothecaries] [dated]Scruple {n} [altes Apothekergewicht] [veraltet]
med. stillbirth [birth weight lower than 500g](späte) Fehlgeburt {f}
2 Words: Others
bone crushing {adj} [mortgage, weight, etc.] [fig.]erdrückend [Hypothek, Gewicht etc.]
print publ. tech. extra-light {adj} [font weight] [spv.: Extra-light, Extra-Light, extra light]leicht [Strichstärke/Schriftstärke]
maximum (permissible) {adj} [speed, weight, etc.]höchstzulässig
spec. textil. Worsted weight [medium weight yarn with 16-20 stitches for 10 cm stockinette ][bestimmtes Garngewicht, das eine Maschenweite von 16-20 Maschen pro 10 cm glatt rechts gestrickt ergibt]
2 Words: Verbs
to flesh out [put weight on]zunehmen [an Gewicht]
to keep down [weight]niedrig halten
to pick up [coll.] [weight]zunehmen [an Gewicht]
sports to pump iron [coll.] [fig.] [do weight training]Eisen fressen [ugs.] [fig.] [Krafttraining betreiben]
to put on [weight]zunehmen
to put on sth. [weight]um etw. zunehmen
to thin down [lose weight]abnehmen
2 Words: Nouns
additional weight [extra weight]Mehrgewicht {n}
med. diet plan [in order to lose weight]Diätplan {m}
aviat. transp. dim weight [short for: dimensional weight]Volumengewicht {n}
med. MedTech. lap-band [LAP-BAND®] [weight loss surgery]Magenband {n}
med. MedTech. lap-band [LAP-BAND®] [weight loss surgery]Lap-Band® {n}
weapons light sword [sword of little weight]leichtes Schwert {n}
sports military press [weight lifting]Militärpresse {f} [Gewichtheben]
sports military press [weight training]Langhanteldrücken {n} (im Stehen) [Krafttraining]
archaeo. hist. Roman steelyard [weight measuring device]römische Schnellwaage {f}
med. skin apron [panniculus as a result of loose tissues after pregnancy or massive weight loss]Bauchschürze {f} [nach einer Schwangerschaft od. starker Gewichtsabnahme]
snow damage [esp. tree damage from weight of snow]Schneebruch {m} [bes. Baumschäden verursacht durch hohe Schnee]
tech. weighting agent [for increasing weight or density]Beschwerungsmittel {n}
3 Words: Others
by the pound {adv} [weight]pfundweise
in variable proportion {adv} [weight]in veränderlichen Gewichtsanteilen
3 Words: Verbs
idiom to get (very) thin [to lose weight]vom Fleisch fallen [ugs.]
comm. to give short weight [to give weight less than declared]beim Gewicht betrügen
to lose one's figure [idiom] [put weight on]aus dem Leim gehen [ugs.] [Redewendung] [Person: dicker werden]
to put on flesh [put weight on]zunehmen [an Gewicht]
3 Words: Nouns
sports bent over row [weight training]vorgebeugtes Rudern {n}
dimensional weight calculator <DIM weight calculator> [logistics]Volumengewichtrechner {m} [auch: Volumengewicht-Rechner] [Logistik]
textil. unit wraps per inch <WPI> [in identifying the weight of a yarn]Wicklungen {pl} pro Zoll [zur Bestimmung der Garnstärke]
4 Words: Verbs
to go on a diet [to lose weight]eine Schlankheitskur machen
4 Words: Nouns
biochem. low molecular weight heparin <LMWH> [also: low-molecular-weight heparin]niedermolekulares Heparin {n} <NMH>
5+ Words: Verbs
sports to do a military press with a barbell [weight-training]eine Langhantel zur Hochstrecke bringen [Krafttraining]
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