Dictionary English German: [wave]

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monster {adj} [attr.] [coll.] [gigantic, enormous] [e.g. carp, wave, appetite]
Riesen- [ugs.] [z. B. Karpfen, Welle, Appetit]
to break [wave, noise]
branden [geh.]
to flourish sth. [wave about]mit etw.Dat. herumfuchteln [ugs.]
to travel [wave, sound]sich fortpflanzen [Welle, Schall]
swell [wave]
Woge {f}
telecom. carrier [carrier wave]
Trägerwelle {f}
billow [archaic] [large sea wave]
Woge {f} [geh.] [hohe, starke Meereswelle]
crest [of a wave]
Wellenkamm {m}
whitecap [esp. Am.] [foamy white crest on a wave]
Schaumkrone {f} [einer Welle]
naut. [freak wave] Kawenzmann {m} [FALSCH für: Kaventsmann]
naut. [rogue wave] Kawenzmann {m} [FALSCH für: Kaventsmann]
electr. phys. microwave [electromagnetic wave]
Mikrowelle {f} [elektromagnetische Welle]
comb [crest of a wave]
Wogenkamm {m} [geh.]
[hair with flat cross-section, hard-to-wave hair texture]Bandhaar {n} [flacher Querschnitt, schwer wellbar]
beachcomber [wave]Strandwelle {f}
comb [crest of a wave]Wellenkamm {m}
meteo. naut. whitecap [esp. Am.] [wave](kleine) Welle {f} mit einer Schaumkrone
2 Words: Others
hydro. current-influenced {adj} [e.g. wave parameter]strömungsbeeinflusst [z. B. Wellenparameter]
waved away {past-p} [discouraged, stopped with a wave of the hand]abgewunken [ugs.]
2 Words: Verbs
phys. to die away [oscillation, wave]ausschwingen
2 Words: Nouns
med. alpha brainwave [also: alpha brain wave]Gehirnwelle {f} im Alpha-Bereich [Alpha-Welle, Alphawelle, Alpha-Gehirnwelle]
med. beta brainwave [also: beta brain wave]Gehirnwelle {f} im Beta-Bereich [Beta-Welle, Betawelle, Beta-Gehirnwelle]
big kahuna [Am.] [sl.] [exceptionally large wave]außergewöhnlich große Welle {f}
phys. Bloch function [Bloch wave]Bloch-Funktion {f}
MedTech. coupling bellows {pl} [also treated as sg.] [shock wave therapy]Koppelbalg {m} [Stoßwellentherapie]
hydro. naut. crest height [of a wave]Kammhöhe {f} [einer Welle]
geol. phys. explosive wave [also: explosion wave]Explosionswelle {f}
med. hathook junction [coll.] [Osborn wave]J-Welle {f} [Osborn-Welle]
hydro. meteo. internal tides [a form of internal wave with quasi-tidal periodicity]interne Gezeiten {pl}
electr. MedTech. lambda wave wave, λ-wave>Lambda-Welle {f} <λ-Welle>
geol. long wave [L wave]Oberflächenwelle {f} [L-Welle]
phys. millimeter wave [Am.] <MM wave, mm wave>Millimeterwelle {f} <mm-Welle>
phys. millimetre wave [Br.] <MM wave, mm wave>Millimeterwelle {f} <mm-Welle>
med. Osborn wave [also: Osborn's wave]Osborn-Welle {f}
audio optics phys. path difference [wave optics]Wegdifferenz {f} [Wellenoptik]
audio optics phys. path difference [wave optics]Wegunterschied {m} [Wellenoptik]
audio phys. pressure antinode [of a standing wave]Druckbauch {m} [einer stehenden Welle]
geol. primary wave [P wave]Longitudinalwelle {f} [P-Welle]
med. S sleep [slow-wave sleep, synchronized sleep]Tiefschlaf {m}
electr. phys. saw wave <SW> [sawtooth wave]Kippschwingung {f} [Sägezahnschwingung]
electr. phys. saw wave <SW> [sawtooth wave]Sägezahnschwingung {f}
geol. secondary wave [S wave]Transversalwelle {f} [S-Welle]
skip distance [radio wave propagation]Sprungentfernung {f}
electr. phys. T wave [also: T-wave] [short for: terahertz wave]T-Welle {f} [kurz für: Terahertzwelle]
med. theta brainwave [also: theta brain wave]Theta-Gehirnwelle {f} [seltener für: Theta-Welle, Thetawelle]
med. theta brainwave [also: theta brain wave]Gehirnwelle {f} im Theta-Bereich [Theta-Welle, Thetawelle, Theta-Gehirnwelle]
white crest [of a wave]Schaumkrone {f} [einer Welle]
white horse [wave]Welle {f} mit einer Schaumkrone
3 Words: Others
wave after wave {adv}Welle um Welle
3 Words: Nouns
med. alpha wave rhythm [Berger's wave]Berger-Rhythmus {m}
med. camel-hump sign [coll.] [Osborn wave]Dromedarwelle {f} [ugs.] [Osborn-Welle]
med. camel-hump sign [coll.] [Osborn wave](hypothermer) Kamelhöcker {m} [ugs.] [Osborn-Welle]
phys. half-wave plate [also: half wave plate]λ/2-Plättchen {n}
med. late delta wave [Osborn wave]J-Wellen-Ausschlag {m}
MedTech. negative pressure wave [shock wave, lithotripsy]Zugwelle {f} [Stoßwelle, Lithotripsie]
mus. Neue Deutsche Welle <NDW> [literally: New German Wave]Neue Deutsche Welle {f} <NDW>
med. prominent J wave [Osborn wave]J-Wellen-Ausschlag {m}
phys. quarter-wave plate [also: quarter wave plate]λ/4-Plättchen {n}
med. Thai-dal wave [coll.][Reisediarrhoe, Verballhornung von "tidal wave"]
wave of excitement [wave of enthusiasm]Welle {f} der Begeisterung
5+ Words: Nouns
phys. reduction of the wave packet [wave function collapse]Zustandsreduktion {f}
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