Dictionary English German: [was]

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lest {conj} [formal] [example: I was frightened lest he should fall.]
sb. could [was able]
jd. konnte
sth. bespoke [was evidence of]
etw. verriet [ließ erkennen]
anyway {adv} [to intensify a question, as in: "What did you want, anyway?"]
denn [als Verstärkung in Fragen, wie z. B.: "Was wolltest du denn?"]
sth. clinched [was the deciding factor]
etw. entschied
what {pron}
wat [ugs.] [was] [NRW, nordd.]
sb. bossed [was in charge]
jd. kommandierte
[Pilots' cry of victory. St. Horridus was patron saint of fighter pilots.]
Horrido! [Luftwaffe]
anat. med. Thebesian {adj} [attr.] [Adam Christian Thebesius was a German anatomist]
quote RadioTV ["Which one would you like?" based on the "What is my profession?" quiz show question: "Which piggy-bank would you like?"]Welches Schweinderl hätten S' denn gern? [Robert Lembke, «Was bin ich?»]
[immediately after the decision was made]entscheidungsnah
quote [quote from a popular German TV sketch, used to express that everything was better in the past; literally: "There was more lametta (on the Christmas tree) in the old days."]Früher war mehr Lametta. [Loriot, aus „Weihnachten bei Hoppenstedts“; verallgemeinert verwendet im Sinne von „Früher war alles besser.“]
proverb [Rather get an upset stomach than let anything go back to the innkeeper.]Lieber den Magen verrenken, als dem Wirt etwas / was schenken. [auch: Lieber den Magen verrenkt, als dem Wirt was geschenkt.]
quietly {adv} [e.g. He was buried quietly.]in aller Stille [ohne Aufsehen] [z. B. Er wurde in aller Stille beigesetzt.]
sb. couldn't [was not able]jd. konnte nicht
sb. tended [was disposed]jd. neigte sich
sb. wondered [was surprised]jd. wunderte sichAkk.
Wassup? [spv.] [sl.]Was geht? [Was liegt an?]
we {pron}ma [österr.] [wir] [in Aufforderungen, z. B. trink ma was]
Whatever!Was weiß ich was! [österr.] [ugs.]
to lack [e.g. what he lacks]
gebrechen [geh.] [veraltet] [persönlich gebildet; z. B. was ihm gebricht]
to owe sb. [You owe me.]jdm. etwas / was schulden. [Du schuldest mir was / etwas.]
archaeo. provenance [place where sth. was found]
Fundort {m}
law [place where the tortious act was committed]
Handlungsort {m}
film lit. [book on which the film was based]
Buchvorlage {f}
hist. refusenik [Soviet Jew who was denied permission to emigrate]
Refusenik {m} [sowjetischer Jude, dem die Ausreise verweigert wurde]
dreamboat [coll.] [rare] [an exceptionally attractive thing]
[etw., was man gerne haben möchte, z. B. Traumauto, Traumboot, Traum...]
agr. hist. [chairman of a farmers cooperative or of a village who was in charge of the Flurzwang]
Schulze {m} [Schultheiß]
hunting [branch marking the place where game was initially wounded]Anschussbruch {m}
hist. pol. [Germany during the time when Bonn was seat of government]Bonner Republik {f}
hist. [literally: perpetrator generation. Generation of Germans who theoretically was able to participate in Nazi crimes]Tätergeneration {f}
pol. [nickname for the German SPD politician Olaf Scholz, coined while he was secretary general (2002-2004) when he was found to repeat (like an automat) statements of other party leaders]Scholzomat {m} [auch: Scholz-O-Mat, Scholz-o-mat, Scholz-o-Mat, Scholz-O-mat] [Spitzname für Olaf Scholz]
hist. [silver coin that was worth two-thirds of a Taler]Zweidritteltaler {m}
hist. law [the predecessor of the Central Register of Foreign Nationals which was established in 1938 by the Nazi government]Ausländerzentralkartei {f} [veraltet]
auditee [entity that was or is being audited]auditierte Organisation {f}
hist. drum [evening tea party of a kind that was popular in the late 18th and early 19th century]Abendgesellschaft {f} [bes. im späten 18. und frühen 19. Jahrhundert]
MedTech. lithotrite [early medical instrument which was inserted through the urethra to crush the stones inside the bladder]Lithotripter {m} [Lithoklast]
2 Words: Others
[sb. was] re-interred[jd. wurde] umgebettet [Toter]
art lit. mus. highly romantic {adj} [refers to the quality of a work of art, not necessarily to the period it was produced in]hochromantisch
I was. [answering the question WHO was sth.]Ich (war es). [Antwort auf die Frage, WER etw. war]
in this {adv} [matter]dabei [was das betrifft]
looking up {adj} {pres-p} [pred.] [literal, e.g. he was looking up]aufschauend [aufblickend]
sb. won't [was not] doing sth. [dialect]jd. hat etw.Akk. nicht getan
sb./sth. was still ... [e.g. was still the same, was still pending, was still negative]jd./etw. blieb ... [z. B. blieb gleich, blieb anhängig, blieb negativ]
something else {pron}sonstwas [alt] [sonst was]
sth. went missing [was stolen]etw. wurde gestohlen
games RadioTV Wanna Bet? [Am.] [reality game show; it was based on the German entertainment show "Wetten, dass ..?"]Wetten, dass ..? [Spielshow]
What's on? [coll.] [television, cinema]Was läuft? [ugs.] [Was wird im Fernsehen, Kino usw. gezeigt?]
games What's trumps? [What is trumps? or What trumps?]Was sticht? [Was ist Trumpf?] [im Kartenspiel]
2 Words: Verbs
to accept oneself [often used in religious contexts]sichAkk. selbst annehmen [als das akzeptieren, was man ist] [oft in religiösen Kontexten]
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