Dictionary English German: [voluntary]

Translation 1 - 15 of 15

English German
spontaneous {adj} [voluntary]
law manslaughter [voluntary]
Totschlag {m}
workcamp [voluntary]
Freiwilligenprojekt {n}
art travel docent [person who acts as a guide, typically on a voluntary basis, e.g. museum guide]
Führer {m} [Person, z. B. (ehrenamtlicher) Museumsführer]
[voluntary support for a former employee in old age]
Gnadenbrot {n}
[German association for voluntary self-regulation of digital media service providers]Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle {f} Multimedia-Diensteanbieter <FSM>
[German association for voluntary self-regulation of television]Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle {f} Fernsehen <FSF>
film [German voluntary self-regulation of the movie industry]Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle {f} der Filmwirtschaft <FSK>
[someone performing federal voluntary service in Germany]Bufdi {m} [ugs.] [jd., der Bundesfreiwilligendienst leistet]
aviat. interlining [voluntary commercial agreement between airlines]Interlining {n} [Kooperation v. Fluggesellschaften]
workcamp [voluntary]Workcamp {n}
2 Words
med. eye movements [voluntary or involuntary movement of the eyes]Augenbewegungen {pl} [Okulomotorik]
3 Words
law killing on request [voluntary euthanasia]Tötung {f} auf Verlangen
ecol. jobs voluntary ecological year [voluntary service in Germany and Austria]freiwilliges ökologisches Jahr {n} <FÖJ>
4 Words
reduction in / of consumption [esp. voluntary]Konsumverzicht {m}
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