| English | German | |
| domestic {adj} [work, violence, duties, etc.; also: person (fond of family life and running a home)] | 2858 häuslich [Arbeit, Gewalt, Pflichten etc.; auch: Person] | |
| gory {adj} [scene, story, violence] | 891 blutrünstig | |
| lawless {adj} [violence] | 11 ungezügelt | |
| mindless {adj} [rage, violence etc.] | 9 blind [fig.] [Gewalt etc.] | |
| sb. roughhouses sb./sth. [engages in violence against sb./sth.] | jd. misshandelt jdn./etw. | |
Verbs |
| to espouse [violence etc.] | 649 befürworten | |
| to flare [also fig.: trouble, violence] | 367 aufflammen [auch fig.] | |
| to exert sth. [violence etc.] | 185 etw. gebrauchen [anwenden, ausüben (Gewalt etc.)] | |
| to massacre sb./sth. [to murder or kill persons or animals, esp. with violence or cruelty] | 56 jdn./etw. massakrieren [Personen oder Tiere in grausamer, brutaler Weise umbringen] | |
| to renunciate sth. [to formally reject sth. (title, right, violence)] | auf etw.Akk. verzichten [etw. förmlich zurückweisen] | |
Nouns |
| bullying [with violence] | 82 Drangsalieren {n} | |
| unleashing [esp. fig.] [of war, violence, market forces, etc.] | 49 Entfesselung {f} [oft fig.] | |
| law [law for the protection of victims of domestic violence] | Gewaltschutzgesetz {n} [GewSchG] [Gesetz zum zivilrechtlichen Schutz vor Gewalttaten und Nachstellungen] | |
| law domestics [coll.] [domestic violence] | häusliche Gewalt {f} | |
2 Words |
| to degenerate into sth. [end up in sth., e.g. demonstration in violence] | in etw.Akk. ausarten [z. B. Demonstration in Gewalt] | |
| to escalate (into sth.) [into violence, crisis, war, etc.] | sich (bis zu etw.) steigern [Gewalt, Krise, Krieg etc.] | |
| to go postal [Am.] [coll.] [idiom] [to become uncontrollably angry, often to the point of violence] | ausrasten [ugs.] [durchdrehen, die Nerven verlieren] | |
| to live amid sth. [e.g. war and violence; peace and plenty] | inmitten von etw.Dat. wohnen [z. B. von Krieg und Gewalt; Frieden und Wohlstand] | |
| psych. coercive control [form of domestic violence] | Zwangskontrolle {f} [paranoide Störung, z. B. zwischen Ehepartnern; Form von häuslicher Gewalt] | |
| phys. copycat-effect [referring to acts of violence and suicide] | Nachahmer-Effekt {m} [bezogen auf Gewalttaten und Suizid] | |
| law restraining order [for premises in cases of domestic violence] [Austria] | Betretungsverbot und Wegweisung [Österreich] [Gewaltschutzgesetz] | |
| law restraining order [protective order] [typically on account of domestic violence] | Wohnungsverweisung {f} [meist nach häuslicher Gewaltanwendung] | |
| pol. violent radical [someone who aims to achieve their political ends in radical ways, such as through violence or the destruction of property] | Chaot {m} | |
| violent rhetoric [rhetoric of violence] | Gewaltrhethorik {f} | |
3 Words |
| to pull rough stuff [Am.] [coll.] [resort to violence] | gewalttätig werden | |
| law red flag law [USA] [gun violence prevention law] | Red-Flag-Gesetz {n} [US-Gesetz zur Verhinderung von Waffengewalt] | |
4 Words |
| idiom Violence breeds more violence. | Gewalt erzeugt Gegengewalt. | |
| an overt form of sth. [e.g. violence, intervention, disease] | eine offene Form {f} von etw.Dat. [z. B. Gewalt, Einmischung, Krankheit] | |