Dictionary English German: [via]

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via {prep} [by way of, travelling through; by means of (e.g. via satellite), by the agency of (e.g. via a friend)]
über [+Akk.] [einen Ort passierend (z. B. über München reisen); mittels, per (z. B. über Satellit), durch Vermittlung (z. B. über einen Freund)]
via {prep} [by means of] [e.g. via satellite, via e-mail, via sign language]
per [+Dat. od. +Akk.] [mittels, durch] [z. B. per Satellit, per E-Mail, per Zeichensprache]
remote {adj} [mostly via video] [e.g. classes, meeting]
kontaktfrei [meist per Video] [z. B. Unterricht, Konferenz]
sb. transmits [via radio]
jd. funkt
Internet telecom. to BBM [coll.] [to communicate via BlackBerry Messenger][über BlackBerry Messenger kommunizieren]
Internet to mail sth. [send via e-mail]etw.Akk. per E-Mail senden
neol. telecom. smishing [phishing via SMS]
SMiShing {n} [Phishing via SMS]
TrVocab. CouchSurfing® [global homestay and social networking service accessible via a website and mobile app.]Couchsurfing® {n} [kostenloses Übernachten in Wohnungen anderer Mitglieder eines gleichnamigen Netzwerks im Internet]
geogr. Viamala [also: Via Mala]Via Mala {f}
2 Words
comp. in silico [performed via computer simulation]in silico [computergestützte Simulation]
to come up [via stairs etc.]heraufkommen
Internet to e-mail sth. [send via e-mail]etw.Akk. per E-Mail schicken
neol. to e-meet [meet via e-mail]per E-Mail kennenlernen
3 Words
by way of {prep}über [via]
to squeeze out information [via interrogation]Informationen herauspressen
4 Words
hist. philos. spec. conflict between the viae [via antiqua and via moderna]Wegestreit {m}
spec. way of grief / suffering [Via Dolorosa]Leidensweg {m} [Via Dolorosa]
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