| English  | German |  |
 | trashy {adj} [cheap, of no value] | 112 Schund- |  |
 | vile {adj} [archaic] [of little worth or value] | 58 wertlos |  |
 | trashy {adj} [cheap, of no value] | 57 billig |  |
 | inestimable {adj} [value, importance] | 53 unermesslich [geh.] |  |
 | worth {prep} [pred.] [having a value of] | 32 über [im Wert von] |  |
 | trashy {adj} [of no value] | 24 wertlos |  |
 | unbiased {adj} [free from value judgements] | 15 werturteilsfrei |  |
 | predefined {adj} {past-p} [e.g. value] | 13 voreingestellt [z. B. Wert] |  |
 | neutral {adj} [value-free] | 11 wertfrei |  |
 | peak {adj} [attr.] [e.g. value, electrode current] | 8 größte [größter, größtes] |  |
 | econ. firm {adj} [attr.] [company] [e.g. growth, owner, size, value] | 7 Firmen- [z. B. Wachstum, Inhaber, Größe, Wert] |  |
 | numerical {adj} [e.g. example, sequence, series, symbolism, value] | 7 Zahlen- [z. B. Beispiel, Folge, Reihe, Symbolismus, Wert] |  |
 | heat {adj} [attr.] [e.g. bed, pad, output, value] | 5 Heiz- [z. B. Bett, Kissen, Leistung, Wert] |  |
 | characterizing {adj} [e.g. parameter, value] | kennzeichnend |  |
 | neutral {adj} [value-free] | wertneutral |  |
 | selling {adj} [attr.] [e.g. commission, concept, concession, platform, value] | Verkaufs- [z. B. Provision, Konzept, Lizenz, Plattform, Wert] |  |
 | ling. mus. photo. tonal {adj} [e.g. language, quality, separation, value] | Ton- [z. B. Sprache, Qualität, Trennung, Wert] |  |
 | worth {prep} [pred.] [having a value of] | über einen Wert von |  |
 | worthful {adj} [having value] | werthaltig |  |
Verbs |
 | to treasure [value highly] | 1010 schätzen [hochschätzen] |  |
 | econ. to appreciate [in value] | 505 aufwerten |  |
 | to appreciate [to correctly estimate value] | 439 einschätzen |  |
 | to satisfy sth. [e.g. limit value, regulations] | 307 etw. einhalten |  |
 | to set sth. [a deadline, a date; a price, a value] | 263 etw.Akk. ansetzen [eine Frist, einen Termin; einen Preis, einen Wert] |  |
 | to appreciate sth. [value highly] | 252 etw. goutieren [geh.] [gutheißen, zustimmen] |  |
 | to valorize sth. [increase the value or status of] | 84 etw.Akk. aufwerten |  |
 | to collapse [cave in (e.g. platform); also: drop suddenly in value (price or currency)] | 81 einbrechen [einstürzen (z. B. Tribüne); auch: stark im Wert fallen (Kurs od. Währung)] |  |
 | to assay [mineral, ore, value, sb.'s worth] | 57 prüfen |  |
 | math. to attain [value, supremum / infimum] | 57 annehmen [Wert, Supremum / Infimum] |  |
 | to preset sth. [e.g. a max. / min. value] | 55 etw. vorgeben [vorher festlegen] |  |
 | to appreciate sth. [correctly estimate value or worth of sth.] | etw. richtig einschätzen |  |
 | to assess sth. [calculate or estimate the value of sth.] | den Wert etw.Gen. bemessen |  |
 | to assess sth. [value, price etc.] | etw.Akk. bestimmen [Wert, Preis etc.] |  |
 | to disvalue sth. [esp. Am.] [consider to be of little value] | etw.Akk. gering schätzen [auch: geringschätzen] |  |
 | math. to fix sth. [the object or value to be considered] | etw.Akk. fest vorgeben |  |
 | to treasure [value highly] | zu schätzen wissen |  |
Nouns |
 | trinkets {pl} [small objects of little value] | 812 Nippes {m} [Nippesfiguren] |  |
 | appreciation [in value] | 345 Aufwertung {f} |  |
 | appreciation [increase in value] | 198 Wertsteigerung {f} |  |
 | account [value] | 186 Wert {m} |  |
 | deterioration [decrease in value] | 163 Wertminderung {f} |  |
 | deterioration [decrease in value] | 163 Wertverlust {m} |  |
 | quality [value, worth] | 50 Wert {m} |  |
 | values [value systems] | 39 Werthaltungen {pl} |  |
 | fin. stat. swings [in value] | 28 Ausschläge {pl} |  |
 | fin. renominalisation [Br.] [change in the nominal value] | 27 Nennwertänderung {f} [Wertpapiere] |  |
 | junk {sg} [coll.] [old or discarded articles that are considered useless or of little value] | 26 Klamotten {pl} [Kram, Plunder] |  |
 | par [face or recognized value] | 26 Pari {m} |  |
 | fin. renominalisation [Br.] [change in the nominal value] | 25 Nominalwertänderung {f} [Wertpapiere] |  |
 | art painting [of no great value] | 18 Schwarte {f} [ugs.] [pej.] |  |