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 | wooded {adj} [e.g. area, landscape, site, steppe, valley] | Wald- [bewalded] [z. B. Fläche, Landschaft, Grundstück, Steppe, Tal] |  |
Verbs |
 | to traverse sth. [esp. bridge: a river, a valley, etc.] | 13 etw.Akk. überspannen [bes. Brücke: einen Fluss, ein Tal etc.] |  |
Nouns |
 | agr. [driving down of cattle from the mountain pastures into the valley in autumn] | 10 Almabtrieb {m} |  |
 | geogr. embouchure [archaic] [the mouth of a river or valley] | 9 Mündung {f} |  |
 | agr. [ceremonial driving down of cattle from the mountain pastures into the valley in autumn] | Alpabfahrt {f} [schweiz.] |  |
 | geogr. pol. [the collective inhabitants of an Alpine valley in Switzerland or western Austria] | Talschaft {f} [österr.] [schweiz.] |  |
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 | geogr. droke [Can.] [valley with steep sides] | Schlucht {f} |  |
 | geogr. Großwalsertal ["Great Walser Valley"] [Vorarlberg, Austria] | Großwalsertal {n} |  |
 | geogr. holler [Am.] [coll.] [small mountain valley] | kleines Bergtal {n} |  |
 | geogr. Kaiserstuhl [low mountain range in the Upper Rhine Valley] | Kaiserstuhl {m} |  |
 | geogr. Kleinwalsertal ["Little Walser Valley"] [Vorarlberg, Austria] | Kleinwalsertal {n} |  |
 | geogr. Zillertal [Ziller Valley] | Zillertal {n} |  |
2 Words: Verbs |
 | to sweep through sth. [e.g. storm through a valley] | durch etw.Akk. fegen [z. B. Sturm durch ein Tal] |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | geol. avalanche alley [coll.] [avalanche-prone valley] | Lawinenzug {m} |  |
 | constr. hydro. dam construction [across a valley] | Talsperrenbau {m} |  |
 | geogr. Emmen Valley [also: Emmen valley] | Emmental {n} |  |
 | geogr. Golden Shell [Conca d'Oro: valley by Palermo, Sicily] | Goldene Muschel {f} |  |
 | geogr. Maggia valley [also: Maggia Valley] | Maggiatal {n} [Vallemaggia, Valmaggia] |  |
 | geogr. Main valley [valley around the river Main] | Maintal {n} |  |
 | geogr. geol. river valley [valley of a major river] | Stromtal {n} |  |
 | geogr. Ursern valley [also: Urseren valley] [capitalization varies] | Urserntal {n} [auch: Urserental] |  |
 | ling. sociol. Valley girl [also: Valley Girl] [Am.] | [materialistisch eingestellte junge Frau aus dem San Fernando Valley, meist mit typischen Dialekt] |  |
 | geogr. Ziller valley [also: Ziller Valley] | Zillertal {n} |  |
3 Words: Nouns |
 | geogr. hist. Hermus valley / Valley | Hermostal {n} |  |
4 Words: Nouns |
 | everyone in the valley [all the inhabitants of a valley] | Tal {n} [fig.] [alle Bewohner eines Tals] |  |
5+ Words: Nouns |
 | lily-of-the-valley tree [Clethra arborea] [also: lily of the valley tree] | Madeira-Zimterle {f} |  |
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi) |
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