Wörterbuch Englisch Deutsch: [v]

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aviat. interlining [voluntary commercial agreement between airlines]Interlining {n} [Kooperation v. Fluggesellschaften]
mineral. khamrabaevite [(Ti,V,Fe)C]Khamrabaevit {m}
mineral. manganochromite [(Mn,Fe)(Cr,V)2O4]Manganochromit {m}
mineral. medaite [(Mn,Ca)6(V,As)Si5O18(OH)]Medait {m}
zool. T
mineral. minasragrite [V [O|SO4]·5H2O]Minasragrit {m}
electr. minijack [coll.]Minianschluss {m} [ugs.] [i. S. v. Ministecker]
mineral. momoiite [(Mn,Ca)3(V,Al)2(SiO4)3]Momoiit {m}
mineral. montroseite [(V,Fe)O(OH)]Montroseit {m}
bot. T
bot. T
tech. nameplateFabrikschild {n} [i. S. v. Typenschild o. Ä.]
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
mineral. natalyite [Na(V,Cr)Si2O6]Natalyit {m}
bot. T
mineral. nevadaite [(Cu,Al,V)6Al8(PO4)8F8·23H2O]Nevadait {m}
mineral. nolanite [(V,Fe,Fe,Ti)10O14(OH)2]Nolanit {m}
mineral. olkhonskite [(Cr,V)2Ti3O9]Olkhonskit {m}
mineral. orthominasragrite [V [O|SO4]·5H2O]Orthominasragrit {m}
mineral. palenzonaite [(Ca,Na)3Mn(V,As,Si)3O12]Palenzonait {m}
mineral. paseroite [PbMn(Fe,)2(V,Ti,)18O38]Paseroit {m}
mineral. poppiite [Ca2(V,Fe,Mg)(V,Al)2 [(O,OH)3]|SiO4|Si2O]Poppiit {m}
hist. neol. relig. pravilege ["depraved privilege": conflict between Henry V and the pope]Pravileg {n}
biol. proaccelerin [factor V]Proaccelerin {n} [Faktor V]
biol. proaccelerin [factor V]Proakzelerin {n} [Rsv.] [Faktor V]
puffer [smoker]Schmauchlümmel {m} [selten] [wird J. W. v. Goethe zugeschrieben]
bot. gastr. T
bot. T
mineral. reppiaite [Mn [(V,As)O4(OH)2]2]Reppiait {m}
astron. RheaRhea {n} [auch: Saturn V]
mineral. roscoelite [K(V,Al,Mg)2AlSi3O10(OH)2]Roscoelith {m}
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
mineral. schubnelite [Fe2-x(V,V)2O4(OH)4]Schubnelit {m}
mineral. schumacherite [Bi3 [(V,As,P)O4]2O(OH)]Schumacherit {m}
mineral. senaite [Pb(Mn,Y,U)(Fe,Zn)2(Ti,Fe,Cr,V)18(O,OH)38]Senait {m}
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
mineral. stanleyite [V [O|SO4]·6H2O]Stanleyit {m}
tech. stoppingStillsetzen {n} [z. B. i.S.v. Anhalten]
mineral. straczekite [(Ca,K,Ba)2(V,V)8O20·3H2O]Straczekit {m}
mineral. tomichite [AsTi3(V,Fe)4O13(OH)]Tomichit {m}
mineral. vanadomalayaite [Ca(V,Ti) [O|SiO4]]Vanadomalayait {m}
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