| English  | German |  |
 | respectively <resp.> [usually postpos.] | 5114 beziehungsweise <bzw.> [respektive, im anderen Fall] |  |
 | fucking {adj} [usually vulg.] | 372 verdammt [ugs.] [pej.] |  |
 | cum {prep} [usually used in combination] | 62 mit |  |
 | reincarnate {adj} [usually postpos.] | 48 wiedergeboren [in einem anderen Körper] |  |
 | obtaining {adj} [usually postpos.] [prevailing] | 26 gültig |  |
 | plenipotentiary {adj} [usually postpos.] | 18 bevollmächtigt |  |
 | uncontestable {adj} [usually incontestable] | 14 unanfechtbar |  |
 | law prepense {adj} [usually postpos.] [dated] | 7 vorbedacht |  |
 | law prepense {adj} [usually postpos.] [dated] | 6 vorsätzlich |  |
 | -ics {suffix} [when a branch of science, usually with the singular (ethics is)] | -ik |  |
 | [Where are you from?] [usually pronounced "Where're you from?"] | Wo kommste wech? [regional nordd.] [phonet. Dialektschreibung] |  |
 | bathykolpian {adj} [rare] [usually hum.] [deep-bosomed] | vollbusig |  |
 | herald. courant {adj} [usually postpos.] [running] | laufend <lfd.> |  |
 | incarnate {adj} [usually postpos.] | in Menschengestalt [nachgestellt] |  |
 | biochem. interchain {adj} [usually attr.] | zwischen den Ketten [nachgestellt] |  |
 | mil. pol. militaristic {adj} [usually pej.] | militaristisch [pej.] |  |
 | named {adj} [usually postpos.] | mit dem Namen [nachgestellt] |  |
 | reincarnate {adj} [usually postpos.] | reinkarniert |  |
 | un- {prefix} [before an adj./adv.; usually as one unhyphenated word] | nicht- [vor einem Adj./Adv.; oft als ein Wort ohne Bindestrich] |  |
 | uncontestable {adj} [usually incontestable] | unbestreitbar |  |
Verbs |
 | to stomach sth. [usually: cannot stomach sth.] | 527 etw.Akk. vertragen [meist verneint: etw. nicht vertragen (können)] |  |
 | to advance sth. [with sliding motion, usually slowly] | 467 etw. vorschieben |  |
 | to chagrin sb. [usually used in the passive voice] | 143 jdn. verdrießen [geh.] |  |
 | to brick sth. [coll.] [usually small objects like phones, computer components] | 82 etw. schrotten [ugs.] [unbrauchbar machen] |  |
 | to rumble sb./sth. [Br.] [coll.] [usually passive; e.g. sb. has been rumbled] | 80 jdn./etw. durchschauen |  |
 | to plod [make one's way with heavy usually slow steps] | 30 zockeln [ugs.] |  |
 | Internet to swat sb. [to call a SWAT team to sb.'s house, usually unsolicitedly] | 6 jdn. swatten [ugs.] |  |
 | med. to ectomize [usually suffix : -ectomize] | 5 ektomieren |  |
 | to address sth. [usually issues, concerns, etc.] | auf etw.Akk. zu sprechen kommen [ugs.] [ansprechen, thematisieren] |  |
 | to budge [usually with negative] | sichAkk. bewegen [sich (vom Fleck) rühren] |  |
 | to defeat sb. [usually only for a time or in a single event, e.g. a sporting match] | jdm. eine Schlappe beibringen / erteilen [ugs.] [Redewendung] |  |
 | to depants sb. [sl.] [rare] [usually in public] | jdm. die Hosen herunterziehen [oft in der Öffentlichkeit] |  |
 | med. to ectomise [Br.] [usually suffix : -ectomise] | ektomieren |  |
 | to fault sb./sth. [usually with negative: e.g. I can't fault him] | etwas an jdm./etw. auszusetzen haben |  |
 | to freebuff [coll.] [usually applied to women] | keine Unterwäsche tragen [meist bei Frauen] |  |
 | journ. photo. to pap sb. [coll.] [usually passive] | von jdm. Paparazzi-Fotos schießen |  |
Nouns |
 | geogr. downs {pl} [Br.] [rolling, usually treeless upland] | 2691 Hügelland {n} |  |
 | relig. laity {sg} [usually treated as pl.] | 432 Laien {pl} |  |
 | relig. clergy [usually treated as pl.] | 382 Klerus {m} |  |
 | deliberation [discussion within a group, usually pl.] | 364 Beratung {f} [Besprechung in einer Gruppe, oft pl.] |  |
 | slammer [usually: the slammer] [sl.] [prison] | 287 Knast {m} [ugs.] |  |
 | relig. clergy [usually treated as pl.] | 251 Geistlichkeit {f} [Klerus] |  |
 | geogr. the Netherlands {pl} [usually treated as sg.] <.nl> | 251 Holland {n} [ugs.] [die Niederlande] |  |
 | dickhead [usually vulg.] [sl.] [a stupid or contemptible person] | 197 Arschloch {n} [vulg.] [Schimpfwort] |  |
 | revel [usually pl.] | 191 Feiern {n} |  |
 | educ. electr. electronics [usually treated as sg.] [branch of physics] | 185 Elektronik {f} [Fachgebiet] |  |
 | econ. educ. economics [usually treated as sg.] | 168 Wirtschaftswissenschaft {f} <WW, Wiwi> |  |
 | mil. barrack [usually barracks] | 166 Kaserne {f} |  |
 | dive [act of swimming underwater, usually with breathing equipment] | 101 Tauchgang {m} |  |
 | admin. fin. revenue [usually: the revenue] [department] | 98 Finanzbehörde {f} |  |