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|  |
 | exhausted {adj} {past-p} [used up] | 1269 aufgebraucht |  |
 | consumed {adj} {past-p} [used up, eaten etc.] | 1044 verzehrt [geh.] |  |
 | first {adj} <1st> [German word used with {f} nouns (w or w/o definite article) or {m} / {n} nouns with definite article, e.g. "der erste Eindruck", "(die) erste Hälfte", "das erste Gebot"] | 695 erste |  |
 | incorporated {adj} [fig. for persons, ideas; not used for units, systems etc.] | 428 integriert |  |
 | Goody! [coll.] [used esp. by children] | 362 Prima! [ugs.] |  |
 | dead {adj} [fig.] [used up] | 310 verbraucht |  |
 | its {pron} [English neuter determiner used when German uses female gender of possessor] | 275 ihr |  |
 | Poppycock! [coll.] [used as an interjection] | 230 Papperlapapp! [ugs.] |  |
 | even {adv} [used as intensive to indicate something unexpected] | 229 überhaupt |  |
 | damned {adj} [coll.] [used for emphasis, esp. to express anger or frustration] | 166 verdammt [ugs.] |  |
 | art drawing {adj} [attr.] [used to draw] | 142 Zeichen- [z. B. Stift, Papier] |  |
 | already {adv} [coll.] [used as an intensifier to express exasperation or impatience] | 136 endlich |  |
 | somewhen {adv} [some time] [rare, perceived as archaic or non-standard unless used as a stylistic device, esp. in combination with "somewhere" etc.] | 109 irgendwann |  |
 | Poof! [used to suggest instantaneous occurrence] | 100 Simsalabim! |  |
 | veritable {adj} [used for emphasis] | 84 regelrecht |  |
 | smiled {adj} {past-p} [rarely used as an adjective] | 72 gelächelt [als Adjektiv selten] |  |
 | cum {prep} [usually used in combination] | 62 mit |  |
 | law reserved [used as placeholder for deleted section of contract] | 62 entfällt |  |
 | terrific {adj} [coll.] [extremely good or intense, often used in a sarcastic sense] | 55 doll [ugs.] [großartig oder sehr ausgeprägt, oft im ironischen Sinn gebraucht] [vgl. toll] |  |
 | mine {pron} [determiner] [archaic] [my] [used before a word beginning with a vowel or a mute h] | 46 mein |  |
 | ...-looking {adj} [used with a preceding adj.] | 41 ... aussehend |  |
 | Criminy! [coll.] [used to express surprise or disbelief] | 41 Verdammt! [salopp] [bei Verwunderung od. Missfallen] |  |
 | thankfully {adv} [used as a sentence adverb to express pleasure or relief at a fortunate outcome] | 35 dankenswerterweise |  |
 | Whoa! [coll.] [used to slow or stop] | 34 Langsam! |  |
 | that {adv} [coll.] [used to emphasize how much] | 32 derart |  |
 | excessive {adj} [over-extensively used] | 31 inflationär [fig.] |  |
 | gone {adj} {past-p} [used up] | 25 verbraucht |  |
 | first {adj} <1st> [German word used with {m} nouns without definite article, e.g. "erster Eindruck"] | 24 erster |  |
 | fin. recoverable {adj} [used in conjunction with current assets such as inventories or receivables] | 24 werthaltig |  |
 | orderly {adj} {adv} [correct, properly] [rarely used as an adverb] | 14 ordnungsgemäß |  |
 | Urgh! [used to express disgust] | 13 Würg! [ugs.] |  |
 | Pshaw! [used to express contempt] | 12 Pah! |  |
 | hist. med. pre- {prefix} [used especially in words regarded as Latin] | 10 prä- |  |
 | this {adv} [coll.] [used to emphasize how much] | 10 derart |  |
 | where {adv} [used after reference to a place] | 10 woselbst [geh.] [wo (Relativadverb)] |  |
 | Frack! [Am.] [vulg.] [sl.] [used as euphemism for "fuck"] | 9 Verdammt! [ugs.] |  |
 | Ugh! [used to express disgust] | 9 Würg! [ugs.] |  |
 | first {adj} <1st> [German word used with {n} nouns without definite article, e.g. "erstes Gebot"] | 8 erstes |  |
 | greater {adj} [used with reference to cities] | 6 Groß- |  |
 | [rarely used; two different meanings: a) venerating, deferential; b) venerable] {adj} | 5 verehrensvoll [selten für: a) verehrungsvoll; b) verehrenswert] |  |
 | [Southern German filler, used to intensify the sense of an expression, and to express surprise. Unusual in written language] | 5 fei [südd.] [regional] |  |
 | Honest! [used as emphasis that what has just been said is true] | 5 Ungelogen! [ugs.] |  |
 | ling. [able to be used in the forefield (first position) of a German sentence] {adj} | vorfeldfähig |  |
 | [Acronym used to represent the dominant states of the German speaking area: Germany (D), Austria (A), Switzerland (CH)] | DACH [Kunstwort für Deutschland, Österreich und die Schweiz] |  |
 | [Acronym used to represent the dominant states of the German speaking area: Germany (D), Austria (A), Switzerland (CH)] | D-A-CH [Kunstwort für Deutschland, Österreich und die Schweiz] |  |
 | jobs [female / male / non-binary, used to express gender diversity in job listings] | weiblich / männlich / divers <w/m/d> [z. B. in Stellenanzeigen] |  |
 | [for the (German used only with neuter nouns)] | für's [FALSCH für: fürs (für das)] |  |
 | [late (deceased)] {adj} [attr.] [may in German be used colloquially hum. for things that do not exist any longer, besides the standard meaning for persons which is becoming old-fashioned] | seligen Angedenkens [nachgestellt] [ugs. hum.] [einstig, früher] [nicht Personen betreffend] |  |
 | [not used; if necessary, sign with p.p.] {adv} | für die Richtigkeit gezeichnet [Name X] <f. d. R. gez.> [heute kaum noch gebräuchlich, da ohne Vollmacht] |  |
 | quote [quote from a popular German TV sketch, used to express that everything was better in the past; literally: "There was more lametta (on the Christmas tree) in the old days."] | Früher war mehr Lametta. [Loriot, aus „Weihnachten bei Hoppenstedts“; verallgemeinert verwendet im Sinne von „Früher war alles besser.“] |  |