| English  | German |  |
 | therefor {adv} [Am. esp. legal usage] [often pronounced "thereFOR"] | 1234 dafür |  |
 | therefor {adv} [Am., esp. legal usage] [often pronounced "thereFOR"] | 160 hierfür |  |
 | niggardly {adj} [rare in present-day Am. usage] | 102 geizig |  |
 | commonly {adv} [rare] [jointly] [esp. mil. and admin. usage] | 50 zusammen [gemeinsam] |  |
 | inacceptable {adj} [criticized usage / term for unacceptable] | 19 unakzeptabel |  |
 | ling. regional {adj} [accent, speech, expression, usage, etc.] | 16 landschaftlich <landsch.> |  |
 | inacceptable {adj} [criticized usage / term for unacceptable] | 13 inakzeptabel |  |
 | sb. developes [criticized usage / term for sb. develops] | 12 jd. entwickelt |  |
 | archaeo. art material fictile {adj} [technical usage] [made of clay by a potter] [e.g. vase] | 11 Ton- [z. B. Vase] |  |
 | fictile {adj} [technical usage] [made of clay by a potter] | 7 getöpfert |  |
 | inacceptable {adj} [criticized usage / term for unacceptable] | nicht annehmbar |  |
 | inacceptable {adj} [criticized usage / term for unacceptable] | nicht hinnehmbar |  |
 | inacceptable {adj} [criticized usage / term for unacceptable] | nicht vertretbar |  |
 | unhomogeneous {adj} [criticized usage / term for inhomogeneous] | ungleich [inhomogen] |  |
 | spec. unhomogeneous {adj} [criticized usage / term for inhomogeneous] | unhomogen [veraltet] [inhomogen, nicht homogen] |  |
Verbs |
 | to richen sb. [to enrich sb. is more common usage] | jdn. reich machen [auch: reichmachen] |  |
Nouns |
 | agr. bot. T | 506 |  |
 | royalty [usage fee] | 211 Nutzungsgebühr {f} |  |
 | ling. usage [linguistic usage] | 40 Sprachgebrauch {m} |  |
 | bibl. barrenness [archaic except in biblical usage: childlessness] | 19 Kinderlosigkeit {f} |  |
 | gastr. minerals {pl} [Br.] [effervescent soft drinks] [commercial usage] | 13 Mineralwasser {n} |  |
 | agr. maize [esp. Br. or technical usage] [Zea mays] | 5 Kukuruz {m} [regional, bes. österr.] [Mais] |  |
 | appy [Am.] [coll.] [appetizing store, N.Y. usage] | Delikatessengeschäft {n} [Fisch- und Milchprodukte] |  |
 | ind. mil. weapons armoury [Br.] [Am. usage: arms factory] | Waffenfabrik {f} |  |
 | etui [rare but some usage esp. in sewing] | Etui {n} |  |
 | agr. bot. maize [esp. Br. or technical usage] [Zea mays] | Welschkorn {n} [veraltet od. regional] [Mais] |  |
 | biol. sex [gender; this usage sometimes seen as incorrect, esp. some academic disciplines] | Geschlecht {n} [Gender] |  |
 | mil. turnpike [esp. in historical usage] [a spiked barrier] | spanischer Reiter {m} [Barriere] |  |
 | waftage [early modern English] [current usage mostly fig.] | Fahrt {f} [auf Schiff über einen Fluss] |  |
 | writrix [aspirational noun not (yet) in common usage] | Autorin {f} |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | ab initio {adv} {adj} [formal or legal usage] <ab init> | anfänglich |  |
 | in Ukraine {adv} [usage after 1991] | in der Ukraine |  |
 | shortly ago {adv} [esp. Am.] [criticized usage / term for: a short while ago] | vor kurzem [auch: vor Kurzem] |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | geogr. (River) Saar [Br. usage] | Saar {f} |  |
 | appetizing store [Am.] [N.Y. usage] | Delikatessengeschäft {n} [Fisch und Milchprodukte] |  |
 | bike bicycle ridership [usage] | Velonutzung {f} [schweiz.] |  |
 | drugs drug admission [confession of illicit drug usage] | Drogenbeichte {f} |  |
 | astron. dusty cloud [scient. usage] | Staubwolke {f} [in Weltraum] |  |
 | automot. licence plate [Br.] [British spelling, but not British usage] | Nummernschild {n} |  |
 | ethn. Negro tribe [derogatory in modern usage] | Negerstamm {m} [abwertend in heutigem Gebrauch] |  |
 | ind. retort furnace [esp. in historical usage] | Muffelofen {m} [bei Retortenverkohlung] |  |
 | geogr. River Amazon [Br. usage] | Amazonas {m} |  |
 | geogr. River Amazon [Br. usage] | Amazonenstrom {m} |  |
 | second cousin [female] [non-genealogical usage: distant cousin] | Großcousine {f} [nicht-genealogischer Gebrauch: entferntere Verwandte] |  |
 | second cousin [female] [non-genealogical usage: distant cousin] | entfernte Cousine {f} |  |
 | tech. split cotter [neologism] [split pin (UK usage), cotter pin (US usage)] | Splint {m} |  |
 | tech. tools tool tip [not advice on tool usage] | Werkzeugspitze {f} |  |
3 Words: Others |
 | ling. by ... word usage {adv} [e.g. by common word usage] | im ... Sprachgebrauch [z. B. im gewöhnlichen Sprachgebrauch] |  |
 | in (the) Ukraine {adv} [usage prior to 1991] | in der Ukraine |  |
3 Words: Verbs |
 | to be comprised of sth. [criticized usage / term for: be composed of sth.] | aus etw.Dat. bestehen |  |
 | to say sth. sub rosa [Lat., educated usage] | etw. im Vertrauen sagen |  |
 | to set a precedent [idiom] [establish a usage, tradition, or standard] | einen Präzedenzfall schaffen |  |
3 Words: Nouns |
 | hist. mil. bureau of ordnance [generic usage, esp. Am.] | Waffenamt {n} [allg. oder inoffizieller Sprachgebrauch] |  |
5+ Words: Others |
 | Are you on the telephone? [dated usage, meaning "Do you have a telephone?"] | Hast du ein Telephon? [alt] |  |
5+ Words: Verbs |
 | to be best placed to do sth. [EU usage] | am besten geeignet sein, etw. zu tun |  |
 | to be best placed to do sth. [EU usage] | am besten in der Lage sein, etw. zu tun |  |
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi) |
 | agr. bot. EU T | |  |