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 | comm. ind. packaged {past-p} [separate items as a single unit] | 18 konfektioniert [in gewissen Mengen abgepackt] |  |
 | comp. computer {adj} [attr.] [e.g. centre, operation, speed, technology, unit] | Rechen- [z. B. Zentrum, Operation, Geschwindigkeit, Technik, Werk] |  |
 | tech. continuous {adj} [unit, system] | kontinuierlich arbeitend [Gerät] |  |
 | tech. continuous {adj} [unit, system] | stetig arbeitend [Gerät] |  |
 | archi. RealEst. housing {adj} [attr.] [e.g. benefit, complex, estate, situation, unit] | Wohn- [z. B. Geld, Komplex, Siedlung, Situation, Einheit] |  |
Nouns |
 | furn. shelves {pl} [unit of furniture] | 4814 Regal {n} |  |
 | pace [also unit of measurement] | 3764 Schritt {m} [auch Maßeinheit] |  |
 | mil. QM tech. entity [separate unit] | 2712 Einheit {f} [Größe, Formation] |  |
 | econ. division [section, unit] | 1171 Sparte {f} |  |
 | step [also unit of measurement] | 1101 Schritt {m} [auch Maßeinheit] |  |
 | agr. unit morgen <Mg> [dated] [unit of area, 2,500 m²] | 386 Morgen {m} <Mg> [veraltend] [Flächenmaß, 2.500 m²] |  |
 | biol. psych. sociol. meme [unit of cultural information] | 324 Mem {n} [Gedankeneinheit] |  |
 | furn. sink [kitchen sink, sink unit] | 149 Küchenspüle {f} |  |
 | gauge [unit] | 121 Maßeinheit {f} |  |
 | admin. county [Am.] [local administrative unit] | 90 Kreis {m} <Kr> [Schleswig-Holstein, Nordrhein-Westfalen für Landkreis] |  |
 | econ. item [unit] | 85 Einheit {f} |  |
 | butt [cask, barrel, unit] | 75 Fass {n} |  |
 | admin. district [local administrative unit] | 24 Kreis {m} <Kr> [Schleswig-Holstein, Nordrhein-Westfalen für Landkreis] |  |
 | chem. unit mole <mol> [SI base unit of amount of substance] | 20 Mol {n} <mol> |  |
 | phys. unit pascal <Pa> [unit of pressure] | 20 Pascal {n} <Pa> [Maßeinheit des Drucks] |  |
 | unit span [unit of length] | 20 Spanne {f} |  |
 | transp. tractor [tractor unit] | 20 Sattelzugmaschine {f} |  |
 | aviat. mil. wing [military flying unit] | 19 Geschwader {n} [Luftwaffe] |  |
 | agr. unit yoke [traditional unit of area] | 18 Joch {n} [veraltetes Flächenmaß] |  |
 | unit radian <rad> [standard unit of angular measure] | 16 Radiant {m} <rad> |  |
 | phys. unit gauss <G> [unit of magnetic flux density] | 15 Gauß {n} <Gs, G> [Einheit der magnetischen Flussdichte] |  |
 | loaner [unit, product] | 12 Leihstellung {f} [Leihgabe, z. B. Gerät] |  |
 | unit mesh [unit of measurement] | 10 Mesh {n} [Maßeinheit für Maschenweite von Sieben bzw. Korngröße von gesiebtem Material] |  |
 | agr. hist. hide [unit of area] | 9 Lahn {f} [Flächenmaß] |  |
 | mil. Group [basic Luftwaffe command unit] | 8 Gruppe {f} <Gr> [Luftwaffe] |  |
 | hist. mil. peloton [Prussian / Imperial German Army, military unit of 80 soldiers] | 7 Peloton {n} [preußisch / kaiserlich deutsches Heer, militärische Einheit von 80 Soldaten] |  |
 | gastr. unit proof [unit for measuring strength of alcoholic content] | 7 Proof {n} |  |
 | geogr. pol. urban annexation [Am.] [absorption of a political unit by another unit, e.g. of a county by a city] | 6 Eingemeindung {f} [bes. von umliegendem Gebiet] |  |
 | hist. mil. company [military unit of landsknechts] | 6 Fähnlein {n} [Truppeneinheit der Landsknechte] |  |
 | curr. dram [monetary unit of Armenia] | 6 Dram {m} |  |
 | unit tael [Chinese mass unit for noble metals] [archaic] | 6 Tael {n} [chinesische Masseneinheit für Edelmetall] [veraltet] |  |
 | hist. [administrative unit, district] | Amt {n} |  |
 | mil. [Air Fleet equivalent to a numbered American Air Force unit] | Luftflotte {f} <Lfl> |  |
 | [German federal anti-terrorist unit] | GSG-9 {f} [Bundesantiterroreinheit] |  |
 | gastr. [hospitality unit, such as a restaurant, hotel, etc. within the hospitality industry] | Beherbergungs- und Gaststättenbetrieb {m} |  |
 | med. [mobile breast x-ray unit] | Mammobil {n} [ugs.] [mobile Screening-Einheit für Bruströntgen] |  |
 | mil. [Name given to base defense unit of JV44; literally means "butcher-bird squadron"] | Würger-Staffel {f} [Luftwaffe] |  |
 | admin. fin. [the splitting of combined income equally across members of a unit (couple, family, etc.) for purposes of income tax calculation] | Splitting {n} |  |
 | audio unit asper [unit of psychoacoustic roughness] | Asper <asper> [Maßeinheit der psychoakustischen Rauigkeit] |  |
 | mil. badge [to denote a military unit, etc.] | Verbandsabzeichen {n} [bes. Streitkräfte, NATO] |  |
 | hist. unit barleycorn [former unit of measurement, about a third of an inch] | Gerstenkorn {n} [historische angelsächsische Längeneinheit, ca. 8,47 mm] |  |
 | phys. unit barye <Ba, ba, b> [dated] [unit of preassure] | Barye {n} <Ba, ba, b> [veraltet] [Einheit des Drucks] |  |
 | mil. commander [unit, task force] <Cmdr., Cmdr> | Kommandeur {m} [Einheit, Einsatzgruppe, Kampfgruppe] |  |
 | tech. conveyor [unit, system] | Fördereinrichtung {f} [Anlage, System] |  |
 | comp. core [processing unit in a computer] | Prozessorkern {m} |  |