Dictionary English German: [understood]

Translation 1 - 21 of 21

English German
ling. obsolete {adj} <obs.> [No longer in use, and no longer likely to be understood. Obsolete is a stronger term than archaic, and a much stronger term than dated.]
ling. archaic {adj} [no longer in general use, but still found in some contemporary texts (e.g. the Bible) and generally understood; a stronger term than »dated«, but not as strong as »obsolete«]
sb. grasped [understood]
jd. begriff
luculent {adj} [easily understood, lucid]
deutlich [klar, leicht verständlich]
pellucid {adj} [easily understood]leicht verständlich
sb. apprehended [understood]jd. nahm wahr
to convey [make understood]
2 Words
Got it? [sl.] [Understood?]Capito? [salopp] [Verstanden?]
mind you {adv} [let it be understood]wohlbemerkt [seltener für: wohlgemerkt]
seen through {past-p} [fig.] [understood]durchschaut
until sb. apprehended [understood]bis jd. wahrnahm
with ... understood [e.g.: He is seething, with 'rage' understood.]gemeint ist ... [z. B.: Er kocht, gemeint ist "vor Wut".]
to fall asleep [German word is nowadays likely to be understood as a euphemism for "to die"]entschlafen [geh.] [einschlafen]
to get sth. across [make sth. readily understood]etw. rüberbringen [ugs. für: herüberbringen, hinüberbringen]
to sink in [to be fully understood]richtig ankommen [ugs.] [kapiert werden]
acad. natural scientist [especially as understood in 18th and 19th centuries; usually a layman]Naturforscher {m}
3 Words
to be grasped by sb. [understood]jdm. eingehen [begreifen]
to come across as [be understood]verstanden werden als
5+ Words
philos. psych. relig. sth. is not to be conceived [not understood]etw. ist unbegreiflich
That may easily be conceived. [understood] [archaic]Das kann man sich leicht vorstellen.
pol. Ambassador to the Court of St James's ["Palace" understood]Botschafter {m} im Vereinigten Königreich
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