| English | German | |
| minor {adj} [under legal age] | 223 minderjährig | |
| comp. enhanced {adj} {past-p} [esp. by tweaking or under-the-hood manipulations] | 96 aufgebohrt [ugs.] [verbessert, bes. durch inoffizielle Tricks] | |
| comp. improved {adj} {past-p} [esp. by tweaking or under-the-hood manipulations] | 86 aufgebohrt [ugs.] [verbessert, bes. durch inoffizielle Tricks] | |
| unbuttoned {adj} [not under constraint] | 20 zwanglos | |
| bounden {adj} [archaic] [under obligation] | 14 verpflichtet | |
| pol. spec. federal {adj} [agency, corporation directly under federal control] | 12 bundesunmittelbar | |
| relig. spec. exempt {adj} [diocese; directly under the jurisdiction of the Holy See] | 5 exemt [Bistum] | |
| relig. spec. exempt {adj} [diocese; directly under the jurisdiction of the Holy See] | exempt [Bistum] [inoffiziell] [seltener] [exemt] | |
| socialized {adj} {past-p} [brought under public control] | verstaatlicht | |
| relig. spec. stavropegial {adj} [under the direct authority of a primate] | stavropigial | |
| titled {adj} {past-p} [under the title] | übergetitelt [ugs.] [hum.] | |
| underway {adv} [occurring while under way] | sich unterwegs ereignend | |
Verbs |
| law to testify [under oath, esp. in court] | 2537 aussagen [unter Eid, bes. vor Gericht] | |
| to yield [give way under pressure] | 1763 nachgeben | |
| to buckle [bend under pressure, heat etc.] | 561 zusammenbrechen | |
| to crack [under pressure] | 370 zusammenbrechen | |
| comp. to improve sth. [esp. by tweaking or under-the-hood manipulations] | 87 etw.Akk. aufbohren [ugs.] [verbessern, bes. durch inoffizielle Tricks] | |
| to chuck sb./sth. [pat affectionately, esp. under the chin] | 71 jdn./etw. tätscheln [bes. am Hals] | |
| to dunk sb./sth. [push under water for a short time] [Am.] | 38 jdn./etw. titschen [kurz unter Wasser drücken] [regional] | |
| law to cure [under Uniform Commercial Code] | 28 nacherfüllen | |
| to crush sth. [under foot] | 13 etw.Akk. zertreten | |
| to socialize sth. [place under government control] | 8 etw.Akk. verstaatlichen | |
| tech. to inject [under high pressure or at high speed] | 7 einpressen [unter hohem Druck od. mit hoher Geschwindigkeit] | |
| to exercise sth. [to tax its powers, i.e. under considerable physical or mental exertion] | etw.Akk. (stark) in Anspruch nehmen | |
| to locomote [to move about, esp. under one's own power] | sichAkk. [bes. aus eigener Kraft] fortbewegen | |
| to municipalise sth. [Br.] [bring sth. under the ownership (of the authorities) of a town] | etw. in städtischen Besitz überführen | |
| to municipalize sth. [bring sth. under the ownership (of the authorities) of a town] | etw. in städtischen Besitz überführen | |
| to reach sb./sth. [under awkward conditions] | zu jdm./etw. vordringen | |
| to watch sb./sth. [keep under careful observation] | auf jdn./etw. aufpassen | |
Nouns |
| astron. esot. Cancer <♋> [constellation; sign of the zodiac; person born under this sign] | 1076 Krebs {m} <♋> [Sternbild; Sternzeichen; im Zeichen Krebs geborene Person] | |
| pledge [made under oath] | 353 Gelöbnis {n} [eidlich] | |
| geol. shelf [under water] | 347 Riff {n} [Felsenriff] | |
| pouch [esp. mail pouch, pouch under eyes] | 296 Sack {m} [bes. Postsack, Tränensack] | |
| econ. law proprietary [sth. used, produced, or marketed under exclusive legal right of the inventor or maker] | 204 Eigentum {n} [Sache, über die jemand die Verfügungs- und Nutzungsgewalt oder rechtliche Herrschaft hat] | |
| baby [under 12 months old] | 175 Säugling {m} | |
| law minority [state or period of being under legal age] | 60 Unmündigkeit {f} | |
| anat. pouch [under eyes] | 55 Tränensack {m} | |
| esot. Gemini [a person born under this sign] | 48 Zwilling {m} [im Zeichen Zwillinge geborene Person] | |
| law cure [under Uniform Commercial Code] | 34 Nacherfüllung {f} | |
| anat. quick [flesh under nails] | 24 Nagelbett {n} | |
| bags [under a person's eyes] | 21 Tränensäcke {pl} | |
| collar [coll.] [person placed under arrest] | 21 Festgenommener {m} | |
| sports albatross [Br.] [Golf: three strokes under par] | 19 Albatros {m} [Golf: drei Schläge unter Par] | |
| law conservatee [Am.] [a person under conservatorship] | 19 [Betreuter, Mündel] | |
| cloth. bonnet [a (cloth or straw) hat tied under the chin and worn by women and children] | 11 Schutenhut {m} | |
| tongue [flap under the lacing or buckles of a shoe] | 11 Zunge {f} [Schuhlasche] | |
| automot. tech. creeper [small frame or platform mounted on casters, used e.g. when working under a car] | 9 Rollbrett {n} [für Montagen, Werkstatt] | |
| agr. clamp [Br.] [heap of potatoes or other root vegetables stored under straw or earth] | 6 Miete {f} [Kartoffel- oder Rübenmiete] | |
| automot. tech. creeper [small frame or platform mounted on casters, used e.g. when working under a car] | 6 Werkstattrollbrett {n} | |
| agr. clamps [Br.] [heaps of potatoes or other root vegetables stored under straw or earth] | 5 Mieten {pl} [Kartoffel- oder Rübenmieten] | |