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flat {adj} [two-dimensional, planar]flächig
MedTech. magnetic resonance imaging scan [two-dimensional]Magnetresonanztomogramm {n}
math. solid {adj} [three-dimensional]räumlich
copy [of a three-dimensional object]Nachbildung {f}
aviat. transp. dim weight [short for: dimensional weight]Volumengewicht {n}
to copy sth. [a three-dimensional object]etw. nachbilden
art piece of textile art [esp. three-dimensional]Stoffobjekt {n}
math. [two carabinieri theorem, two militsioner theorem, two gendarmes theorem, double-sided theorem, two policemen and a drunk theorem; regional expressions for the squeeze / sandwich theorem]Sandwich-Satz {m} [Satz von den zwei Polizisten]
acc. fin. two quarters [first two or last two in a year]Halbjahr {n}
games swy [Aus.] [NZ] [two-up]Swy {n} [Two-up]
electr. quadripole {adj} [two-port]Vierpol-
electr. quadripole {adj} [two-port]Zweitor-
torn {adj} {past-p} [in two]durchgerissen
med. VetMed. dicephaly [two-headedness]Dizephalie {f}
division [into two]Zweiteilung {f}
bimonthly {adj} {adv} [every two months]zweimonatlich
equivocal {adj} [open to two interpretations]doppeldeutig
ling. interchangeable {adj} [of two words]synonym
lesser {adj} [comparing two things]weniger
naut. to moor [with two anchors]vermuren
med. VetMed. bicephaly [two-headedness]Bizephalie {f} [Dizephalie]
two by two {adv}in Zweiergruppen
two by two {adv}zu zweit
[two]zwey [Rechtschreibung vor 1840] [zwei]
biliteral {adj} [consisting of two letters]zweibuchstabig
dichotomous {adj} [divided into two parts]zweigliedrig
bigyny [having two wives simultaneously]Bigynie {f}
sports bobsleigh [Br.] [for two people]Doppelschlitten {m}
sports double <2x> [two-person shell]Doppelzweier {m}
mus. duet [esp. by two singers]Duett {n}
mus. interval [relationship between two notes]Tonabstand {m}
twinning [of two towns] [Br.]Städtepartnerschaft {f}
twinnings [of two towns] [Br.]Städtepartnerschaften {pl}
med. bilocular bladder [two-chamber bladder]Zweikammerharnblase {f}
confidential conversation [between two persons]Vieraugengespräch {n}
cut-across [between two roads]Verbindungsstraße {f}
cut-through [between two roads]Verbindungsstraße {f}
mil. double tap [two lethal shots]Doppelschuss {m}
cloth. matching clothes {pl} [for two people]Partnerlook {m}
automot. transfer port [two-stroke engine]Überströmkanal {m}
two by two {adv}zwei um zwei
bimestrial {adj} [rare] [occurring every two months]zweimonatlich
bimonthly {adj} {adv} [every two months]alle zwei Monate
biyearly {adv} [every two years]alle zwei Jahre
complementary {adj} [of at least two]einander ergänzend
to embrace [two or more people]sich umarmen
electr. to unsolder [device; two or more components]auseinanderlöten
furn. [two-door chest with a drawer]Vertiko {n} {m}
mus. duet [composition for two instrumentalists]Duo {n} [Komposition]
two [boy aged two]Zweijähriger {m} <2-Jähriger>
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