Dictionary English German: [tubes]

Translation 1 - 14 of 14

English German
to burst [tubes, hoses]
aufplatzen [Rohre, Schläuche, unter Druck von innen]
anat. tubes [coll.] [Fallopian tubes]
Eileiter {pl}
mus. [tubes or channels that convey air from the wind-chest to the pipes not mounted on the chest itself]Conducten {pl} [Orgel]
ind. lampworking [shaping objects from glass rods or tubes using an open flame from a lamp or from a torch]Glasblasen {n} vor der Lampe
anat. biol. salpinges [Tubae uterinae, Tubae fallopii] [Fallopian tubes]Eileiter {pl}
2 Words
electr. beam blanking [cathode ray tubes]Strahlverdunkelung {f}
tech. cooling pause [e.g. X-ray tubes]Abkühlpause {f} [z. B. bei Röntgenröhren]
audio MedTech. ear tubes [ventilation tubes]Ohrschläuche {pl} [ugs.] [Paukendrainagen]
electr. MedTech. phys. target voltage [tubes]Plattenspannung {f} [bei Röhren]
electr. MedTech. phys. target voltage [tubes]Signalplattenspannung {f} [Röhren]
tech. tube coupling [of rubber, plastic tubes]Schlauchkupplung {f}
4 Words
electr. grid current-voltage characteristic [vacuum tubes]Gitterstrom-Gitterspannungs-Kennlinie {f}
chem. precipitation of iron ochre [in tubes, ditches etc.]Verockerung {f}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F The Character of Rain [Amélie Nothomb; orig.: Métaphysique des tubes]Metaphysik der Röhren
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