Dictionary English German: [trial]

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tentatively {adv} [on a trial basis]
law spec. adversarial {adj} [trial]nach dem Verhandlungsgrundsatz durchgeführt [kontradiktorisch]
sb./sth. protracts sth. [e.g. a trial]jd./etw. zieht etw. hin [z. B. ein Gerichtsverfahren]
law to adjourn sth. [trial]
etw.Akk. sistieren [Verfahren]
to adjourn sth. [trial, race, etc.]etw.Akk. ruhen lassen [unterbrechen, verschieben]
proof [test, trial]
Probe {f} [Test]
relig. ordeal [trial by divine judgment]
Ordal {n}
law justice [right to a fair trial, nulla poena sine lege etc.]justizielle Rechte {pl}
2 Words
film courtroom drama [trial film]Gerichtsfilm {m} [Justizdrama]
math. educated guess [initial trial solution of a system of equations]Ansatz {m}
law hostile witness [witness in a trial who testifies for the opposing party][Zeuge des jeweiligen Prozessgegners]
med. pharm. interlaboratory survey [ring trial]Ringversuch {m}
locking horns [fig.] [trial of strength]Kräftemessen {n}
med. pharm. sample size [number of subjects in a clinical trial]Fallzahl {f} [Anzahl der Teilnehmer an einer Studie]
test site [trial site]Versuchsstandort {m}
sports trial dive [trial scuba dive]Probetauchgang {m}
3 Words
law to take the stand [idiom] [testify at a trial]als Zeuge auftreten [vor Gericht]
relig. (trial by) ordeal [trial by divine judgment]Ordalverfahren {n}
med. pharm. termination of trial [premature discontinuation of a trial]Abbruch {m} der Studie
med. pharm. termination of trial [premature discontinuation of a trial](vorzeitige) Beendigung {f} der Studie
hist. law wager of battle [trial-by-combat]Gerichtskampf {m}
hist. writ of procedendo[Befehl {m} des Court of Chancery an den Trial Court, ein Urteil zu erlassen]
4 Words
to stay out of prison [before and during a trial]auf freiem Fuß bleiben [Redewendung]
5+ Words
med. double-blind, placebo-controlled trial [also: doubleblind, placebo-controlled trial]placebokontrollierte Doppelblindstudie {f}
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