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| bald {adj} [head, tree, also literary] | 4009 kahl | |
| tall {adj} [e.g. tree, grass, building] | 661 hoch [z. B. Baum, Gras, Gebäude] | |
| dead {adj} [tree, branch, skin cells, etc.; also: numb (foot, fingers, etc)] | 392 abgestorben [tot (Baum, Ast, Hautzellen etc.); auch: ohne Empfindung (Fuß, Finger etc.)] | |
| knobby {adj} [trunk of a tree] | 78 knorrig [Baumstamm] | |
| for. felled {adj} {past-p} [tree] | 77 gefällt | |
| bot. leafy {adj} [branch, tree] | 73 grün [belaubt] | |
| bot. arboreal {adj} [tree-like] | 65 baumartig | |
| knotted {adj} [old tree, person] | 46 knorrig | |
| laurel {adj} [attr.] [e.g. branch, forest, leaf, tree, wreath] | 44 Lorbeer- [z. B. Zweig, Wald, Blatt, Baum, Kranz] | |
| biol. bot. arboreal {adj} [tree-dwelling] | 35 baumlebend | |
| comp. Internet collapsed {adj} {past-p} [in a tree view] | 16 eingeklappt [in einer Baumansicht] | |
| for. [of a tree; so big that a man cannot put his arms around it with the fingertips just touching each other] {adj} | 10 übergriffig [veraltet] [Baumstamm, den ein Mann nicht umklaftern kann] | |
| fallen {adj} {past-p} [tree etc.] | 10 umgestürzt [Baum etc.] | |
| felled {adj} {past-p} [tree] | 7 abgehauen | |
| expanding {adj} [figure, stature, crown (of tree), etc.] | 6 ausladend [Figur, Baumkrone etc.] | |
| for. withered {adj} [tree] | 5 abständig [Baum] | |
| quote [quote from a popular German TV sketch, used to express that everything was better in the past; literally: "There was more lametta (on the Christmas tree) in the old days."] | Früher war mehr Lametta. [Loriot, aus „Weihnachten bei Hoppenstedts“; verallgemeinert verwendet im Sinne von „Früher war alles besser.“] | |
| bot. zool. arboraceous {adj} [tree-dwelling] | baumbewohnend [baumlebend] [fachbegrifflich: arboreal] | |
| arboraceous {adj} [tree-like] | baumartig | |
| bot. zool. arboral {adj} [spv.] [arboreal] [tree-dwelling] | baumbewohnend | |
| arboral {adj} [tree-like] | baumartig | |
| bot. zool. arborary {adj} [tree-dwelling] | baumbewohnend [fachbegrifflich: arboreal] | |
| arborary {adj} [tree-like] | baumartig | |
| bot. zool. arboreal {adj} [tree-dwelling] | auf Bäumen lebend | |
| archi. urban arbored {adj} [tree-lined] | von Bäumen gesäumt | |
| constr. furn. material ashen {adj} [made from the wood of the ash tree] | aus Eschenholz [nachgestellt] | |
| barkless {adj} [tree] | rindenlos [Baum] | |
| towering {adj} [tree] | hoch gewachsen | |
| bot. trunkless {adj} [tree] | stammlos [Baum] | |
Verbs |
| to tap sth. [barrel, tree, telephone, etc.] | 1066 etw.Akk. anzapfen [Fass, Baum, Telefon usw.] | |
| agr. hort. to pick sth. [e.g. cherries from a tree] | 407 etw.Akk. abpflücken [z. B. Kirschen von einem Baum] | |
| for. hort. to top [tree pruning] | 331 beschneiden [Baumstutzen] | |
| to sway sth. [head, hips, branch, tree top] | 161 etw. wiegen [Kopf, Hüften, Zweig, Wipfel] | |
| to bark sth. [esp. Br.] [strip the bark (from a tree or piece of wood)] | 139 etw.Akk. entrinden [einen Baum, einen Ast etc.] | |
| comp. to collapse [in a tree view] | 135 einklappen [in einer Baumansicht] | |
| comp. to expand [in a tree view] | 131 aufklappen [in einer Baumansicht] | |
| comp. to expand [in a tree view] | 119 ausklappen [in einer Baumansicht] | |
| for. hort. to replant sth. [transfer a tree etc.] | 20 etw. umpflanzen [einen Baum etc. an einen anderen Ort pflanzen] | |
| to debark sth. [remove the bark (from a tree or piece of wood)] | 19 etw.Akk. entrinden [einen Baum, ein Stück Holz etc.] | |
| for. to fell sth. [a tree] | 18 etw.Akk. umlegen [einen Baum] | |
| to fell sth. [tree] | 15 etw.Akk. umschlagen [fällen] | |
| to embrace sth./sb. [to put one's arms around with the fingertips just touching each other; e.g. a tree, a person] | 11 etw./jdn. umklaftern [veraltet] [mit ausgebreiteten Armen umfassen (sodass sich die Fingerspitzen eben berühren); z. B. einen Baum od. Menschen] | |
| hort. to score sth. [fruit tree] | 7 etw. schröpfen [Obstbaum] | |
| comp. to collapse sth. [in a tree view] | 5 etw. zusammenklappen [in einer Baumansicht] | |
| to decorate [Christmas tree, etc] | 5 anputzen [schmücken] | |
| to debark sth. [remove the bark (from a tree or piece of wood)] | etw.Akk. scheppsen [bayer.] [entrinden] [einen Baum, ein Stück Holz etc.] | |
| to decorate sth. [e.g. Christmas tree] | etw. putzen [veraltend] [z. B. Christbaum] | |
| hort. to espalier sth. [e.g. a tree] | etw. am Spalier ziehen [z. B. einen Baum] | |
| bot. hort. to fruit [e.g. of a tree or bush; to produce fruit] | Früchte tragen [z. B. Baum, Strauch; Früchte hervorbringen] | |
| to top [tree, carrot] | die Spitze abschneiden [Baum, Möhre] | |