Dictionary English German: [tour]

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glacier {adj} [attr.] [e.g. cave, flea, guide, lift, mouth, snow, tour]
Gletscher- [z. B. Höhle, Floh, Führer, Bahn, Tor, Schnee, Tour]
port {adj} [attr.] [e.g. authority, map, police, tour, town]
Hafen- [z. B. Behörde, Plan, Polizei, Rundfahrt, Stadt]
city {adj} [attr.] [relating to more than one city, e.g. comparison, excursion, network, planning, tour, trip]
Städte- [z. B. Vergleich, Trip, Netz, Bau, Tour, Reise]
travel to visit sth. [tour a country, cities, etc.]
etw. bereisen
travel TrVocab. tour [circular tour]
Rundreise {f}
travel TrVocab. tour [sightseeing tour, of a museum etc.]
Besichtigung {f} [Besichtigungstour, Rundgang]
[traditional Schnapps drinking and cabbage eating tour of North Germany]Kohltour {f} [nordd.]
[traditional Schnapps drinking and cabbage eating tour of northern Germany]Kohlfahrt {f} [nordd.]
2 Words: Others
without rises {adj} [hiking tour etc.]steigungslos [Wanderung etc.]
2 Words: Nouns
travel audio guide [audio tour]Audioguide {m} [Audioführung]
travel TrVocab. castle tour [guided tour through a castle]Burgführung {f}
travel castle tour [guided tour through a palace]Schlossführung {f}
travel circular walk [walking tour]Rundwanderung {f}
naut. TrVocab. duck boat [also: Duck boat] [coll.] [amphibious tour bus][Amphibienfahrzeug für Ausflüge von Touristen]
escorted tourBegleitung {f} [nicht standardsprachlich: begleitete Tour]
sports lanterne rouge [red lantern for the last place in the Tour de France]rote Laterne {f} [letzter Platz beim Classement der Tour de France]
comm. milk round [literally: tour to deliver milk to households]Milchrunde {f} [Weg beim Ausliefern von Milch an Haushalte]
sports pro tour [short for: professional tour]Profitour {f}
jobs reading tourLesetour {f} [auch: Lese-Tour]
round trip [circular tour]Rundtour {f}
tour station [e.g. on a factory tour]Besichtigungsstation {f} [z. B. bei einer Werksbesichtigung]
sports tour week [of the Tour de France]Tourneewoche {f} [schweiz.] [bei der Tour de France]
sports Tour winner [Tour de France]Toursieger {m}
walk-through [quick tour through a property that one is interested in buying][das Besichtigen eines Hauses, das man vielleicht kaufen will]
whispering system [e.g. for tour guides]Flüsteranlage {f} [Personenführungsanlage]
sports white jersey [maillot blanc] [Tour de France]Weißes Trikot {n} [das Maillot Blanc] [Tour de France]
bike sports yellow jersey [maillot jaune (Tour de France)]Gelbes Trikot {n}
3 Words: Others
mus. theatre on the road {adv} [idiom] [on tour, e.g. theatre company]auf Tournee
on the road {adv} [idiom] [on tour, travelling]auf Achse [ugs.] [Redewendung] [unterwegs, auf Reisen]
3 Words: Nouns
bike sports Tour of Switzerland [Tour de Suisse]Tour {f} de Suisse
4 Words: Others
bike sports rich in vertical meters {adj} [Am.] [hilly tour]höhenmeterreich [hügelige Tour]
bike sports rich in vertical metres {adj} [Br.] [hilly tour]höhenmeterreich [hügelige Tour]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F Sightseers [Ben Wheatley]Sightseers [DVD-Titel: Sightseers - Killers on Tour!]
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