| English  | German |  |
 | contentious {adj} [person; not topic] | 77 kampflustig |  |
 | conversational {adj} [e.g. partner, tone, topic, therapy] | 20 Gesprächs- [z. B. Partner, Ton, Thema, Therapie] |  |
 | understudied {adj} [research topic] | (von der Wissenschaft) vernachlässigt [Forschungsthema, -gebiet] |  |
Verbs |
 | to cover sth. [topic] | 785 etw.Akk. behandeln [Thema] |  |
 | to address sth. [topic] | 721 etw.Akk. thematisieren |  |
 | to address sth. [topic] | 640 etw.Akk. behandeln [Thema] |  |
 | to introduce sth. [topic] | 455 etw. anschneiden [Thema] |  |
 | to address sth. [topic, briefly] | 421 etw. ansprechen [Thema] |  |
 | to treat sth. [a topic or subject] | 270 etw.Akk. abhandeln [Thema etc.] |  |
 | to resurface [fig.] [memories, topic] | 89 aufkommen |  |
 | educ. to cover sth. [topic at school] | 61 etw. durchnehmen [Thema in der Schule] |  |
 | to air sth. [topic] | 55 etw.Akk. erörtern |  |
 | to approach sth. [broach a topic] | auf etw.Akk. zu sprechen kommen |  |
 | to discuss sth. [topic etc.] | sichAkk. mit etw.Dat. auseinandersetzen [Thema usw.] |  |
Nouns |
 | issue [topic] | 4521 Thema {n} |  |
 | approach [to a topic, subject] | 2067 Ansatz {m} [Ausgangspunkt, Grundgedanke] |  |
 | subject [topic] | 1320 Thema {n} |  |
 | subject [theme, topic] | 516 Gegenstand {m} [Thema] |  |
 | hobbyhorse [fig.] [favorite topic] | 226 Lieblingsthema {n} |  |
 | item [topic] | 144 Thema {n} |  |
 | head [obs.] [one of the chief points of a topic] | 19 Thema {n} [Schwerpunkt] |  |
 | acad. [female professor responsible for formulating the topic of an academic thesis, who is not necessarily the student's personal advisor] | Themenstellerin {f} [einer akademischen Qualifikationsarbeit] |  |
 | acad. [professor responsible for formulating the topic of an academic thesis, who is not necessarily the student's personal advisor] | Themensteller {m} [einer akademischen Qualifikationsarbeit] |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | highly charged {adj} [issue, topic] | hochbrisant |  |
 | never-exhausted {adj} [subject, topic] | ewig |  |
 | shame-ridden {adj} [topic, memory etc.] | schambesetzt |  |
2 Words: Verbs |
 | to bring sth. up [topic etc.] | etw.Akk. aufbringen [Thema] |  |
 | to come up [topic, idea, etc.] | aufkommen |  |
 | to enlarge upon sth. [a topic of discussion] | etw.Akk. vertiefen [ein Thema] |  |
 | to skate over sth. [topic, problem] | etw. nur streifen [Thema, Problem] |  |
 | to touch on sth. [topic, issue] | etw. berühren [Thema] |  |
 | to turn to sth. [to another topic etc.] | zu etw.Dat. übergehen [zu anderem Thema etc.] |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | econ. deep dive [an in-depth review of a topic] | Deep Dive {n} [genaue, tiefgehende Analyse eines Sachthemas] |  |
 | favorite subject [Am.] [favorite topic] | Lieblingsthema {n} |  |
 | favourite subject [Br.] [favourite topic] | Lieblingsthema {n} |  |
 | main subject [main topic] | Hauptthema {n} [z. B. eines Gesprächs] |  |
 | pol. political staging [political framing or orchestration of a topic] | politische Inszenierung {f} [eines Themas] |  |
 | publ. serious reading [where the topic is weighty, requiring considerable effort to comprehend] | anspruchsvolle Lektüre {f} |  |
3 Words: Verbs |
 | to dwell on / upon sth. [topic] | etw. ausführlicher behandeln [Thema] |  |
 | to dwell on / upon sth. [topic] | sich näher mit etw. befassen [Thema] |  |
 | to fill sb. in (on sth.) [coll.] [supply with information on a specific topic] | jdn. (über etw.Akk.) informieren |  |
 | to go off track [idiom] [to go off topic; about a person, presentation, etc.] | (vom Thema) abschweifen |  |
 | to go off track [idiom] [to go off topic] | vom Thema abkommen |  |
 | to go off track [idiom] [to go off topic] | vom Thema abweichen |  |
 | to go off track [idiom] [to go off topic] | vom Hölzchen aufs Stöckchen kommen [Redewendung] [vom Thema abkommen] |  |
 | to pick up on sth. [topic, hint, etc.] | etw. aufgreifen [Thema, Hinweis etc.] |  |
3 Words: Nouns |
 | a tricky subject [controversial topic] | ein heikles Thema {n} |  |
 | idiom a tricky subject [controversial topic] | ein heißes Eisen {n} [fig.] |  |
 | idiom a tricky subject [controversial topic] | eine heiße Kartoffel {f} [fig.] |  |
 | in-depth coverage [of a topic] | detaillierte Darstellung {f} [eines Themas] |  |
4 Words: Verbs |
 | to return to one's muttons [to return to one's topic] [hum.] | zum Thema zurückkehren |  |
5+ Words: Verbs |
 | to be not off the table [idiom] [e.g. topic, item] | noch nicht vom Tisch sein [Redewendung] [z. B. Thema, TOP] |  |
 | idiom to wander from topic to topic | vom Hölzchen aufs Stöckchen kommen |  |