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mus. self-titled {adj} [CD title, LP title etc.] [eponymous]namengebend
film F Ivan Vasilievich Changes Profession [original Russian title: Ivan Vasilyevich menyayet professiyu] [US title also: Back to the Future] [Leonid Gaidai]Iwan Wassiljewitsch wechselt den Beruf
Honorary Consul [capitalized as honorary title for a Person, the title of a book and a movie]Honorarkonsul {m}
film F Zootropolis [renamed title, used in the UK, some other European countries and the Middle East, original title: Zootopia] [Byron Howard, Rich Moore]Zoomania
lit. F And Then There Were None [Agatha Christie] [former UK title: Ten Little Niggers, former US title: Ten Little Indians]Und dann gabs keines mehr [frühere Titel: Letztes Weekend / Zehn kleine Negerlein]
hist. ban [title]Banus {m}
claim [title, right]Anrecht {n}
econ. law style [recognized title]Titel {m}
hist. Grand Duke [title]Großfürst {m}
earldom [title]Grafentitel {m} [in Großbritannien]
journ. journal [in a title]-blatt {n}
Serenity [as title]Serenissimus {m} [veraltet]
count [title of nobility]Graf {m} [Adelstitel]
comm. former president [corporate title]ehemaliger Präsident {m}
relig. grand ayatollah [title: Grand Ayatollah]Großajatollah {m}
hist. Grand Duchess [title, esp. Russian]Großfürstin {f}
hist. pol. princely count [royal title]gefürsteter Graf {m}
art print title woodcut [also: title-woodcut]Titelholzschnitt {m}
jobs Head of HR [female] [title]Personalverantwortliche {f}
style (of address) [title]korrekte Anrede {f}
lit. F Conspirata [US title] [Robert Harris]Titan
lit. F Lustrum [UK title] [Robert Harris]Titan
titled {adj} {past-p} [under the title]übergetitelt [ugs.] [hum.]
[honorary title in Austria]Professor {m} [österr.] [Ehrentitel]
jobs [title of a senior civil servant]Oberamtsrat {m}
hist. infanta [as a title also: Infanta]Infantin {f}
jobs law chief justice [when title: Chief Justice]Gerichtspräsident {m}
relig. curial cardinal [when title: Curial Cardinal]Kurienkardinal {m}
hist. spec. Grand Prince [Serbian title]Großžupan {m} [serbischer Titel]
mus. honorary conductor [when title: Honorary Conductor]Ehrendirigent {m}
RadioTV pan title [short for panorama title]Lauftitel {m}
sports world championship [coll.] [world championship title]Weltmeistertitel {m}
hist. King of Kings [ruling title]Großkönig {m} [Titel]
art landscape with river [common artwork title]Flusslandschaft {f}
econ. fin. Spokesman of the Management Board [title]Vorstandssprecher {m}
theatre F Angel Street [US title] [Patrick Hamilton]Gaslicht
theatre F Gas Light [UK title] [Patrick Hamilton]Gaslicht
film F The Mercenaries [UK title] [Jack Cardiff]Katanga
lit. F Two Caravans [UK title] [Marina Lewycka]Caravan
to style sb. [use sb.'s title]jdn. betiteln
mus. [honorary title for a very distinguished instrumentalist]Kammervirtuose {m}
bibl. majesty [esp. as title]Hoheit {f} [bes. als Titel]
jobs law chief justice [female] [when title: Chief Justice]Gerichtspräsidentin {f}
jobs head of institute [esp. as official title]Institutsleiter {m}
head of institute [esp. as official title]Institutsleitung {f}
educ. pol. minister of education [title: Minister of Education]Bildungsminister {m}
hist. pol. F My Battle [US title]Mein Kampf [Adolf Hitler]
hist. pol. F My Struggle [UK title]Mein Kampf [Adolf Hitler]
film F Operation X [US title] [Gregory Ratoff]Dämon Uran
[honorary title for civil servants, teachers etc.]Hofrat {m} [österr.]
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