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| advanced {adj} {past-p} [in skills / time] | 2736 fortgeschritten | |
| convenient {adj} [date, time] | 2322 passend [zeitlich] | |
| after {prep} [later in time than; next to and following in order or importance] | 1799 nach [+Dat.] <n.> [zeitlich; zur Angabe einer Reihenfolge oder Rangfolge] | |
| then {adv} [at that time] | 1484 damals | |
| temporary {adj} [for a limited time] | 1424 befristet | |
| convenient {adj} [time; location] | 1157 günstig [Zeitpunkt; Lage, Standort] | |
| once {adv} [at some time in the past] | 890 einst [geh.] [früher (einmal), vor langer Zeit] | |
| yet {adv} [up to now or until some other specific time] | 869 bislang | |
| thenceforth {adv} [archaic or literary] [from that time onward] | 703 seitdem | |
| timeless {adj} [not restricted to a particular time or date (e.g. poetry, themes); also: eternal] | 612 zeitlos [nicht zeitgebunden (z. B. Dichtung, Themen); auch: ewig] | |
| inconvenient {adj} [time, place] | 524 ungünstig [unpassend, ungeeignet] | |
| term {adj} [limited in time] | 490 befristet | |
| shortly {adv} [in a short time, soon] | 477 demnächst | |
| considerable {adj} [after considerable time] | 467 geraum [nach geraumer Zeit] | |
| contemporary {adj} [occurring at the same time] | 416 gleichzeitig [zur gleichen Zeit, in derselben Epoche] | |
| spent {adj} {past-p} [time] | 336 verbracht | |
| bitter {adj} [experience, time period, etc.] | 330 hart [Erfahrung, Jahre etc.] | |
| past {adj} [attr.] [belonging to a former time, former] | 291 früher [attr.] [der Vergangenheit angehörend, z. B. Generationen, Zeiten] | |
| prior {adj} [earlier, preceding in time] | 279 früher [vorherig, vorhergehend] | |
| temporary {adj} [for a short time] | 204 kurzzeitig | |
| around {prep} [+time] | 171 gegen [+Uhr] | |
| sb. spent [time] | 163 jd. verbrachte | |
| opportune {adj} [moment, time, etc.] | 147 günstig [Moment, Zeitpunkt etc.] | |
| prompt {adj} [punctual, on time, e.g. "Be prompt for your appointment."] | 144 pünktlich [z. B. "Sei pünktlich!"] | |
| spending {adj} {pres-p} [time] | 127 verbringend | |
| somewhen {adv} [some time] [rare, perceived as archaic or non-standard unless used as a stylistic device, esp. in combination with "somewhere" etc.] | 109 irgendwann | |
| fixed {adj} {past-p} [time of meeting etc.] | 108 anberaumt | |
| -ish [coll.] [time] | 86 gegen ... | |
| up {adv} [time, season etc.] | 71 rum [ugs.] [herum, vorbei, vorüber (Zeit, Saison etc.)] | |
| sb. spends [time] | 65 jd. verbringt | |
| once {adv} [at some time in the past, formerly] | 64 einstmals [geh.] [früher (einmal)] | |
| actual {adj} [in use at the time] | 60 aktiv | |
| given {adj} [time, place] | 54 bestimmt | |
| soon {adv} [at an early time] | 48 zeitig | |
| laborious {adj} [time-consuming] | 45 zeitaufwendig | |
| prior {adj} [in time, therefore older] | 43 älter | |
| once {adv} [at some time in the past, formerly] | 42 vormals <vorm.> | |
| while {conj} [at the same time] | 37 gleichzeitig [hier in der Funktion einer Konjunktion] | |
| behind {adv} [in time] | 36 verspätet | |
| duly {adv} [on time] | 36 pünktlich | |
| first {adv} [for the first time] | 36 erstmals | |
| up {adv} [time, season etc.] | 35 vorbei | |
| slowly {adv} [esp. of time, a river] | 24 zäh [langsam, schleppend] | |
| comp. math. computing {adj} [attr.] [e.g. capacity, error, method, operation, power, time] | 23 Rechen- [z. B. Kapazität, Fehler, Methode, Operation, Leistung, Zeit] | |
| up {adv} [time is up etc.] | 23 um [die Zeit ist um usw.] | |
| up {adv} [time] | 22 abgelaufen | |
| once {adv} [at some time in the past, formerly] | 18 einstens [geh.] [früher (einmal), vor langer Zeit] | |
| conformist {adj} [esp. during Nazi time] | 16 anpasslerisch [ugs.] [pej.] [häufig auf die Nazizeit bezogen] | |
| up {adv} [time, season etc.] | 14 vorüber | |
| henceforth {adv} [from this time on] | 7 fürder [veraltet für: von jetzt an, künftig] | |