Dictionary English German: [tightly]

Translation 1 - 11 of 11

English German
strait {adj} [archaic] [narrow; also: affording little space; fitting tightly (clothes)]
eng [auch: beengt; eng anliegend (Kleidung)]
sb./sth. clips [fastens together, holds tightly]jd./etw. klemmt
to cling [hold on tightly to sb.]
klammern [an, bei jdm.]
to crush sth. [press tightly]
etw. ausdrücken [auspressen]
to clip [fasten together, hold tightly]
to gripe sth. [archaic] [grasp tightly, clutch]
etw.Akk. ergreifen
to squeeze sb. [hug tightly]jdn. fest (an sichAkk.) drücken
2 Words
to cling to sb./sth. [to hold on tightly] [also fig.]sichAkk. an jdm./etw. festklammern [auch fig., z. B. an eine Hoffnung]
to cling to sth. [to hold on tightly]sichAkk. an etw.Akk. klammern [etw. krampfhaft mit den Händen festhalten]
sports pencil jump [diving technique; feet first with your arms held tightly to your sides]Kerze {f} [ugs.] [z. B. beim Turmspringen; Sprung mit den Füßen zuerst, Arme eng am Körper angelegt]
3 Words
to hang on to sth. [hold tightly]sichAkk. an etw.Dat. festhalten
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