Dictionary English German: [threat]

Translation 1 - 19 of 19

English German
to pose sth. [threat, risk, etc.]
etw.Akk. darstellen [Gefahr, Risiko etc.]
to work [have an effect, esp. ploy, threat]
ziehen [ugs.] [wirken, funktionieren; z. B. Masche, Drohung]
to pose sth. [present, e.g. a problem, a threat]etw.Akk. (in sich) bergen [geh.] [enthalten]
to scramble sth. [aircraft etc. in response to threat]etw.Akk. sofort starten [Flugzeug etc. als Reaktion auf Gefahr]
menace [threat]
Bedrohung {f}
menace [threat]
Drohung {f}
menace [threat]
Bedrohnis {f} [selten {n}] [veraltend] [Bedrohung]
2 Words
to carry out sth. [promise, threat]etw. wahr machen
to flee from sth. [from justice, control, threat, etc.]sichAkk. etw.Dat. entziehen [der Strafverfolgung, Kontrolle, Bedrohung etc.]
to see sth. off [attack, threat, etc.]etw. abwehren
aviat. airport closure [temporary due to bomb threat etc.]Flughafensperrung {f}
aviat. airport closure [temporary due to bomb threat etc.]Flughafen-Sperrung {f}
mil. military compulsion [by force or threat of arms]militärischer Zwang {m}
threat formula [threat slogan]Drohformel {f} [Drohspruch]
3 Words
Just you wait! [threat]Warte nur!
See you later! [threat]Wir sprechen uns später! [Drohung]
to brace oneself against sth. [also fig.] [against a threat, e.g.]sichAkk. gegen etw.Akk. stemmen [auch fig.]
to make good on sth. [idiom] [esp. threat]etw.Akk. wahr machen [bes. Drohung]
psych. social threat hypersensitivity [hypersensitivity to social threat]Hypersensitivität {f} gegenüber sozialer Bedrohung
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