Dictionary English German: [thoughts ]

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Partial Matches
deep {adj} [of thoughts]gedankenschwer
foggy {adj} [thoughts]diffus [Gedanken]
vague {adj} [thoughts]diffus [Gedanken]
deliberations [thoughts, considerations]Überlegungen {pl}
composed {adj} {past-p} [thoughts]gesammelt [Gedanken etc.]
muddled {adj} [thoughts, etc.]kraus [Gedanken]
to control [anger, thoughts, etc.]bändigen
unfocused {adj} [eyes, thoughts]unfokussiert [Augen, Gedanken]
to divert [attention, thoughts]ablenken [Aufmerksamkeit, Gedanken]
embedding [of thoughts]Verankerung {f} [von Gedanken]
fixing [of thoughts]Verankerung {f} [von Gedanken]
to float about [thoughts]rumoren [ugs.] [Gedanken]
filthiness [of thoughts, desires or behaviors]Ungehörigkeit {f}
to record [thoughts, agreements etc.]fixieren [schriftlich festhalten, festmachen]
psych. free association [of thoughts]freie Assoziation {f} [von Gedanken]
incoherent {adj} [of language and thoughts]abgerissen [Sätze, Gedanken etc.]
communicableness [e.g. of thoughts: capability to be communicated]Kommunizierbarkeit {f}
communicableness [e.g. of thoughts: capability to be communicated]Mitteilbarkeit {f}
to put / set sth. aside [thoughts, differences]etw. hintanstellen [geh.]
communicability [e.g. of thoughts: capability to be communicated]Kommunikabilität {f} [geh.]
communicableness [e.g. of thoughts: capability to be communicated]Kommunikabilität {f} [geh.]
disjointedness [e.g. conversation, thoughts]Sprunghaftigkeit {f} [z. B. Unterhaltung, Gedanken]
psych. represser [also: repressor] [person who represses thoughts and feelings]Verdränger {m}
to develop further [thoughts e.g.]weiterspinnen [fig.] [Gedanken z. B.]
to deviate from sth. [fig.] [thoughts, subject, etc.]von etw. abschweifen
to put sth. last [thoughts, differences, wishes, etc.]etw. hintanstellen [geh.] [zurückstellen]
to give tongue to sth. [coll.] [thoughts, worries]etw. aussprechen [Gedanken, Sorgen]
to be in disarray [thoughts; organization; political party]durcheinander sein [Gedanken; Organisation; politische Partei]
to banish sth. [e.g. bad thoughts]etw.Akk. wegscheuchen [fig.] [z. B. schlechte Gedanken]
communicability [e.g. of thoughts: capability to be communicated]Vermittelbarkeit {f} [das Sich-begreiflich-machen-Lassen]
communicableness [e.g. of thoughts: capability to be communicated]Vermittelbarkeit {f} [das Sich-begreiflich-machen-Lassen]
to put sth. last [thoughts, differences, wishes, etc.]etw.Akk. hintenanstellen [zurückstellen] [seltener für: etw. hintanstellen]
to excite sth. [thoughts, feelings, etc.]etw.Akk. anregen [Gedanken, Gefühle etc.]
to be preoccupied with sth. [e.g. one's thoughts](ganz) in etw.Akk. vertieft sein [bes. in Gedanken]
to stray to sb./sth. [thoughts, glances, eyes, etc.]zu jdm./etw. schweifen [Gedanken, Blicke, Augen etc.]
to give voice to sth. [idiom] [one's thoughts, doubts, etc.]etw.Akk. aussprechen [seine Gedanken, Bedenken etc.]
to dwell on / upon sb./sth. [thoughts, eyes, etc.]bei jdm./etw. verweilen [geh.] [Gedanken, Augen oder Blick, etc.]
to torment oneself (with sth.) [with thoughts, memories, etc.]sichAkk. (mit etw.Dat.) quälen [mit Gedanken, Erinnerungen etc.]
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