Wörterbuch Englisch Deutsch: [this]

Übersetzung 1 - 70 von 70

Englisch Deutsch
hence {adv} [for this reason]
thus {adv} [in this way, like this]
thus {adv} [literary or formal] [as a result or consequence of this, therefore]
daher [aus diesem Grund, deshalb]
hereof {adv} [concerning this]
hence {adv} [as a consequence; for this reason]
mithin [geh.] [folglich; deshalb]
here {adv} [on doing so, in this connection]
customary {adj} [in this line of business]
so {conj} [and for this reason; therefore]
mithin {adv} [geh.] [somit, folglich]
exhaustive {adj} [e.g. this list is not exhaustive]
abschließend [erschöpfend]
just {adv} [this moment]
justament [veraltet]
henceforth {adv} [from this time on]
fürder [veraltet für: von jetzt an, künftig]
[of this year] diesen Jahres [FALSCH für: dieses Jahres]
endris {adj} [also: ender] [archaic] [this endris night / day]jüngst vergangen
here {adv} [in this world] [rare]hienieden [veraltend] [noch regional, poet. od. hum.] [auch: hinieden]
thus {adv} [in this way]auf diese Weise
until {adv} [e.g. Repeat this procedure until ... ]so oft ..., bis [Diesen Vorgang so oft wiederholen, bis ... ]
astron. esot. Cancer <♋> [constellation; sign of the zodiac; person born under this sign]
Krebs {m} <♋> [Sternbild; Sternzeichen; im Zeichen Krebs geborene Person]
epicenter [Am.] [focal point; often considered nonstandard in this sense]
Mittelpunkt {m}
esot. Gemini [a person born under this sign]
Zwilling {m} [im Zeichen Zwillinge geborene Person]
epicentre [Br.] [focal point; often considered nonstandard in this sense]
Mittelpunkt {m}
bandog [archaic in this sense]Kettenhund {m}
Continental [in this sense chiefly Br.]Kontinentaleuropäer {m}
gastr. moose [obs.] [rare] [stewed vegetables; a dish of this]geschmortes Gemüse {n} [auch: gedünstetes Gemüse]
renumeration [WRONG for: remuneration; this misconstruction occurs much more than the correctly used "renumeration" (= numbering again)] [Entlohnung, Vergütung etc.]
ethn. Sandgroper [coll.] [capital letter in this meaning]Westaustralier {m}
biol. sex [gender; this usage sometimes seen as incorrect, esp. some academic disciplines]Geschlecht {n} [Gender]
acad. hist. statistics [obs.] [science dealing with data about the condition of a state] [in this sense, treated as sg.]Staatenkunde {f} [in diesem Sinne veraltet]
2 Wörter: Andere
... this instant. [e.g. Get out of here this instant!]..., aber schleunigst. [z. B. Mach dass du fortkommst, aber schleunigst!]
econ. hoc anno {adv} [this year]hoc anno [h. a.] [in diesem Jahr] [veraltet]
of this {adv} [about this matter]hiervon [von dieser Sache]
right now {adv} [at this moment] <RN>gerade (jetzt)
this way {adv} [in this way]so rum [ugs.] [auf diese Weise]
with this {adv} [saying this]mit diesen Worten
2 Wörter: Verben
to be one's [e.g. This is my seat.]jdm. sein [regional] [ugs.] [gehören] [z. B. Der Platz ist mir.]
to care about sb./sth. [be concerned about; German phrase mostly used negating: I don't care about this.]jdn./etw. kümmern [jdn. gedanklich beschäftigen; meist verneinend: Das kümmert mich nicht.]
to hold water [fig.] [often used negatively, e.g. "This argument does not hold water."]Stich halten [fig.] [stichhaltig sein] [meist negativ gebraucht, z. B.: "hält nicht Stich"]
2 Wörter: Substantive
ind. medium technology <MT> [this term is rarely used as a noun; it is a common adjective]Mitteltechnologie {f}
next weekend [this weekend; upcoming]nächstes Wochenende {n}
geogr. Salt River [any of various of this name]Salzfluß {m}
3 Wörter: Andere
as much as [almost this amount]an die [fast, beinahe]
at this juncture {adv} [at this moment]in diesem Augenblick
at this juncture {adv} [at this point in time]zu diesem Zeitpunkt
in this vein {adv} [in this manner / direction]in diesem Stil
law in witness hereof {adv} [in witness of this]zum Zeugnis hiervon [zu Urkund dessen]
sth. doesn't go here. [e.g. not on this shelf]etw. gehört nicht hierher. [nicht auf diesen Platz]
Sth. requires / takes sth. [e.g. This preposition requires / takes the dative.]Nach etw.Dat. steht etw.Nom. [z. B. Nach dieser Präposition steht der Dativ.]
That's not done. [in this country]Das tut man nicht. [hierzulande]
The objective is ... [This approach is aimed to ...]Dieser Ansatz zielt darauf ab ...
The objective is ... [This approach is aimed to ...]Ziel dieses Ansatzes ist (es) ...
This is it. [This is the big moment] [coll.]Jetzt kommt's drauf an. [ugs.]
3 Wörter: Verben
gastr. to not agree with sb./sth. [This food doesn't agree with me / my stomach.]jdm./etw. nicht bekommen [Das Essen bekommt mir / meinem Magen nicht.]
3 Wörter: Substantive
climbing geogr. four-thousand footers <4ks> [New Hampshire mountains at or above this height]4000-Footers {pl} [Gruppe von Bergen in New Hampshire, USA, von 4.000 ft (1.219 m)]
games Head or tail? [this side or that side; often used in plural in tossing a coin to decide a choice, etc.]Kopf oder Zahl?
ind. medium-high technology <MHT> [this term is rarely used as a noun; it is a common adjective]Mittelhochtechnologie {f}
4 Wörter: Andere
a ... like this / that [German feminine singular; e.g. a jacket like this/that]sone [seltener] [so 'ne] [ugs.] [so eine; z. B. sone Jacke]
a ... like this / that [German feminine singular; e.g. a jacket like this/that]so 'ne [ugs.] [so eine; z. B. so 'ne Jacke]
a ... like this / that [German masculine/neuter singular; e.g. a coat/dress like this/that]son [seltener] [so 'n] [ugs.] [so ein; z. B. son Mantel/Kleid]
a ... like this / that [German masculine/neuter singular; e.g. a coat/dress like this/that]so 'n [ugs.] [so ein; z. B. so 'n Mantel/Kleid]
This just isn't on. [coll.] [This is not acceptable.]Das geht einfach nicht. [ugs.] [Das ist nicht akzeptabel.]
5+ Wörter: Andere
law A person who [does this] is guilty of an offence.Wer [dies tut], macht sich strafbar.
law A person who ... [does this] will be liable to prosecution.Wer ... [dies tut], kann strafrechtlich verfolgt werden.
quote And that's the day I knew there was this entire life behind things, and... this incredibly benevolent force, that wanted me to know there was no reason to be afraid, ever. [American Beauty]An diesem Tag ist mir klar geworden, dass hinter allem Leben steckt. Und diese unglaublich gütige Kraft, die mich wissen lassen wollte, dass es keinen Grund gibt, Angst zu haben.
quote From this place, and from this day forth, commences a new era in the history of the world, and you can all say that you were present at its birth. [classical transl.]Von hier und heute geht eine neue Epoche der Weltgeschichte aus, und ihr könnt sagen, ihr seid dabei gewesen. [J. W. von Goethe, "Kampagne in Frankreich" nach der Schlacht bei Valmy]
It's not the done thing. [in this country] [mainly Br.]Das tut man nicht. [hierzulande]
quote Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate. Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall! [Ronald Reagan]Herr Gorbatschow, öffnen Sie dieses Tor. Herr Gorbatschow, reißen Sie diese Mauer ein!
film quote This is not 'Nam. This is bowling. There are rules. [The Big Lebowski]Dies ist nicht Vietnam, sondern Bowling. Da gibt es Regeln.
with this end in mind {adv} [with this objective]mit diesem Ziel vor Augen
5+ Wörter: Substantive
anniversary of the foundation of [only used this way when the object of the foundation will then be mentioned: ... of XYZ]Gründungsjubiläum {n} [des / der XYZ]
to-ing and fro-ing [all this to-ing and fro-ing between ...]Hin und Her {n} [das ganze Hin und Her zwischen ...]
med. torn cartilage (in the knee) [coll.] [often "meniscus tear" is meant by this]Meniskusriss {m}
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