Dictionary English German: [them]

Translation 1 - 41 of 41

English German
'em {pron} [coll.] [them] [direct object]
'em {pron} [coll.] [them] [indirect object]
proverb [German pun, may be literally translated as: When flies fly behind flies, flies are flying after flies (to follow them).]Wenn hinter Fliegen Fliegen fliegen, fliegen Fliegen Fliegen nach.
dem {pron} [Jam.: them]diese
dem {pron} [Jam.: them]sie
to maroon sb. [put them ashore and leave them to their fate]
jdn. aussetzen [z. B. an einer unbewohnten Küste]
to preempt sb. [prevent them from acting by acting in advance or gaining a commanding position]
jdn. ausbooten [ugs.] [jdm. zuvorkommen / jdn. ausstechen]
to entertain sb. [receive sb. as a guest and provide them with food and drink]
jdn. verköstigen [(Gäste) bewirten]
to ratten sb. [archaic] [to deprive sb. of the tools used in his employment, e.g. by breaking or stealing them]
jdn. sabotieren [indem man ihm die nötigen Werkzeuge nimmt oder bricht]
[to condemn somebody by excluding them from a community to which they belong]jdn. in Acht und Bann tun [verdammen] [fig.] [geh.]
to duff sth. [Aus.] [sl.] [fraudulently obtain cattle by rebranding them]sichDat. etw.Akk. ergaunern [ugs.] [Rinder erschwindeln]
to ship sb. [esp. teenage sl.; originally gamer sl.] [going back to "relationship"] [e.g. "I ship them so much." (I wish they were together.)][sich wünschen, zwei Personen wären ein Paar]
educ. [colloquial term for the notification sent by a school to parents informing them that their child is in danger of having to repeat a year]blauer Brief {m} [ugs.]
jobs [compensation to Swiss employers for reducing employee hours rather than laying them off]Kurzarbeitsentschädigung {f}
hort. [dry pine cones to make them lose their seed]Klengen {n}
[person whose profession swears them to secrecy / confidentiality]Berufsgeheimnisträger {m}
biol. bot. zool. [plant or animal that lives near humans and benefits from association with them]Kulturfolger {m}
hist. jobs [woman who bought food products from farmers in order to sell them in town]Reeftragerin {f} [fränk.]
balconing [jumping into a swimming pool from a balcony or (falling from height while) climbing on balconies or jumping between them]Balconing {n} [auch: Balkoning] [das Springen von Balkonen in einen Swimmingpool oder das (Stürzen aus größerer Höhe beim) Klettern an Balkonen oder Springen zwischen ihnen]
Internet neol. RadioTV chatterboxing [using social media to comment on TV programmes while watching them][Kommentieren von laufenden Fernsehsendungen im Netz]
dicker [Irish] [sl.] [observer employed by paramilitaries to report information to them][Beobachter, der im Auftrag einer paramilitärischen Organisation Informationen an sie weitergibt]
2 Words: Others
compared with {adv} [that, it, him, them]daneben [verglichen mit]
of them {pron} [e.g., many of them]ihrer [geh.] [z. B. ihrer viele: viele von ihnen]
2 Words: Verbs
to make for sb. [coll.] [approach sb., esp. to attack them]auf jdn. losgehen [bes. drohend od. handgreiflich]
naut. to set sb. adrift [put them in a boat and leave them to their fate]jdn. aussetzen [ausbooten auf hoher See]
2 Words: Nouns
tech. creeper dolly [e.g. for moving heavy objects and wheeling them to the desired location]Rollbrett {n}
hist. relig. original Christians [also: Original Christians as Early Christians or as denominations referring to them]Urchristen {pl}
law Osman warning [Br.] [official warning issued to an individual by the police advising them that they are at serious risk of being killed][polizeiliche Warnung vor einem möglichen Mordanschlag]
market. pain point [problem of a customer, employee, etc. that motivates them to take action]Pain Point {m} [Problem von Kunden, Beschäftigten usw., das diese zum Handeln motiviert]
safe-cracker [spv.] [person who opens safes and robs them]Panzerknacker {m} [ugs.] [Tresorknacker]
3 Words: Verbs
to give sb. a shout [coll.] [let them know]jdm. Bescheid sagen [jdn. benachrichtigen]
to give sb. the bumps [Br.] [tossing sb. in the air to honour them]jdn. hochleben lassen [jdn. in einer Gruppe in die Luft werfen]
3 Words: Nouns
law data subject rights [rights of people regarding data about them]Betroffenenrecht {pl}
4 Words: Verbs
to do / decide sth. over sb.'s head [without consulting them]etw. über jds. Kopf hinweg tun / entscheiden [ohne ihn / sie direkt zu befragen]
to know them inside out [idiom] [to know them thoroughly]seine Pappenheimer kennen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
5+ Words: Others
bibl. quote And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them; and they were sore afraid. [Lk 2:9; KJV]Und siehe, des Herrn Engel trat zu ihnen, und die Klarheit des Herrn leuchtete um sie; und sie fürchteten sich sehr. [Lk 2,9; Luther 1912]
quote Don't tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and let them surprise you with their results. [George S. Patton Jr. - General of the US Army]Sag Menschen nie, wie sie Dinge tun sollen. Sag ihnen, was zu tun ist, und sie werden dich mit ihrem Einfallsreichtum überraschen.
I sent them a letter to tell them that ...Ich schickte einen Brief, um ihnen zu sagen, dass ...
If you can't beat them, join them.Wenn du sie nicht schlagen kannst, verbünde dich mit ihnen.
Tell them I asked for them.Grüß sie von mir! [several people]
5+ Words: Verbs
to get sb. transferred to a different department by singing his (or her) praises [with the effect of getting rid of them]jdn. in eine andere Abteilung fortloben [wegloben]
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