Dictionary English German: [their]

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English German
skinny {adj} [of a person or part of their body]
mager [Person, Körperteil]
themselves {adv} [for their part]
ethn. ling. Shastan {adj} [of or relating to the Shasta people or their language]Shasta- [bezogen auf den Stamm der Shasta bzw. deren Sprache]
skinny {adj} [of a person or part of their body]spack [nordd.] [Person oder Körperteil: mager, dünn]
to maroon sb. [put them ashore and leave them to their fate]
jdn. aussetzen [z. B. an einer unbewohnten Küste]
to toughen sb./sth. [person or their body and mind]
jdn./etw. stählen [Person oder deren Körper und Geist]
orn. zool. to gape [of young birds: open their beaks to be fed]sperren [von jungen Vögeln: den Schnabel aufsperren, um gefüttert zu werden]
mus. brass {pl} [brass wind instruments forming a band or a section of an orchestra; their players]
Blech {n} [ugs., auch etwas hum.: Blechbläser, Blechblasinstrumente]
educ. jobs law tutor [preparing law students for their exams]
Repetitor {m} [im Repetitorium]
undesirables {pl} [people] [e.g. due to their politics or race]
Missliebige {pl} [geh.]
gestures {pl} [in their totality]
Gestus {m} [geh.]
relig. [a societal state where people with different worldviews allow their differences to dominate their consciousness]
Gegeneinander {n} [Kirchenjargon]
cloth. sports pouch [worn by skiers around their waist]
Wimmerl {n} [Skiläufertasche] [österr.]
gastr. [an empty plate and cutlery at eateries offered to kids whose parents or other accompanying people share their food with]Räuberteller {m} [ugs.]
relig. [baptised Christians no longer affiliated with their denominations]Taufscheinchristen {pl.}
hist. [coarse cloth of the journeymen to wrap up their belongings]Charlottenburger {m} [bedrucktes Tuch für das Hab und Gut auf der Walz]
educ. [colloquial term for the notification sent by a school to parents informing them that their child is in danger of having to repeat a year]blauer Brief {m} [ugs.]
[derogatory term for asylum seekers, drawing attention to their poverty]Asylschnorrer {m} [pej.]
hort. [dry pine cones to make them lose their seed]Klengen {n}
comm. spec. [goods transported to markets by workers with wooden racks or baskets on their backs]Kraxenwaren {pl} [österr.] [sonst regional]
educ. pol. relig. [parents who refuse to send their children to school]Schulverweigerer {pl} [Eltern]
jobs [peasants who bring their produce to the market in tall backpack baskets]Refträger {pl} [veraltend] [regional] [Bäuerinnen/Bauern, die ihre Waren im Huckelkorb zum städtischen Markt bringen]
hist. mil. [the German or Austrian emperor as supreme commander of their empire's forces, esp. in WW I]oberster Kriegsherr {m}
relig. sociol. churching [spreading of churches and their influence]Verkirchlichung {f}
clapper [a person clapping their hands]Klatscher {m} [Beifallklatscher]
law expulsion [of people from their land]Landvertreibung {f}
flexer [person who shows off their muscles][Person, die ihre Muskeln spielen lässt]
nazi [person who is very extreme in their views on sth.] [pej.] [coll.]Besessener {m}
relig. spec. removal [relics, from their original site]Erhebung {f} [Reliquien, aus ihrer ersten Grabstätte]
sociol. returnees [returning to their country of origin, esp. after expulsion, emigration etc.]Rücksiedler {pl}
neol. zuppie [esp. Br.] [coll.] [rare] [zestful upscale person in their prime][vitaler Besserverdiener im besten Alter]
2 Words: Others
agr. grass-finished {adj} [beef] [the cattle stay on pasture for their entire lives][Fleisch von Rindern, die ihr gesamtes Leben auf der Weide verbracht haben]
seeing sb. home {adj} [postpos.] [accompanying sb. on their return home]jdn. heimbegleitend [attr.]
2 Words: Verbs
cloth. textil. to bleed into sth. [clothes with their fabric colours/colors]auf etw.Akk. abfärben [Textilien]
to call sb. out [to draw attention to their blameworthy behavior]jdn. anprangern
naut. to cast sb. ashore [against their will]jdn. aussetzen [an Land gegen seinen Willen]
to knock sb. up [Br.] [wake or attract the attention of someone by knocking at their door]jdn. herausklopfen [fig.]
to run sb. down [to criticise sb., usually not to their face]über jdn. herziehen [ugs.]
naut. to set sb. adrift [put them in a boat and leave them to their fate]jdn. aussetzen [ausbooten auf hoher See]
2 Words: Nouns
comp. neol. basement dweller [here: young person who spends most of their time in their room, in front of a computer]Kellerkind {n} [ugs.] [hier: Jugendlicher, der seine Freizeit vorwiegend vor dem Computer verbringt]
psych. body image [a person's perception of the aesthetics and sexual attractiveness of their own body]Körperschema {n} [neuropsychologische Korrelation der Wahrnehmung von realem Körper mit der Vorstellung vom eigenen Körper]
orn. duck family [drake and female with their ducklings]Entenfamilie {f} [Eltern mit Küken]
educ. enrollment ceremony [Am.] [for new students in their first year]Einschulungsfeier {f}
home nurse [female] [visits patients in their home]ambulante Krankenpflegerin {f}
hist. ling. pol. Interpretatio graeca [Latin term for the common tendency of ancient Greek writers to equate foreign divinities to members of their own pantheon.]Interpretatio Graeca {f} [Gleichsetzung nichtgriechischer mit griechischen Göttern in der Antike]
educ. open house [Am.] [when parents are invited to shadow pupils through the lessons in their classes]Schnuppertag {m} [bei dem Eltern eingeladen sind, den Schülern einen Tag lang beim Unterricht in ihren Klassenzimmern zuzusehen]
journ. pet writer [author of works on pets and their care]Haustier-Autor {m}
rubber-necker [Am.] [coll.] [somebody craning their neck to see what's going on]Gaffer {m} [ugs.]
secretarial signature [secretaries mimic the signature of their master; not illegal]Sekretärsunterschrift {f} [z. B. auf Autogrammkarten; rechtlich erlaubt]
pol. violent radical [someone who aims to achieve their political ends in radical ways, such as through violence or the destruction of property]Chaot {m}
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