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| just {adv} [exactly, at the moment or very recently, barely] | 3576 gerade [genau, genau jetzt bzw kürzlich, knapp] | |
| wanted {adj} {past-p} [e.g. by the police] | 2979 gesucht [z. B. von der Polizei] | |
| across {prep} [from one side to the other] | 2656 durch [+Akk.] [quer hindurch] | |
| across {prep} [from one side to the other] | 1865 über [+Akk.] [quer über, von einer Seite zur anderen] | |
| law legal {adj} [according to the law] | 1435 gesetzlich | |
| anat. visceral {adj} [of the internal organs] | 962 Eingeweide- | |
| once {adv} [at some time in the past] | 889 einst [geh.] [früher (einmal), vor langer Zeit] | |
| blindfold {adv} [Br.] [coll.] [e.g. hit the bullseye blindfold] | 825 blind [fig.: ohne Schwierigkeiten, z. B. blind ins Schwarze treffen] | |
| via {prep} [by way of, travelling through; by means of (e.g. via satellite), by the agency of (e.g. via a friend)] | 795 über [+Akk.] [einen Ort passierend (z. B. über München reisen); mittels, per (z. B. über Satellit), durch Vermittlung (z. B. über einen Freund)] | |
| issued {adj} {past-p} [the items issued, also: the issued items] | 770 veröffentlicht | |
| considering {pres-p} [the circumstances] | 565 entsprechend [den Umständen] | |
| sensible {adj} [perceptible by the senses] | 561 spürbar | |
| particular {adj} [out of the ordinary] | 556 ungewöhnlich | |
| med. sympathetic {adj} [e.g. the sympathetic nervous system] | 540 sympathisch [z. B. das sympathische Nervensystem] | |
| opportunist {adj} [attr.] [using the advantage of a situation] | 524 Gelegenheits- [eine Gelegenheit nutzend, ausnutzend, z. B. Gelegenheitsdieb] | |
| sore {adj} [painful to the touch, tender] | 504 empfindlich | |
| engaged {adj} {past-p} [employed the services of] | 502 eingeschaltet | |
| sensible {adj} [perceptible by the senses] | 498 wahrnehmbar | |
| Chug! [to empty the glass in one go] | 489 Ex! [das Glas mit einem Schluck leeren] | |
| by {prep} [e.g. by my side, by the fireside, by the sea] | 482 an [+Dat.] [z. B. an meiner Seite, am Kamin, am Meer] | |
| bot. zool. vulnerable {adj} <VU> [high risk of endangerment in the wild] | 451 gefährdet [Artenbestand] | |
| sharp {adj} [on the dot] [postpos.] | 429 pünktlich | |
| contemporary {adj} [occurring at the same time] | 411 gleichzeitig [zur gleichen Zeit, in derselben Epoche] | |
| ling. archaic {adj} [no longer in general use, but still found in some contemporary texts (e.g. the Bible) and generally understood; a stronger term than »dated«, but not as strong as »obsolete«] | 409 veraltet | |
| ancient {adj} [of the ancient world] | 402 klassisch [im bzw. aus dem Altertum] | |
| buff {adj} [coll.] [in the buff] | 386 nackt | |
| ultimately {adv} [in the end] | 368 schließlich | |
| across {prep} [on the other side] | 353 jenseits [+Gen.] | |
| buff {adj} [having the color of leather] | 351 lederfarben [gelbbraun] | |
| towards {prep} [in the direction of] | 350 gen [+Akk.] [veraltend] | |
| sensible {adj} [perceptible to the senses] | 347 sinnlich | |
| ulterior {adj} [coming in the future] | 342 entfernt [in ferner Zukunft] | |
| known {adj} [to the police] | 336 aktenkundig [polizeilich] | |
| mus. lyrically {adv} [referring to the text] | 336 textlich | |
| buff {adj} [having the color of leather] | 329 lederfarbig | |
| amber {adj} [attr.] [made of amber, related to the substance] | 323 Bernstein- | |
| trained {adj} {past-p} [with previous training in the field] | 304 vorgebildet | |
| nasal {adj} [relating to the nose] | 300 Nasen- | |
| sb. punched [with the fist] | 299 jd. schlug [mit der Faust] | |
| regardless {adv} [placed at the end: He did it regardless.] | 253 trotzdem [Er tat es trotzdem / doch / dennoch.] | |
| everybody {pron} [+verb in the singular] | 250 alle [+Verb im Plural] [jeder, jedermann] | |
| castle {adj} [attr.] [referring to a fortified castle, typically of the medieval period] | 240 Burg- | |
| cordial {adj} [invigorating (the heart), stimulating] | 237 belebend | |
| caught {adj} {past-p} [in the act] | 235 ertappt | |
| journ. RadioTV media {adj} [attr.] [concerning the mass media] | 233 medial [geh.] [die Massenmedien betreffend] | |
| gastr. cranberry {adj} [attr. adj. for food products made from the cultivated form of the American cranberry] | 222 Preiselbeer- [attr. Präfix für Nahrungsprodukte aus echten Preiselbeeren oder aus kultivierten Formen der Moosbeere = amerik. Kranbeere] | |
| yore {adv} [obs.] [in the past, long ago] | 215 vormals <vorm.> | |
| me {pron} [Br.] [coll.] [I] [e.g. John and me went to the cinema] | 209 ich | |
| FoodInd. pitted {adj} {past-p} [having the pits removed] | 178 entkernt | |
| obstructed {adj} {past-p} [through the construction of sth.] | 168 verbaut [durch den Bau von etw. versperrt] | |