Wörterbuch Englisch Deutsch: [that]

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Englisch Deutsch
econ. math. average function [function that computes the average]Durchschnittsfunktion {f} [Funktion, die den Durchschnitt ergibt]
barkless dog [dog that can't bark]Hund {m}, der nicht bellen kann
barkless dog [dog that doesn't bark]Hund {m}, der nicht bellt
Bielefeld Conspiracy [satirical conspiracy theory claiming that the city of Bielefeld doesn't exist]Bielefeldverschwörung {f}
law travel birth tourism [also: birth-tourism] [travelling to another country so that the child becomes a lawful citizen of that country]Geburtstourismus {m} [Reise in ein anderes Land, damit das Kind die dortige Staatsangehörigkeit erhält]
blood diamond [produced in a situation that risks lives]Blutdiamant {m} [Konfliktdiamant]
mus. body shape [e.g., that of a guitar]Korpusform {f} [z. B. die Gestalt einer Gitarre]
constr. mil. bridge layer [apparatus that lays a bridge]Brückenlegegerät {n}
comp. bridge router [brouter; network device that works as a bridge and as a router]BRouter / Brouter {m} [Netzwerkgerät, das die Funktionen eines Routers und einer Bridge vereint]
dent. buck tooth [an upper tooth that projects over the lower lip]Hasenzahn {m} [ugs.] [oft pej.]
comm. charm pricing [using pricing that ends in 9 and 99, e.g. $2.99]Setzen {n} krummer Preise [ugs.] [Preise, die mit 9 oder 99 Cent enden]
closed shop [fig.] [area of activity that is restricted to a particular small group]geschlossene Gesellschaft {f}
mus. common note [note that remains the same between two or more consecutive chords]gemeinsame Note {f}
med. pharm. compassionate use <CU> [term that is not generally used by the FDA]Compassionate Use {m} <CU>
comm. convenient price [price that is easy to transact]bequemer Preis {m}
gastr. cooking spray [e.g. cooking oil that can be sprayed on a pan]Kochspray {n} [seltener {m}]
philos. das Mystische [Wittgenstein: that which is mystical]das Mystische {n}
furn. day bed [couch or sofa that is convertible into a bed]Schlafsofa {n}
anat. audio ductus reuniens [a passage in the ear that connects the cochlea and the saccule]Ductus reuniens {m} [Gang zwischen dem Sacculus des Innenohres und dem Ductus cochlearis]
easy pickings {pl} [sometimes treated as sg.] [profits or gains that are made effortlessly or dishonestly]schnelles Geld {n} [ugs.]
publ. editio princeps [Latin: first printed edition of the work, that previously had existed only in manuscripts]Erstausgabe {f} <EA> [Editio princeps]
idiom law fishing expedition [an investigation that does not stick to a stated objective]Ermittlung {f} ins Blaue hinein
comm. foot post [postal delivery service that delivers on foot][Postdienst, der Post zu Fuß liefert]
transp. freight exchange [service that allows haulers to see haulage requests]Frachtbörse {f}
transp. freight exchange [service that allows haulers to see haulage requests]Frachtenbörse {f}
go-to [attr.] [coll.] [sth. that can always be relied on]eine Bank {f} für jdn./etw. [etw. worauf immer Verlass ist]
goatee (beard) [pointed beard like that of a goat]Geißbart {m} [Spitzbart]
graven stone [stone that has been boasted, scabbled, carved, hewn, etc.]behauener Stein {m}
hist. relig. Greek Church [Churches that use the Byzantine Rite]Griechische Kirche {f} [Orthodoxe Kirchen, Ostkirche]
psych. habit tic [any tic that is psychogenic in origin][Angewohnheit, die psychisch bedingt bzw. verursacht ist; ein Tick]
philos. relig. human being [in general, i.e. the being that humans possess]Menschsein {n}
impact evaluation [assesses the changes that can be attributed to a particular intervention]Wirkungsuntersuchung {f} [Untersuchung von langfristigen Wirkungen eines Programmes / einer Maßnahme]
acc. fin. investment securities [securities that are particularly suitable for long-term investment]Wertpapiere {pl} des Anlagevermögens [Anlagewerte]
hist. pol. Jewish Bolshevism [anti-Semitic belief that Bolshevism was of Jewish origin]jüdischer Bolschewismus {m} [antisemitischer Begriff, dem zufolge der Bolschewismus eine jüdische Erfindung ist]
sports lead goal [goal that puts a team ahead]Führungstor {n}
sports lead goal [goal that puts a team ahead]Führungstreffer {m} [Führungstor]
naut. leaving service [procedure that ends the service of a sailor]Abmusterung {f}
market. long tail [the large number of products that sell in small quantities]Long Tail {m} [Umsatz mit Nischenprodukten]
ling. mixed preposition [preposition that can take various cases]Wechselpräposition {f} [Mischpräposition]
comp. mobile malware [malware that targets mobile wireless devices]Handymalware {f}
comp. mobile malware [malware that targets mobile wireless devices]Handy-Schadprogramm {n} [Handymalware]
journ. pol. Muhammad cartoons [satirical cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad that sparked outrage around the Muslim world]Mohammed-Karikaturen {pl}
nose lines [facial lines or wrinkles that appear at the sides of the upper portion of the nose]Nasenrückenfalten {pl}
law Osman warning [Br.] [official warning issued to an individual by the police advising them that they are at serious risk of being killed][polizeiliche Warnung vor einem möglichen Mordanschlag]
market. pain point [problem of a customer, employee, etc. that motivates them to take action]Pain Point {m} [Problem von Kunden, Beschäftigten usw., das diese zum Handeln motiviert]
paper work {sg} [spv.] [paperwork] [routine work that involves writing letters, reports, etc.]Büroarbeiten {pl}
art passe-partout [a piece or plate usually of cardboard or wood that has its central portion cut out to show the picture]Passepartout {n} {m} [Bildumrahmung, z. B. für Zeichnungen, Fotos]
automot. pop-top [roof that opens]Aufstelldach {n}
comp. problem domain [area of expertise or application that needs to be examined to solve a problem]Anwendungsdomäne {f} [abgegrenztes Problemfeld]
mil. provost guard [esp. Am.] [a provost marshal plus a guard that attends him in his rounds][Militärpolizeitrupp im Wachdienst, bestehend aus einem Offizier (provost marshal) und einigen Mannschaften]
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