| English  | German |  |
 | ling. obsolete {adj} <obs.> [No longer in use, and no longer likely to be understood. Obsolete is a stronger term than archaic, and a much stronger term than dated.] | 2338 veraltet |  |
 | after {prep} [later in time than; next to and following in order or importance] | 1803 nach [+Dat.] <n.> [zeitlich; zur Angabe einer Reihenfolge oder Rangfolge] |  |
 | apparent {adj} [ostensible rather than actual] | 1018 anscheinend |  |
 | incurred {adj} {past-p} [losses etc.; more often in postpos. than not] | 918 erlitten [Verluste etc.] |  |
 | ling. archaic {adj} [no longer in general use, but still found in some contemporary texts (e.g. the Bible) and generally understood; a stronger term than »dated«, but not as strong as »obsolete«] | 411 veraltet |  |
 | apparent {adj} [ostensible rather than actual] | 330 scheinbar [ugs.] [anscheinend] |  |
 | alright {adj} {adv} [less formal than "all right"] | 132 akzeptabel |  |
 | otherwise {adj} [other than supposed] [postpos.] | 105 anders [nachgestellt] |  |
 | acad. med. preventative {adj} [attr.] [less frequent than: preventive] | 76 Vorsorge- |  |
 | roundly {adv} [less frequent than: approximately, about] | 54 rund <rd.> [ungefähr, etwa] |  |
 | widely {adv} [more than locally] | 30 überregional |  |
 | beyond {adv} [besides; other than] | 20 außer |  |
 | city {adj} [attr.] [relating to more than one city, e.g. comparison, excursion, network, planning, tour, trip] | 7 Städte- [z. B. Vergleich, Trip, Netz, Bau, Tour, Reise] |  |
 | promiseful {adj} [less common than promising] | 5 vielversprechend |  |
 | admin. law [adopted as law rather than as constitutional amendment] {adv} | auf Gesetzesstufe [Schweiz] |  |
 | quote [I belong rather to the "old iron" (literally: the scrap heap / here also: the good old stuff) than to the "new sheet iron" (here: the new piffle).] | Ich gehöre lieber zum alten Eisen als zum neuen Blech. [u. a. dem Schauspieler Max „Maxi“ Böhm zugeschrieben] |  |
 | proverb [Rather get an upset stomach than let anything go back to the innkeeper.] | Lieber den Magen verrenken, als dem Wirt etwas / was schenken. [auch: Lieber den Magen verrenkt, als dem Wirt was geschenkt.] |  |
 | abundant {adj} [more than enough] | mehr als genug |  |
 | alright {adj} {adv} [less formal than "all right"] | in Ordnung |  |
 | ample {adj} [more than enough, plentiful] | im Überfluss [nachgestellt] |  |
 | ample {adj} [more than enough, plentiful] | im Überfluss vorhanden |  |
 | beyond sth. {adv} [more than] | weiter als etw.Nom. |  |
 | admin. cantonal {adj} [concerning cantonal rather than federal personnel] | kantonseigen [Schweiz] |  |
 | either {adv} [any more than the other] | auch (nicht) |  |
 | limper {adj} [than] | schlaffer [als] |  |
 | longwise {adv} [less frequent than: lengthways] | der Länge nach |  |
 | mixed {adj} [made up of items of more than one kind] | gemischt [aus verschiedenen Bestandteilen bestehend] |  |
 | only {adv} [no more than] | gerade mal [ugs. für: gerade einmal] |  |
 | pluperfect {adj} [more than perfect] | exzeptionell [geh.] [überragend] |  |
 | save {prep} [formal or literary] [except, other than] | mit Ausnahme [+Gen.] [oder: mit Ausnahme von (+Dat.)] |  |
 | sth. reawakened sth. [e.g. the interest, the fear] [German less frequent than: sth. has/had reawakend sth.] | etw. erweckte etw.Akk. wieder [z. B. das Interesse, die Angst] [seltener als: etw. hat/hatte etw. wiedererweckt] |  |
 | woundless {adj} [less frequent than: unwounded] | unverletzt |  |
Verbs |
 | to prepone sth. [Ind.] [do something earlier than planned] | 347 etw. vorziehen [früher erledigen als geplant] |  |
 | to scheme [more than one person] [pej.] | 304 mauscheln [ugs.] [pej.] [oft antisemitisch] |  |
 | to arrive [at an indefinite time, often later than expected] | 112 eintrudeln [ugs.] |  |
 | to tank sth. [coll.] [do less well than one could have done] | 67 etw.Akk. vergeigen [ugs.] [verbocken, verpatzen] |  |
 | to outwear sth. [last longer than sth.] | 32 etw.Akk. überdauern |  |
 | to overcomplicate sth. [more than necessary] | 18 etw. verkomplizieren [mehr als notwendig] |  |
 | to outdraw sb. [pull out a gun faster than sb.] | 5 [seine Waffe schneller ziehen als jd.] |  |
 | comp. Internet to email [mutually and more than one] | sich E-Mails schreiben |  |
 | to outrun sb. [to run faster than sb.] | schneller laufen als jd. |  |
 | to shortchange sb. [give less than the correct amount of change] | jdm. zu wenig Wechselgeld herausgeben |  |
 | to undergrow [archaic] [chiefly in the participial adjective] [to grow less than usual size] | unterwachsen [veraltet] [meist im Partizip Perfekt] [auf weniger als die gewöhnliche Größe wachsen] |  |
 | to woggle (sth.) [less frequent than: wiggle, waggle] | (mit etw.Dat.) wackeln |  |
 | to woggle sth. [less frequent than: waggle] [e.g. move one's head repeatedly up and down] | etw.Akk. mehrmals auf und ab bewegen [Kopf, Finger] |  |
Nouns |
 | urban suburb [less urbanized than a Vorstadt] | 2132 Vorort {m} |  |
 | fur [fur with fewer than 400 hairs per square cm, e.g. on a dog, cat or deer] | 875 Fell {n} |  |
 | cloth. jeans [more than one pair] | 806 Jeans {pl} [mehrere Paare] |  |
 | cloth. slacks [more than one pair] | 792 Hosen {pl} [sportliche oder legere Hosen] |  |
 | cloth. breeches [more than one pair] | 302 Kniehosen {pl} |  |