Dictionary English German: [terminal]

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electr. math. series {adj} [attr.] [e.g. connection, convergence, formation, terminal]
Reihen- [z. B. Schaltung, Konvergenz, Bildung, Klemme]
pushback [moving an airplane from a passenger terminal to a runway or taxiway]
Pushback {m} [Zurückschieben eines Flugzeugs vom Terminal auf das Rollfeld]
med. terminal [Br.] [short] [terminal patient, terminally ill patient]präfinaler Patient {m}
telecom. terminal [terminal equipment]Endamt {n} <EA> [veraltete Vermittlungstechnik]
telecom. terminal [terminal equipment]Endvermittlungsstelle {f} <EVSt> [Endamt] [veraltete Vermittlungstechnik]
2 Words
anat. biol. axon terminal [bouton terminal]Axonterminale {f}
aviat. departure level [terminal story]Abflugebene {f}
anat. biol. end bulb [terminal bouton]Endknöpfchen {n} [an Neuronen]
electr. feed voltage [input terminal voltage]Speisespannung {f}
operating terminal [a terminal which operates some device, not necessarily a terminal currently in operation]Arbeitsterminal {n}
comm. POS terminal [short for: point of sale]POS-Terminal {m} [Online-Terminal zum bargeldlosen Bezahlen an einem Verkaufsort / Point-of-Sale]
anat. biol. synaptic bouton [bouton terminal]Synapsenknöpfchen {n}
biol. synaptic bouton [bouton terminal]präsynaptische Endigung {f}
anat. biol. synaptic bouton [bouton terminal]Synapsen-Endknöpfchen {n}
3 Words
anat. VetMed. cranial nerve zero <CN 0, CN0> [Nervus terminalis] [terminal nerve]Terminalisnerv {m} <0> [selten] [nullter Hirnnerv]
4 Words
engin. tech. liquefied natural gas terminalFlüssigerdgasterminal {n} [auch: Flüssigerdgas-Terminal]
engin. tech. liquified natural gas terminal [spv.]Flüssigerdgasterminal {n} [auch: Flüssigerdgas-Terminal]
transp. terminal to terminal costsHauptlaufkosten {pl}
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