| English | German | |
| ling. obsolete {adj} <obs.> [No longer in use, and no longer likely to be understood. Obsolete is a stronger term than archaic, and a much stronger term than dated.] | 2331 veraltet | |
| ling. archaic {adj} [no longer in general use, but still found in some contemporary texts (e.g. the Bible) and generally understood; a stronger term than »dated«, but not as strong as »obsolete«] | 408 veraltet | |
| secular {adj} [long term] | 184 langanhaltend | |
| then {adv} [intensifying term in questions like "Who / why then is ... ?"] | 165 denn [verstärkendes Wort in Fragen wie "Wer / Warum denn ist ... ?"] | |
| law valid {adj} [term of contract etc.] | 46 wirksam [Bestimmung usw.] | |
| prison {adj} [attr.] [e.g. conditions, sentence, term, depression] | 41 Haft- [Gefängnis-; z. B. Bedingungen, Strafe (Urteil), Zeit, Depression] | |
| inacceptable {adj} [criticized usage / term for unacceptable] | 19 unakzeptabel | |
| inacceptable {adj} [criticized usage / term for unacceptable] | 13 inakzeptabel | |
| sb. developes [criticized usage / term for sb. develops] | 12 jd. entwickelt | |
| hist. [Nazi term for Austrian] {adj} | ostmärkisch | |
| philat. spec. adapted {adj} {past-p} [special philatelic term] | aptiert <apt.> [fachspr., z. B. in der Philatelie bzw. veraltet] | |
| anat. med. anterior {adj} [anatomical term of location] | vorn gelegen [anterior] | |
| anat. med. anterior {adj} [anatomical term of location] | vorne gelegen [ugs.] [anterior] | |
| eastern {adj} [race term of nazism] | ostisch [Begriff der nationalsozialistischen Rasseideologie] | |
| eventually {adv} [in the long term] | auf lange Sicht [schließlich] | |
| anat. med. external {adj} [anatomical term of location] | externus [außen gelegen] | |
| anat. med. frontal {adj} [anatomical term of location] | stirnwärts gelegen [frontal] | |
| anat. med. frontally {adv} [anatomical term of location] | stirnwärts | |
| inacceptable {adj} [criticized usage / term for unacceptable] | nicht annehmbar | |
| inacceptable {adj} [criticized usage / term for unacceptable] | nicht hinnehmbar | |
| inacceptable {adj} [criticized usage / term for unacceptable] | nicht vertretbar | |
| inferior {adj} [anatomical term of location] | unten gelegen [inferior] | |
| anat. med. internal {adj} [anatomical term of location] | internus [innen gelegen] | |
| anat. med. median {adj} [anatomical term of location] | medianus [median] | |
| anat. med. median {adj} [anatomical term of location] | genau in der Mitte gelegen [medianus] | |
| anat. med. posterior {adj} [anatomical term of location] | hinten gelegen [posterior] | |
| anat. med. superior {adj} [anatomical term of location] | oben gelegen [superior] | |
| unhomogeneous {adj} [criticized usage / term for inhomogeneous] | ungleich [inhomogen] | |
| spec. unhomogeneous {adj} [criticized usage / term for inhomogeneous] | unhomogen [veraltet] [inhomogen, nicht homogen] | |
Verbs |
| to expire [licence, term, agreement etc.] | 3450 auslaufen [Lizenz, Amtszeit, Abkommen etc.] | |
| comp. photo. to blur [term based on Photoshop terminology] | 125 weichzeichnen [Bildschärfe reduzieren, Konturen verwischen] | |
| comp. to schedule [SAP term] | 73 einplanen [SAP-Terminus, Modul BS-DS] | |
| to adopt sth. [expression, term, idea etc.] | 20 etw.Akk. übernehmen [Ausdruck, Terminologie, Idee etc.] | |
| comp. to dispatch [SAP term] | 19 einplanen [SAP-Terminus, Modul RM-PPS] | |
| comm. comp. tech. to transfer sb./sth. [also SAP term] | 9 jdn./etw. umlagern [auch SAP-Begriff] | |
| comp. to dispatch [SAP term] | 8 einlasten [SAP-Terminus, Modul PP] | |
| sports to dive [football term] | sich fallen lassen [eine Schwalbe machen] | |
Nouns |
| bugger [esp. Br.] [sl.] [term of abuse] | 817 Arschloch {n} [vulg.] [Schimpfwort] | |
| biro [Br.] [often used as a generic term for any ballpoint pen] [Biro™] | 788 Kugelschreiber {m} | |
| cashpoint [Br.] [generic term] [Cashpoint®] | 356 Geldautomat {m} | |
| clarification [of a term, an issue etc.] | 331 Klärung {f} [einer Frage, eines Begriffs etc.] | |
| bitch [coll.] [sometimes used as a generalized term of abuse] | 310 Schlampe {f} [ugs.] [pej.] | |
| weapons mace [often used as a generic term for any self-defense spray] [Mace®] | 241 Pfefferspray {m} {n} | |
| inspection [also QM term] | 202 Prüfung {f} [auch QM-Begriff] | |
| jacuzzi [used as a generic term for Jacuzzi®] | 197 Whirlpool {m} [Unterwassermassagebecken] | |
| faggot [Am.] [coll.] [often pej., but also used within the gay community as a positive term of self-reference] [male homosexual] | 148 Schwuler {m} [ugs.] [zuweilen noch pej., jedoch heute meist wertfrei und auch als Eigenbezeichnung] | |
| zool. bunny [coll.] [child's term for a rabbit] | 137 Hase {m} | |
| gastr. spam [generic term for spiced pork and ham] [SPAM®] | 96 Dosenfleisch {n} | |
| biro [Br.] [often used as a generic term for any ballpoint pen] [Biro™] | 95 Kuli {m} [ugs.] [Kugelschreiber] | |
| law term [prison term] | 86 Freiheitsstrafe {f} | |