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 | archaeo. art material fictile {adj} [technical usage] [made of clay by a potter] [e.g. vase] | 11 Ton- [z. B. Vase] |  |
 | fictile {adj} [technical usage] [made of clay by a potter] | 7 getöpfert |  |
Verbs |
 | tech. to brick sth. [technical jargon] [render an electronic device permanently unusable (turn it into a "brick")] | 14 etw. bricken [Technik-Jargon] [ein elektronisches Gerät dauerhaft unbenutzbar machen] |  |
Nouns |
 | ling. jargon [technical terminology] | 899 Fachsprache {f} |  |
 | agr. bot. T | 506 |  |
 | gobbledygook [coll.] [technical jargon] | 121 Fachchinesisch {n} [ugs.] |  |
 | ling. verbiage [technical] | 93 Fachsprache {f} |  |
 | ling. term [technical, specialist] | 68 Fachausdruck {m} |  |
 | phys. surge [technical term for jolt or lurch] | 55 Ruck {m} |  |
 | tech. acerbity [taste] [in the technical register] | 34 Bitterkeit {f} |  |
 | technicality [technical expression] | 22 Fachausdruck {m} |  |
 | med. foeticide [Br.] [non-technical] | 10 Fötusmord {m} |  |
 | agr. maize [esp. Br. or technical usage] [Zea mays] | 5 Kukuruz {m} [regional, bes. österr.] [Mais] |  |
 | educ. [Austrian secondary school with a technical or engineering focus] | Höhere Technische Lehranstalt {f} <HTL> [österr.] [schweiz. veraltet] |  |
 | [entrance qualification for a technical college] | Berufsfachschulreife {f} |  |
 | [entrance qualification for a technical college] | Fachschulreife {f} |  |
 | educ. [federal higher technical institute] | Höhere Technische Bundeslehranstalt {f} [österr.] |  |
 | admin. tech. [technical standards in the former GDR, 1955-1990] | Technische Normen, Gütevorschriften und Lieferbedingungen <TGL> [DDR] |  |
 | ASTMS [Association of Scientific, Technical and Managerial Staffs] | [Gewerkschaft der Wissenschaftler, Techniker und leitenden Angestellten] |  |
 | ind. jobs drafter [technical drawer] | technischer Zeichner {m} |  |
 | draughting [Br.] [technical drawing] | technisches Zeichnen {n} |  |
 | agr. bot. maize [esp. Br. or technical usage] [Zea mays] | Welschkorn {n} [veraltet od. regional] [Mais] |  |
 | med. MedTech. perfusor [technical term for: syringe driver, syringe pump] [Perfusor®] | Perfusor {m} [fachsprachlich für: Spritzenpumpe] [Perfusor®] |  |
 | technicality [technical distinction] | technisches Detail {n} |  |
 | technicality [technical point] | technische Frage {f} |  |
 | technicality [technical quality] | technischer Charakter {m} |  |
 | film geogr. neol. Wellywood [coll. and technical for: city of Wellington, New Zealand] | Wellywood {n} [ugs. und fachsprachlich für: Wellington, Neuseeland] |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | ling. technically speaking {adv} [in technical language] | fachsprachlich |  |
 | TÜV-certified {adj} [TÜV - German Association for Technical Inspection] | TÜV-zertifiziert |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | print tech. corrugated medium [technical term; e.g. in packaging] | Wellenpapier {n} [fachspr.] [DIN 6730] |  |
 | comp. database support [e.g. technical support] | Datenbankbetreuung {f} |  |
 | emergency number [for technical help] | Hotline {f} |  |
 | engin. tech. engineering principles [technical principles] | technische Prinzipien {pl} |  |
 | tech. explosion graphic [technical drawing] | Explosionsgrafik {f} |  |
 | tech. fluted board [fluted corrugated sheet] [technical term; e.g. in packaging] | Wellpapier {n} [fachspr.] [DIN 6730] |  |
 | tech. large part [large technical component] | Großteil {n} [große technische Komponente] |  |
 | practical guide [technical] | Handlungshilfe {f} [technischer Art] |  |
 | acad. professional event [technical, business, etc., but not sports-related] | Fachveranstaltung {f} |  |
 | educ. project work [technical school] | Technikerarbeit {f} |  |
 | electr. tech. protective class [classification system marking the risks of handling technical equipment] | Schutzklasse {f} |  |
 | hist. mil. SS-Oberscharführer [technical sergeant of the SS] | SS-Oberscharführer {m} |  |
 | tech support [short for: technical support] | technische Unterstützung {f} |  |
 | MedTech. QM technical file <TF> | technische Dokumentation {f} [auch Technical File {n}] |  |
 | technical matter [technical issue] | technische Frage {f} |  |
 | mining vertical section [technical drawing] | Seigerriss {m} |  |
3 Words: Nouns |
 | mil. Bundeswehr Technical Center [technical center of the German armed forces] | Wehrtechnische Dienststelle {f} <WTD> [Bundeswehr] |  |
 | telecom. emergency telephone number [for technical help] | Hotlinenummer {f} |  |
 | orn. flock of crows ["murder of crows" is the technical term] | Schwarm {m} (von) Krähen |  |
 | rules of art [technical or professional rules] | Kunstregeln {pl} |  |
 | automot. rail tech. set of wheels [technical meaning only] | Radsatz {m} |  |
 | ling. term of art [technical term] | Kunstausdruck {m} [Fachausdruck] |  |
4 Words: Nouns |
 | econ. central experience exchange group [German technical organization] | zentraler Erfahrungsaustauschkreis {m} <ZEK> |  |
5+ Words: Others |
 | idiom tech. Subject to change without prior notice. [technical product information, technical data] | Technische Änderungen vorbehalten. |  |
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi) |
 | agr. bot. EU T | |  |