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|  |
 | disjointed {adj} [team] | 39 uneinig |  |
 | sports home {adj} [attr.] [team] | gastgebend [Mannschaft] |  |
Verbs |
 | to assemble sth. [e.g. a team] | 3381 etw. zusammenstellen |  |
 | to resign [from a position in a team, organisation] | 580 ausscheiden [zurücktreten] |  |
 | sports to manage [a team] | 24 trainieren [eine Mannschaft] |  |
 | sports to cover sth. [place of a team-mate in football / soccer] | 14 etw. absichern [Position eines vorgerückten Spielers im Fußball] |  |
 | sports to remould [fig.] [team] | 11 ummodeln [ugs.] |  |
 | sports to mark sb. [esp. Br.] [stay close to a player of the opposite team] | 9 jdn. decken |  |
 | Internet to swat sb. [to call a SWAT team to sb.'s house, usually unsolicitedly] | 6 jdn. swatten [ugs.] |  |
 | pol. sports to field sb./sth. [a player, a team; a candidate] | jdn./etw. ins Rennen schicken [einen Spieler, eine Mannschaft; einen Kandidaten] |  |
Nouns |
 | outfit [coll.] | 269 Truppe {f} [ugs.] [Team, Ensemble, Mannschaft etc.] |  |
 | sports varsity [esp. Am.] [sports team] | 199 Unimannschaft {f} [ugs.] |  |
 | sports varsity [Am.] [sports team] | 125 Schulauswahl {f} |  |
 | sports manager [of football team] | 85 Trainer {m} |  |
 | side [team] | 67 Mannschaft {f} |  |
 | side [team] | 43 Team {n} |  |
 | sports varsity [Am.] [sports team] | 42 Uniauswahl {f} |  |
 | sports offense [Am.] [team games] | 30 Angriff {m} [Mannschaftsspiele] |  |
 | agr. teamster [driver of a team of draught animals] | 28 Fuhrmann {m} |  |
 | pol. sports dogsbody [coll.] [of a particular person or team] | 17 Wasserträger {m} [fig.] [Zuarbeiter] |  |
 | sports rink [curling team] | 12 Curlingteam {n} |  |
 | sports manager [female] [of football team] | 11 Trainerin {f} |  |
 | journ. commentariat {sg} | 8 Kommentatoren {pl} [einer Redaktion; das Team, die Gruppe] |  |
 | sports offense [Am.] [person or team] | 8 Angreifer {m} [Person oder Mannschaft] |  |
 | pol. campaign [team] | 6 Wahlkampfteam {f} |  |
 | jobs RadioTV presenters {pl} [team] | 6 Moderatorenteam {n} |  |
 | sports ["the Billy Goats": nickname of the football team of the 1. FC Köln / Cologne, Germany] | die Geißböcke {pl} [Spitzname für die Mannschaft des 1. FC Köln] |  |
 | sports ["the Kleeblätter" (cloverleaves): nickname of the German soccer / football team of the Spielvereinigiung / SpVgg Greuther Fürth, Bavaria] | die Kleeblätter {pl} [Spitzname für die Mannschaft der Spielvereinigung / SpVgg Greuther Fürth] |  |
 | sports [ball sport requiring successful return of the ball to the opposing player or team] [e.g. tennis, badminton] | Rückschlagspiel {n} [z. B. Tennis, Badminton] |  |
 | journ. [building housing the editorial team of a paper] | Redaktionsgebäude {n} |  |
 | sports [football / soccer team of a club's own home-grown players, or esp. young players] | Fohlenelf {f} [ugs.] |  |
 | sports [German nickname for Argentina's national football team] | die Gauchos {pl} [ugs.] [auch pej.] [Spitzname für die Spieler der argentinischen Fußballnationalmannschaft] |  |
 | sports [German soccer national team] | DFB-Elf {f} |  |
 | [male associated with a team or a students' fraternity bearing "Borussia" in its name; e.g. common for members of the football teams "Borussia Mönchengladbach" and "Borussia Dortmund"] | Borusse {m} |  |
 | sports [nickname of the Swiss national soccer team] | Nati {f} [ugs.] [schweiz. für: Schweizer Fußballnationalmannschaft] |  |
 | sports [player transfer for the sake of weakening a rival team] | Schwächungskauf {m} |  |
 | sports [small, unimportant club / team] | Pamperlverein {m} [bayer.] |  |
 | econ. QM tech. champion | (offizieller) Pate {m} [offiziell ernannt z. B. für ein Team] |  |
 | disjointedness [of team] | Uneinigkeit {f} |  |
 | sports Matildas [Aus.] [nickname for the Australia women's national soccer team] | Matildas {pl} [Spitzname für die australische Fußballnationalmannschaft der Frauen] |  |
 | sports Oranje [nickname for the Netherlands national football team] | Oranje-Team {n} |  |
 | sports Socceroos {pl} [Aus.] [nickname for the Australia men's national soccer team] | Socceoss {pl} [Spitzname für die australische Fußballnationalmannschaft der Männer] |  |
 | sports tchoukball [indoor team sport] | Tchoukball {m} [Sportart] |  |
 | teamer [member of a team] | Teammitglied {n} |  |
 | sports teamwork [combined action by a group of players from the same team] | Kollektivspiel {n} [Zusammenspiel] |  |
 | sports the Matildas {pl} [Aus.] [coll.] [Australia women's national football team] | [Spitzname der australischen Frauenfußball-Nationalmannschaft] |  |
 | sports Tillies [Aus.] [shortened nickname for Matildas] [Australia women's national soccer team] | Tillies {pl} [kurz für den Spitznamen Matildas der australischen Fußballnationalmannschaft der Frauen] |  |
 | sports Wallabies [esp. Australian rugby team] | Australier {pl} |  |
 | Windies [hum.] [esp. West Indies cricket team] | Westindien {n} |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | banged up {adj} {past-p} [team] [Am.] | angeschlagen [in Moral/Ansehen] [Mannschaft] |  |